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Katty what a lovely video I have not been to a zoo for years probably 25 years and that was at Bristol Zoo I hated it some of the animals were behind bars with very little space to move around,I have been told that it has all changed now from those bad old days,I am going to go to Monkey World this year I love the program and how they rescue apes and give them good lives they have been treated very badly by humans,I look forward to seeing them in the flesh instead of seeing them on my telly screen
a penguin bit me when I was little. .

mind you I probably deserved it.. I have a habit of trying to 'pet' animals and sticking my hands where they have no business going..

a baby elephant slapped me really hard across my wrist with it's trunk too... it hurt for weeks after..

I lurve animals. .they don't seem too keen on me tho :
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Katty what a lovely video I have not been to a zoo for years probably 25 years and that was at Bristol Zoo I hated it some of the animals were behind bars with very little space to move around,I have been told that it has all changed now from those bad old days,I am going to go to Monkey World this year I love the program and how they rescue apes and give them good lives they have been treated very badly by humans,I look forward to seeing them in the flesh instead of seeing them on my telly screen

Marge, I've been there in person. It truly is a marvelous place.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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