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My Sooty Cat is very intelligent.
He has only gone and phoned my OH , while i was in the kitchen

I had left the phone on the arm of the chair in front room and he landed on it and it dialled out

Nearly had a convo as well.
Took a bit of explaining, but yes trufax he did use the phone in a matter of speaking!  Puurffect!

Oh he can also open doors as well, he jumps up and opens them, or bangs his shoulder and does a knocking action if they are locked.

Have you got a pet who is amazing or has done extraordinary things.  


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I once had a Kribensis that somehow managed to escape from a tropical fish tank while I was faffing about, It laid on the carpet for ages until I noticed and put it back in and it lived  does that count ? I didn't have the same luck with my daughters two goldfish when I cleaned them out and plonked them on the tumble dryer and forgot about them, but hey you can win um all 

well done Sooty 
Referenceame xx
I once had a Kribensis that somehow managed to escape from a tropical fish tank while I was faffing about, It laid on the carpet for ages until I noticed and put it back in and it lived  does that count ? 
Gawd it lived lol, good job you noticed it *Super fish*

 I didn't have the same luck with my daughters two goldfish when I cleaned them out and plonked them on the tumble dryer and forgot about them, but hey you can win um all

ahahhaaa , oops i mean aww warra shame 
Ev (Peachy)
Reference:Charli xx
What a clever cat My late rabbit was pretty smart but never used a phone...!

He is, he also tends to jump on the tv, to turn it off/over, if that doesn't get our attention he sits in front of it  lol

Rabbits are smarty pants too.  

Mine once played dead in the street to save himself from the local pets , i cried and cried, then realised he was fibbing!
Ev (Peachy)
Reference:El Loro
My ex-girlfriend had a cat who could read the time on the clock. The cat would always wake up my girlfriend at 6.30 to be let out, and that also includes when the clocks went back or forward an hour
They are like children, Can wake up at the same time every morning like clockwork.
Pity Children can't be thoughtful when the clocks go forward though 

Another super Cat!
Ev (Peachy)
Reference: Pengy
My dog previous to Milo used to be able to open the back door. He knew that you had to pull the handle once to release the door mechanism and then pull again to actually open the door which was great when he wanted to go outside. Shame he never learnt to close the door

I want to learn mine that, i'm forever up closing doors, he knows how to open them all!

But if i shout shut the door often enough he may click on
Ev (Peachy)
Reference: Skylark
My sister had a cat that loved a wander, when he came back he would knock the letter box. We never worked out how he did it


I watched one day how mine did it. As he must have jumped up and knocked the handle down at the same time. Sure enough he did. He used his shoulder, always does.
He thinks he is a  big panther 
Ev (Peachy)
My budgie "Jinks" is a great little talker,I didn't teach him swear words.Well he did pick up "bloody rabbits!" .He chatters away to himself,some phrases "A cup of tea and a biscuit"."Jinksy boy".  "Pretty,pretty boy"."Where's the birds" "get tae yer bed" "Bedtime for Jinksy",and loads more,all said in a Glaswegian accent, folk comment he sounds like me,lol.
He also likes to fly down and ride about on the rabbits backs.

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