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I seem to have  shot the cat,  but I didn't mean to, I  had always loved that cat, he was so dear to me, if I had known  he was going to walk across the road and look quite so black as he did, I wouldn't have shot him, I'm so sorry, I do apologise, I am a terrible person, it's good that you have told me this, I'm so sorry, but the cat was a bit black and African looking, but lovely   anyway , of course, I'm so sorry'

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Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I seem to have  shot the cat,  but I didn't mean to, I  had always loved that cat, he was so dear to me, if I had known  he was going to walk across the road and look quite so black as he did, I wouldn't have shot him, I'm so sorry, I do apologise, I am a terrible person, it's good that you have told me this, I'm so sorry, but the cat was a bit black and African looking, but lovely   anyway , of course, I'm so sorry'



I'm with J.B. on this. I  liked her on the first night, but now *shudders*

She is wholey a downright nasty individual, who is so spoilt and self absorbed, that she says what she wants and if she doesn't get away with it then she turns the waterworks on, and turns the situation around, just like she did with Adam. I am glad that he saw through her though. 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Nasty, nasty girl. It's no wonder her parents didn't want her to go into the BB house, and they must be mortified that everyone in the UK now knows what a vile daughter they have.

If I were them I'd move house and leave no forwarding address. I'd change my name while I was at it as i wouldn't want to be associated with that little brat


maybe I'd even go so far as doing the canoe man malarkey.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Nasty, nasty girl. It's no wonder her parents didn't want her to go into the BB house, and they must be mortified that everyone in the UK now knows what a vile daughter they have.

If I were them I'd move house and leave no forwarding address. I'd change my name while I was at it as i wouldn't want to be associated with that little brat


maybe I'd even go so far as doing the canoe man malarkey.

@ canoe man malarkey.

Originally Posted by stonks:

BB played a blinder showing this, as much as I detest her and what she said I still feel BB did this to bury the Conor incident..Conor seems to be this years Jay McKray....

Stonks! Great minds etc. I was thinking the same and posted a comment about him just now, before I read this.

Conor will be shoiting in the freezer next and the HM, and BBs will not bat an eye lid.


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