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Seeing as this is already an O/T thread, I hope you'll induldge me...
"Backdraft" was responsible for one of my most left-field experiences in a cinema. I took my Mum to see it, and as it was a mid-week matinee, there weren't many other people in the theatre. As we got up to leave at the end, an elderly lady near the exit picked up her coat and declared loudly, but to no one in particular, "Well, they weren't quite right." My Mum wasn't going to let that pass, and ended up in a conversation with her.
You know there's a funeral procession at the end of the film, accompanied by a pipe band? Well it turned out that this lady's late husband had written one of the pieces they play! Her children were living in either the States or Canada, and had seen the film some time earlier. They thought they recognized the music, and told their Mum. She'd sat through the whole film just to hear that music at the end! turned out her children were right, but it wasn't the same piece they'd thought...
Eugene's Lair

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