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My 15 year old daughter went to town last night with her friend to go the cinema. At 10.30 we still hadn't heard from her (the film should have finished at 9.30 pm) kept trying to ring and no answer. She finally managed to get in touch at 11.00 pm saying that another friend of her's that they were meeting had disappeared. The girl had met a guy on fb two days previous, the next day she arranged to meet this 'lad' at the local rec at 9.30 pm, telling her mother that she was going with her friend to take her dog for a walk. Then last night she had arranged to meet the 'lad' at 7.00 pm but he didn't turn up, so she waited until 10.00 pm and then he showed, thats when she disapppeared with him. We picked my daughter and her friend up immediately, it was then we found about her friend missing the last bus home as well!

I tried to ring her mother but there was no reply, she finally rang my daughter at 11.45 saying her mother was picking her up. I don't know what to do, should I let her mother know what she is up to? I was frantic with worry, and I would like to be informed if it were my daughter Frowner

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Tell the mother!

I was a bit of a horrible teen...nothing my parents ever knew about, they always thought I was staying in my best mates house. But looking back now I wish someone had told them what I was up. There are so many things that I regret doing that if they had known about would never had happened. Nothing too major but just things I wish hadn't gone on.

Tell the Mother and you could be saving this girl from God knows what.
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Thanks to everyone who replied Valentine Just had a long convo with my daughter and she agrees that her mum should know, even tho it may harm their friendship. On the 'phone Thumbs Up

Good, it's definitely for the best if her mother knows. Her friend will probably be dark on your daughter for a while, but ultimately, she'll see it was the right decision Hug
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by charmer:
if my mom got a call off everyone who caught me up to no good when i was young-she would have had to get a switchboard and hire staff Big Grin

Same here.Red Face

Thank goodness there were no mobiles (well there were but not many had them) in my days. Nod

bet they were great big ones Wink
Ninja When I 'grew up' I decided to tell my Mum about the things I'd done that I knew she wouldn't approve of...then she told me about how she used to sneak out of her bedroom window to go meet up with lads that my g/parents had forbidden her to meet.

We all go through something similar when we are young, and some of us are able to handle it, but, there is always going to be those that can't or they come up against situations that we sadly read about in the newspapers ..Frowner

I don't know if life is very much different to how things were when my Mum was young in the late '60's, early '70's, but one thing is for certain, kids will continue to push the boundaries.

Now that I have children of my own I know that I will want to know where they are at ALL times and WHO they are going to be with. I know the tricks and I'm going to watch my kids like hawks..
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by liverbird:
Only just read this - what was the outcome pussycat?

Hi liverbird, sorry I didn't get back earlier hun, told her all I knew and she was shocked and quite upset, she didn't tell me what she was going to do, couldn't wait to get off the phone tbh! but at least my concsious is clear.

Thanks for that. At least she didn't get stroppy with you - which could have happened!
You did the right thing Hug

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