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Good Moning Darling,

I'm so sorry you're feeling blue today. I'm absolute rubbish at giving advice but could you call someone and have a little chat to perhaps ease your worries.For what its worth and just from knowing you here on the forum, you are in no chance of loosing your friends, you're a really lovely person. I don't mean any of this to sound twee or patronizing but I like you very much and I hate to think of you being so sad. Chicken, sending you a big hug and kiss
The important thing is, you know these moods are NOT the reality of the situation, just your brain playing tricks on you. It might sound improbable, but it does become easier to handle by learning to recognise these moods when they appear, and knowing you can get through them.
Don't bottle it up, either with your friends or with us. And keep in touch with your doc, and let him/her know when you're having a low point. They're there to help!
Reference: CCM
I just can't see these feelings going away
A professional will help Chicken. Pick up the phone right now and make an appointment to see your GP

A friend of mine lived with dark thoughts for years, she finally went to her GP, saw a counsellor and started to feel better almost immediately. I'm not saying you will be skipping out of the doctors surgery - but just starting the process of feeling better will make you, well, ... feel better

Like Deman said your brain is playing tricks on you and more importantly you are recognising when these bouts are starting to happen. Please keep in touch with your GP and the best step forward is getting all the help to overcome the swings. 
Most of us have had to deal with or have someone close to us who has had to with this, you're not alone and I promise you with the right advice you will feel loads better and a weight lifted from your shoulders. 
There is light at the end of the tunnel Chicken, and believe me most of us here understand how you must feel.
Good morning Chicken,

I am sorry to hear you are feeling down again, as the other lovely posters have said, go back to your GP, let them know how you are feeling.

The advantage you have, is that you recognise quickly when you are not feeling right. I am so glad that you feel secure enough to also tell us how you are feeling, it takes a lot of courage and guts to bare your soul in this way, and for that I have so much respect for you.

I really hope that you will feel better and stronger, and above all, I hope you keep in touch with us on here so that we know you are safe and ok, I know I am not alone when I say, that you are highly thought of, and dearly loved on this Forum.

Take care sweetheart, and get well soon. xx Senora
Senora Reyes
Thats the problem Rexi , I dont think I do deserve that

Chicken everyone deserves to feel better about themselves, please go to your GP, I cannot stress enough the importance of this. However hard it seems believe me it's worth in a million fold to get rid of the feelings you are having, not many weeks ago someone really close to me was feeling exactly like you.
6 weeks on and you would not believe the difference in that person, it's a simple step to make but I promise it would make a huge difference in your life.

I don't know your passed history or if anything as happened to you for you to get these 'low moments' of yours but, probably, without knowing it you are making progress. You obviously want people to know and feel comfortable telling us on here which is a step forward.

You can give yourself two choices, follow the advice of others and go to a professional counsellor OR tell yourself "You know what!? Bad shit happens to good people and we all have to deal with it in our own way, I'm not gonna let this thing consume my life any longer"

The GP will listen to you, they may ask you if you would like to be referred to a counsellor, if they do, Chicken, say yes. My sister lost her husband in tragic circumastances two years ago, I lost a brother in law who I loved dearly, because of the shock of his sudden death, my sister was low, she went to her doctors and was referred, I cannot tell you how much it has helped her through. I used a counselling service at my workplace, and again, it helped me so much. Whilst I know circumstances are different, I think the common factor, is getting help is the first step it takes for you to feel better. Please don't be afraid, Doctors are there to help you, they will not make you feel bad. You deserve to feel better and good about yourself, even though I don't know you personally, I can tell you are a warm and caring person. xx
Senora Reyes
Chicken, my late mother had a form of agoraphobia and didn't tell a doctor for ages but when she did she was put in contact with a wonderful psychologist who came to the house regularly and taught Mum relaxation techniques and the difference it made was unbelievable.

