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In this world of PC gone mad, it's important to strike a balance - I find it interesting that he's 38 .....wonder if they'd have done the same if he'd been 28 and scoring goals every week. I think it was a "lads" joke and while not in the best of taste I think sacking is an overreaction and publicity seeking.  Some form of disciplinary action would have been more appropriate imo

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

In this world of PC gone mad, it's important to strike a balance - I find it interesting that he's 38 .....wonder if they'd have done the same if he'd been 28 and scoring goals every week. I think it was a "lads" joke and while not in the best of taste I think sacking is an overreaction and publicity seeking.  Some form of disciplinary action would have been more appropriate imo

Well who knows?  But what irks me is how *some* bigoted homophobes seem to assume that every gay person (who is the same gender as them,) is going to fancy them.  Why the feck would he need to 'padlock his arse?'     

It was a stupid ignorant bigoted comment, and not a 'joke' IMO, .... Too many of these kind of comments are passed over as 'lads jokes' by people who are not affected by bigotry, and prejudice....  Like those two dinosaurs (andy wotsit and that other guy) who made the sexist comments about that female ref... THAT was 'only a lads joke too...  

Too many people spout offensive comments and don't think of any hurt they may cause, and pass them over as 'jokes,' and say that people need to stop being so sensitive and need to 'get a sense of humour.,'  if they are offended.  Was it the right thing to do to sack him though?  No, a bollocking would have done. IMO.

So I agree in part with your post hooch.  But not all of it.  Each to their own though

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

In this world of PC gone mad, it's important to strike a balance - I find it interesting that he's 38 .....wonder if they'd have done the same if he'd been 28 and scoring goals every week. I think it was a "lads" joke and while not in the best of taste I think sacking is an overreaction and publicity seeking.  Some form of disciplinary action would have been more appropriate imo

*Agrees with Hoochie on all parts of the post but  partic the bolded*  


People do say stupid, stupid things .........happens all the time on here 


However, if you're in the public eye you do need to be very careful ........he may well have been joking but in this very PC age there is always someone who'll take offence on someone else's behalf!


Always best to be a miserable fecker - no sense of humour - keep your mouth tightly zipped when in public - TBH even at private functions you could be nabbed. Everyone has differences of opinion and very different senses of humour - I find it a bit sad TBH that people have to watch what they say 24/7 -.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

People do say stupid, stupid things .........happens all the time on here 


However, if you're in the public eye you do need to be very careful ........he may well have been joking but in this very PC age there is always someone who'll take offence on someone else's behalf!


Always best to be a miserable fecker - no sense of humour - keep your mouth tightly zipped when in public - TBH even at private functions you could be nabbed. Everyone has differences of opinion and very different senses of humour - I find it a bit sad TBH that people have to watch what they say 24/7 -.

*Sticks hand up and shouts.....GUILTY* 


However I know what you mean  

Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

In this world of PC gone mad, it's important to strike a balance - I find it interesting that he's 38 .....wonder if they'd have done the same if he'd been 28 and scoring goals every week. I think it was a "lads" joke and while not in the best of taste I think sacking is an overreaction and publicity seeking.  Some form of disciplinary action would have been more appropriate imo

Difficult to say as at Oxford City's level, players may well be 38 and banging goals in every week.  Oxford City are only a small semi-professional (if that) club. 


Seems a bit much to trash the bloke's name in the national press when he's playing in a tinpot club at the end of his career. 


He's no 'role model', most people won't even know of the existence of Oxford City FC.


Strikes me that disciplinary action isn't working with a lot of things like the racism and homophobia so maybe sacking someone will show others that these 'jokes' are not on any more. .time to teach people to leave that sort of thing out of their 'I'm joking' vocabulary. .you have to start somewhere and other action is not working so getting tougher has to be the way to go I reckon ..the more the punishments are publicised the more younger people who speak in such ways may stop and think before opening their gobs. .won't work overnight but we have to start re-educating somewhere and showing proper severe consequences  ..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Strikes me that disciplinary action isn't working with a lot of things like the racism and homophobia so maybe sacking someone will show others that these 'jokes' are not on any more. .time to teach people to leave that sort of thing out of their 'I'm joking' vocabulary. .you have to start somewhere and other action is not working so getting tougher has to be the way to go I reckon ..the more the punishments are publicised the more younger people who speak in such ways may stop and think before opening their gobs. .won't work overnight but we have to start re-educating somewhere and showing proper severe consequences  ..

  Well said.  As I said, I get a bit sick of people being rude and offensive, and saying they are 'only joking' to mask their rudeness and offensive remarks.  If something - ANYthing -  upsets people, then it is offensive and should be addressed.  I am sick to death of people making shitty remarks and then making out people have no sense of humour and need to 'get a life' if they're offended.  Never mind people 'not being allowed to say anything' (according to some,) people are not allowed to say they are offended or that the remarks are unacceptable either, without being accused of 'jumping on the bandwagon.'


I agree that it's getting a bit annoying how people *sometimes* jump on bandwagons (like 1000s of people complaining about Russell Brand and Wossy making a crude remark to Andrew Sachs granddaughter,) but by the same token, I think when a group of people (gay or black or whatever) are insulted, you don't have to be in that group to find it offensive.  And so what if people are offended on 'other peoples' behalf?'  There would never have been anything done to try and put a stop to racism and bigotry if it was only the people it was aimed at who were allowed to be offended by the comments.  


For example, you don't have to be gay to be offended by those crass and uncalled-for remarks towards Gareth.  Like I said, why the hell would this muppet need to 'padlock his arse?'  Just assuming that Gareth would be interested in him/attracted to him shows what a narcissistic wanker he is.  But of course, he was 'only joking...'


So maybe you're right Olly, that people DO need to be sacked to show that these kind of remarks are no longer acceptable in today's society.  We've moved on...  thankfully, and remarks like that are out of order.

I had assumed that it was common knowledge about the four blokes from Derby. The same day as this story broke t'Grauniad printed a story about people leafletting/canvassing for the execution of gay people. These right wing groups strike me as being a bigger threat than a two bit footballer. Though to be fair at least they are being prosecuted. I was trying to be ironic-major fail! Mebbees the other papers didn't publish the article. Mebbees it's not true!
Garage Joe

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