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the annoying thing about these calls is if they originate overseas, you can't stop them but if they are UK based you can.

Are you registered with the TPS??  if not do so because this could cut down the amount of these calls you get substantially.

I'm fed up with Indian call centres calling me asking if I've had an accident recently
the annoying thing about these calls is if they originate overseas, you can't stop them but if they are UK based you can. Are you registered with the TPS??  if not do so because this could cut down the amount of these calls you get substantially. I'm fed up with Indian call centres calling me asking if I've had an accident recently
Ive only had this number for a few months and i get many calls , but they normally wait to talk before putting the phone down. Calls about accidents, debt help etc etc, never ending. 

Someone at home just said there is an increase in Phone and Internet Hoaxes as well, where they tell you to phone another number.. fortunately this has not happened yet, but its best to be aware as you can get ripped off/conned.
Ev (Peachy)
Its weird how they disconnect before they get to you, what a set up
I had that a few years ago and I got so spooked that I called BT to find out what to do. It was BT who told me about the cold callers, at least I stopped being frightened then, managed to find the relevant site and it's been very quiet since then.
cologne 1
My husband gets sucked in and tries to be polite but it just goes on and on ...........................I just say - I'm TPS registered and I'm not interested and hang up. I really don't like to be rude but it's a gross invasion of privacy. TBH - I feel sorry for the people at the call centres but .....I try to do it as quickly and politely as possible - I don't want to waste their time - I guess they develop a thick skin after a while!
Soozy Woo
OHHHHhh im tps registered and it hasnt done anything to stop me getting them. I have also started getting them on my mobile and its driving me crazy!!!! the worst ones are the debt consolation ones, i love arguing with them.
I got those ones a while back lol

Its the silent cold calls,    i hope they don't record them before they hang up hahhaa
Ev (Peachy)
I'm TPS registered and ex-directory and we still get these stupid calls. The ghost / silent ones are the worst because you can't vent your rage at anyone,
I think these type of calls are automated and are programmed to respond differently if you say something as that will tell them they've got a 'real' number. So don't say anything, as that might increase the number of calls you get..
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I have caller display. The problem is their numbers are usually "withheld" or "unavailable". No.1 son's home number is withheld and No.2 son's work number is unavailable, so I always answer them in case it's my sons
Ah right Yogi, so clearly that doesn't work then      I have seen something on a shopping channel from BT called Truecall. I haven't checked this out properly but wonder if anyone has it and what they think of it?
So basically, the ar$es that phone you about doing surveys etc can call you whenever they want.
I don't actually mind taking part in surveys TBH..............however if I'm not in the mood I cut them short and just say 'I haven't the time or I'm really not interested' then I simply hang up ..............I don't feel guilty about it.
Soozy Woo
He hasn't rang back.. He can't understand geordie swear words lmao
 You can imagine my Scottish swear words - how aggressive must I sound

Soozy, I don't feel guilty either but lately we have had a spate of calls asking if they could discuss the survey that we have recently taken part in - we hadn't done anything of the sort.

One caller had the audacity to practically call me a liar.

Strange that he hung up when I asked him the date and time I was supposed to have taken part in said survey.

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