I also have the same sort of problem and I went to the doctor with different medical symptoms for ages and couldn't say the words I needed to but one day while seeing the Practice Nurse for a blood pressure check, I said that I thought my reading may be raised because I have a real problem going out. I had a good cry and told her this was the first time I had told anyone (even family) and I was sorry to have offloaded my problems on her. Of course she was lovely about it and didn't judge or patronise and didn't press me to see my GP either but she must have realised that now I had voiced my difficulty I would be able to tell the doctor (which I did). I still struggle with it but now I know that support is available and I don't need to be so isolated.

Doctors know that people go to see them with other symptoms and then (as if it's an afterthought) say, "While I'm here can I just mention........" and the real problem can be addressed.
Chicken you are a good soul so you truly deserve the help & support you need. The relief you will feel will be wonderful.
If you can't face talking face to face with your GP phone NHS Direct (0845 4647) and speak to one of their staff.
Does anyone know what happens when you go to this sort of appointment? i think im gunna be scared if i do make one

Nothing will happen Chicken, Doctors deal with people in your situation day in and out  All you have to do is explain briefly about the panic attacks and how low you have been feeling of late, if you explain you find it difficult to open up and how hard it was for you to go to him/her they will understand. If you can manage to get there, I assure you will feel so much better, just knowing someone is there that knows how to deal with how you are feeling right now.
To think you're feeling so low and at the minute can't and see past the gloom, just know Chicken that help is a simple phone call away.

Hi Chicken, as everyone is saying you must go and see your GP, just go in and say how you feel, and remember you may feel silly but its NOTHING any GP hasnt heard before so dont think they are going to think you silly or daft. These feelings are REAL to you. You will probably be referred on to someone who can talk things out with you. Have you got someone who can maybe go with you? If not, and you feel you cant open up to your GP, sit down and write everything down and give it to the doc to read. All the best to you xxxxxxxxx
My dear Chicken.
How can I convince you that you are nice. (How can anybody?)
That you are a good person.
Like everyone else there will be ups and downs worries and pleasures, anxieties and delights.
But I just know this 'low' state is not how you are meant to be.
It sounds like you, yes you, put a barrier up for yourself.  Then you can't shake these depressing thoughts off for some time.
I don't know how to convince you Chicken, - but you could convince yourself.  In fact it's got to be you who does it.
You're a good chap, with good characteristics, good friends, good things to do with your life.
Of course you are. Now believe it! Stop trying to tell yourself otherwise.
I know this sounds easy and flippant. I just thought I'd try a direct approach by saying "You are nice - now believe it yourself."
Please try hard to do something about it Chicken.  
Last edited by brisket
why does it come and go? Just when i start to think im getting back on track , it happen again

it mood swings Chicken, I really wish you would see a GP. I know it's difficult, but surely living with the feeling of being alone and confused is much worse than seeing your GP. Please think about it Chicken, I guarantee you'll not regret it 
Chicken  If you find it difficult to talk, how about writing things down: how you're feeling, how long it's been going on etc.etc. Maybe even write a daily diary? Then please go to see your doc, you could just hand over what you've written and that will hopefully lessen the anxiety of making the v difficult first step to getting some help and relief from how you are feeling.,,,, Did you ever speak to your parents about it btw?
Hope you're feeling better soon honey, Supes

When I went through a tough time years ago and felt like you do now, someone told me to keep a diary, write down when you are sad ,why you think you are sad. If you smiled at all and what made you smile, do this for a few days then when you are having a good (feeling ok..ish) moment read it back, It will help you to see what is going on.
 Then when you go to your GP take the diary with you,also if you are having physical, shaking, sweating, tight feelings in your chest,muscle aches make a note of these too, your GP will find all this information useful and WILL help you out of this dark time...X
The main thing is that you are talking ,letting it out,rather than letting it engulf you.
Sometimes when we speak to others about what we are feeling ,it doesnt seem so bad.
This episode will pass,ask your Doctor to refer you to an anxiety clinic .They teach you techniques to reduce the anxiety .
Stay in touch and stay well

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