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My Sooty just been taken to vets.


Back leg swollen like a balloon, he had a slight limp yesterday, but was well. He isn't now, got temperature, and I've just had to leave him in there for op.


I got a bit upset at leaving him.


My fav cat, he is so gentle and loving , always snuggled around me for hugs 


Gutted to leave him. Its his fourth Birthday as well. 









Images (1)
  • Sooty Beauty

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Baz:

Oh no Ev  Did they say what was the matter?


Could be an abscess that has led to infection, which can be dangerous, so pleased i got him there quick! The first vet who the secretary was very haughty told me it was probably a bee or wasp sting  (over the phone!) and to phone back tomorrow if he wasn't any better.


I wasn't happy with him, i know him so well and i knew he wasn't right.... my sense was correct, took him straight to pdsa.

He has high temp, and infection, possibly abscess, could have done it by a number of means they say. Its very common for cats too get limps and them be ok. If its an abscess they have to be treated fairly quickly. 


They have had to knock him out to see to it ... i was probably just hoping it was a bloody bee sing. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Baz:

Oh no Ev  Did they say what was the matter?


Could be an abscess that has led to infection, which can be dangerous, so pleased i got him there quick! The first vet who the secretary was very haughty told me it was probably a bee or wasp sting  (over the phone!) and to phone back tomorrow if he wasn't any better.


I wasn't happy with him, i know him so well and i knew he wasn't right.... my sense was correct, took him straight to pdsa.

He has high temp, and infection, possibly abscess, could have done it by a number of means they say. Its very common for cats too get limps and them be ok. If its an abscess they have to be treated fairly quickly. 


They have had to knock him out to see to it ... i was probably just hoping it was a bloody bee sing. 

Awwww I think our old cat had one of those too.....  anyway, good job you trusted your instincts Ev.... and I am sure the vet will sort  it out, and  Sooty will be home again before you know it..... and you can spoil him rotten

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Baz:



They have had to knock him out to see to it ... i was probably just hoping it was a bloody bee sing. 

Awwww I think our old cat had one of those too.....  anyway, good job you trusted your instincts Ev.... and I am sure the vet will sort  it out, and  Sooty will be home again before you know it..... and you can spoil him rotten

Aww, i'm keeping busy, mutitasking unlimited  


Concentration out the window though 


*cat on hot bricks mode*

Ev (Peachy)

not a great buffdee for him


thank gawd you didnt listen to the vet receptionist- do you know, they really annoy me, they are bad as (some) doctors receptionists


when I found a lump on barney and took him in to the vet to have it removed, the receptionist/nurse told me not to "hold out too much hope", as you can imagine I was devastasted , later on when the vet telephoned me, after the op, he said all went well and he would make a full recovery, thankfully he did


i did later mention what the vet receptionist had said, he was not pleased and said more often than not, these things are just fatty tissue, hope he told HER, so she didnt put other owners through the same


well done you and good luck to the birthday boy for a full recovery


Awww best wishes for poorly kitty

When our dog was ill it was like our child was ill


To cheer you up . . .

A man took his dog to the vet - vet looked over the dog and sed he was in full health but the man sed he wanted a second opinion.

So the vet brought in a cat and the cat walked around the dog, nodded its head and walked out.

The vet sed the dog was fine and that wud be 500quid.

Why was it soooo expensive for a consultation asked the man.

The vet sed a cat scan was very expensive

Originally Posted by barney:

not a great buffdee for him


thank gawd you didnt listen to the vet receptionist- do you know, they really annoy me, they are bad as (some) doctors receptionists


when I found a lump on barney and took him in to the vet to have it removed, the receptionist/nurse told me not to "hold out too much hope", as you can imagine I was devastasted , later on when the vet telephoned me, after the op, he said all went well and he would make a full recovery, thankfully he did


i did later mention what the vet receptionist had said, he was not pleased and said more often than not, these things are just fatty tissue, hope he told HER, so she didnt put other owners through the same


well done you and good luck to the birthday boy for a full recovery

Aww he is tucking into some catty  birthday treats he loves

Won't lie down though, and still wobbly. 

That receptionist sounded just as bad as the one i got!  Some of them are very off hand. I had phoned the number on my pdsa pack, and i had not realized they had changed address. She said to me your not registered  with us !  in a haughty manner and then retorted -I thought you said you knew where you were going and the phone number!! I said I've just phoned the number on my registration pack and if its a different number and address now can you let me know. --- " I thought you would have had it.. she said so sarcastically ". I told her I was sorry I was bothering her about the correct number and asked her if she knew anything about customer care! Because she needs a crash course! 



Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Fingers crossed for Sooty Ev   

 It worked. 




Originally Posted by Renton:

Awww best wishes for poorly kitty

When our dog was ill it was like our child was ill


To cheer you up . . .

A man took his dog to the vet - vet looked over the dog and sed he was in full health but the man sed he wanted a second opinion.

So the vet brought in a cat and the cat walked around the dog, nodded its head and walked out.

The vet sed the dog was fine and that wud be 500quid.

Why was it soooo expensive for a consultation asked the man.

The vet sed a cat scan was very expensive




Thank you, made me smile lol 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by barney:

awwww Ev  


I know how worrying it is for you, I hope Sooty is soon back where he belongs, giving you cuddles


he is a beauty

He is home! 


Came round from anesthetic fine  

He isn't wanting any cuddles at the moment though 


Thank you Barney, and to Slinki, Pengy, and Scotty xxx 



That's because he hasn't realised yet that you helped him 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by barney:

awwww Ev  


I know how worrying it is for you, I hope Sooty is soon back where he belongs, giving you cuddles


he is a beauty

He is home! 


Came round from anesthetic fine  

He isn't wanting any cuddles at the moment though 


Thank you Barney, and to Slinki, Pengy, and Scotty xxx 



That's because he hasn't realised yet that you helped him 

Thanks for text Pam, just read it a few minutes back 



No, he is only bothered about eating and drinking, he went straight to his food. 


It was an abscess, and had caused inflammation and bad infection, so they have lanced it, got rid of most of the poison,  given him injections, and painkillers, and he is still wondering around with the wobbles, Mr Woozy head what he is. 


He has part of his back leg and front leg shaved lol





Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by barney:

awwww Ev  


I know how worrying it is for you, I hope Sooty is soon back where he belongs, giving you cuddles


he is a beauty

He is home! 


Came round from anesthetic fine  

He isn't wanting any cuddles at the moment though 


Thank you Barney, and to Slinki, Pengy, and Scotty xxx 



That's because he hasn't realised yet that you helped him 

Thanks for text Pam, just read it a few minutes back 



No, he is only bothered about eating and drinking, he went straight to his food. 


It was an abscess, and had caused inflammation and bad infection, so they have lanced it, got rid of most of the poison,  given him injections, and painkillers, and he is still wondering around with the wobbles, Mr Woozy head what he is. 


He has part of his back leg and front leg shaved lol






  That's when you know they're getting back to normality 

Originally Posted by stonks:

Awww glad he's home and on the mend Pea..nasty things those abcesses but they are quick to heal once the vets got at it....


Just going to chill with feet up now, what a day  



Originally Posted by Baz:

Glad Sooty is home again Ev.... give him a cuddle from me

I will do Baz, when i can get him to settle.    I'm not letting him in the garden for a couple of days until he is with me, and he is looking at every door wistfully. 

Ev (Peachy)

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