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Ha ha ha, I knew you'd never do that game!  Get back in touch with the crazy Americans and get it done!  We can have a race, see if I get my book done before you do your game?  I'm sure both will totally 110% happen.

I cannot believe you bloody cried.

I didn't cry, do I have a heart of stone? 

You ALL have to do confessions, even if they are shit and unembarrassing.
I have another but if I post it people might kill me.
Tsk ... spit it out man - I have loads. 

OK NOT evil but driving home from our holiday in France in the wee hours last Wednesday my contact lenses went. Vaguely recalling a rather fetching picnic spot just off the Bath turn off I headed for the same. Just me - mid 40's, poor vision,500 mile drive behind me, knackered - and my 2 teenagers. It looks good in the daytime. At half past midnight, different tale. Not helped when daughter suggested reinsertion of contacts would be helped by turning on car interior light. Cue lots of unwanted attention by other vehicles.... never left a spot so quickly with only one lens in all my life.

I found out later it's where Ron Davies used to go badger watching....
I made it to the final 100 of Big Brother 8. Its a terrible confession because who would want to be a part of the shit fest that was BB8?
Bliddy hell, we could have had you instead of Bwian! Or Ziggy! Or Seany! Or Jonty! You could've showered with Carole, dried your bits under the hairdriers afterwards, got woody with Charley in the caravan and then pushed her in the pool!

Here goes.

I don't like mathematics. I loathe mathematics. I got a D in mathematics back in school and I never looked back. I am a man of science and logic, but maths? I would rather study religion. I would rather study Paris Hilton. I would rather drink from my own toilet bowl than have to spend a year studying for a maths exam. If I was given a choice between maths or a ferret hanging from my bloody finger by it's teeth, I'd choose the ferret.

This is Mathematics exposed and uncensored. I am no mathematician. Keep your equations. Keep your Pi. Keep your decimals. I appreciate what maths has done for the modern ages, and for that I am grateful, but it's not for me.

Mathematics - mathematics = Bliss 


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