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Can you remember when BBC2 showed them live on the tellybox. You might, like me, have taken time off work to watch the Labour one. Totally unpredictable, spontaneous and exciting. Even if you weren't interested in politics there were always fashion ideas and hairstyles.


This year I have no idea what was said or who said it. By any party. Absolute carp and as scripted as the X Factor. That goes for you too Ed Milliband, and your brothers David and Steve.

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Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Avalon:

I always liked joining in with a rousing chorus of 'The Red Flag' at the closing of the Labour Party one.

I thought Tony had banned it for a while.  Mind you, it's a bit farcical that the Labour party still sings it. 

Labour's flag is deepest pink.. it's not as red as you might think 


Miliband did quite well last week without being particularly inspiring.  I think he has the right idea in moving the Labour position along from just arguing over who can run Thatcherism better. 


Certainly the Tories have all the stale Thatcherite prescriptions of the 80s to retread.  Thirteen years of opposition and we're back to indifference over unemployment, tax cuts for the rich and cutting worker rights under the usual spurious self serving clap trap of creating a dynamic labour market.


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Jeezuz Carnelian...I don't get it.


Both playing each other off for the middle ground.


Hate Labour.


Hate The Tories.


And I'm no liberal 

I know what you're saying.  Miliband has a mountain to climb, because as you say, when they were in power, they were Tory-lite, in love with the bankers even more than the Tories. 


Things could be worse, they could have elected David Miliband as their leader but what would be the point of that?  Labour doesn't need another Tony Blair, IMO.  If Miliband fails then so be it.  But if he manages to pull Labour away from centre right, he will have at least achieved something. 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Avalon:

I always liked joining in with a rousing chorus of 'The Red Flag' at the closing of the Labour Party one.

I thought Tony had banned it for a while.  Mind you, it's a bit farcical that the Labour party still sings it. 

Yes, I expect he did ban it, along with all references to Socialism (or the 'S' word as he probably preferred to call it)


I haven't watched the Labour conference in a few years now.  I still miss the days of Michael Foot; Tony Benn etc

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Though to be fair Ed did move slightly back towards the left.

However I heard Galloway making mincemeat outta some Adam Smith institute guy on the radio today. Brilliant, yet probably last of a generation.

Ed did make an effort and to add new ideas to the stale Thatcherite orthodoxy. I like some of the things he's saying, although he's not saying very much and 'Blue Labour' should be binned.  There's a long way to go because that Thatcherite thinking is so entrenched that it's almost heresy to suggest anything different, even though Thatcherism has screwed this country.  Ed needs to get out and push his ideas a bit more and formulate a strategy that will make people give a damn if Labour are elected again.  Being slightly better Thatcherites  than this rubbish class wafareing rabble is not going to lead them back into power IMO.


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