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Not shocked at all...I find UKIP scary, most people that are voting for them is because the main parties have morphed into the same old... I despair that people don't look into what they are actually voting for at times. 




Ukip is part of the group Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD). The group includes representatives of the Danish People’s Party, the True Finns Party, the Dutch SGP and the infamous Italian Lega Nord – all of them far-right. Nigel Farage is co-President of the group along with Lega Nord’s Francesco Speroni, who described multiple murderer Anders Breivik as someone whose “ideas are in defence of western civilisation."

Mario Borghezio, another member of the group, declared in a radio interviewthat Breivik had some "excellent" ideas. Farage’s reaction was to write a strongly-worded letter to Borghezio, asking him to withdraw his comments or Ukip would pull out of the EFD. Borghezio not only did not apologise, but responded with an extraordinary speech in which he raged: "Long live the Whites of Europe, long live our identity, our ethnicity, our raceâ€Ķ our blue sky, like the eyes of our women. Blue, in a people who want to stay white."

Nigel Farage did not withdraw from the EFD. He continues to co-preside over it, along with the leader of the Lega Nord. MEP Nikki Sinclaire, however, was expelled from Ukip for refusing to take part in the EFD because of their “extreme views”.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


Not shocked at all...I find UKIP scary, most people that are voting for them is because the main parties have morphed into the same old... I despair that people don't look into what they are actually voting for at times. 




Ukip is part of the group Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD). The group includes representatives of the Danish People’s Party, the True Finns Party, the Dutch SGP and the infamous Italian Lega Nord – all of them far-right. Nigel Farage is co-President of the group along with Lega Nord’s Francesco Speroni, who described multiple murderer Anders Breivik as someone whose “ideas are in defence of western civilisation."

Mario Borghezio, another member of the group, declared in a radio interviewthat Breivik had some "excellent" ideas. Farage’s reaction was to write a strongly-worded letter to Borghezio, asking him to withdraw his comments or Ukip would pull out of the EFD. Borghezio not only did not apologise, but responded with an extraordinary speech in which he raged: "Long live the Whites of Europe, long live our identity, our ethnicity, our raceâ€Ķ our blue sky, like the eyes of our women. Blue, in a people who want to stay white."

Nigel Farage did not withdraw from the EFD. He continues to co-preside over it, along with the leader of the Lega Nord. MEP Nikki Sinclaire, however, was expelled from Ukip for refusing to take part in the EFD because of their “extreme views”.

It's all very worrying. Very worrying indeed

Madame Arcati

The proceeds of sales of the song were going to be given to the Red Cross but they've refused to accept the money saying:

"As a neutral organisation, we cannot benefit from something which overtly supports one political party," a spokeswoman said.

"In addition, the Red Cross has a proud history of helping refugees and asylum seekers who are negatively referred to in the lyrics."

El Loro
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

Just been listenting to 'that song' by that t*sser Mike Read - yeah.. him who was so sensitive he got 'Relax' banned from the Radio and now he's singing racist songs and backing UKIP      


Scary shit indeed...



he supposed to have withdrawn it Kaffs ...the prat

yeah - it was the withdrawal story that I saw first.   Only because he was pulled up on the accent and realised it sounded racist.. he's not making any apologies for supporting white supremacy, I see....

Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

Just been listenting to 'that song' by that t*sser Mike Read - yeah.. him who was so sensitive he got 'Relax' banned from the Radio and now he's singing racist songs and backing UKIP      


Scary shit indeed...

I've got to say, I was stunned. I used to like him.

Anyone who wears glasses and when taking them off reveals tired over wrinkly eyes, scares me. Pop 'em back on  ... and back to normal

He's one of them - shifty

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

Just been listenting to 'that song' by that t*sser Mike Read - yeah.. him who was so sensitive he got 'Relax' banned from the Radio and now he's singing racist songs and backing UKIP      


Scary shit indeed...



he supposed to have withdrawn it Kaffs ...the prat

yeah - it was the withdrawal story that I saw first.   Only because he was pulled up on the accent and realised it sounded racist.. he's not making any apologies for supporting white supremacy, I see....




Well obviously I don't live in that sort of constituency but. We hope to kick out the Tories next time around in our bellwether top right area.
If I lived in the next door area I was brought up in, and suspected that the loonies had a chance then I would definitely vote for the Tories. (Currently 20 kilovote majority for that William Hague one)
Garage Joe

Farage goes to the European Parliament on tax payers cash and just sits there like a belligerent, spoiled brat insulting people rather than doing anything constructive.


Like Johnson, he's a buffoon in front of the camera, but a very dangerous buffoon, with an agenda. 


I've got in heated discussions with people for saying that working class people voting for Ukip are thick.  The line is that they're 'disaffected', well that maybe true, but that doesn't mean it makes sense to jump into bed with a bunch of right wing Thatcherite xenophobes who are anything but a 'people's army'. 


The way Ukip talk about immigration undermining 'working class wages', you'd think they wanted business to pay their working class employees more money.  As if!  The big money behind Ukip wouldn't be behind Ukip if that were so.  Working class kippers are turkeys voting for Xmas.

Last edited by Carnelian

I used to have a client who would say every time I met him "I'm not a racist but.." and would then go on and on saying stuff which proved he was out and out racist. Eventually I was able to sack him as a client as he was done by HMRC for tax evasion and had been giving me false information. Just because I found him deeply offensive didn't give me the right to get rid of him.


El Loro

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