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Hello everyone!

Starting this Friday.... Hoochie and I are, hopefully, going to run a Murder Mystery game here on Gaga. I say hopefully, because for it to viable we first need you lot to do what you do best ...and get involved.

For anyone who hasn't done (or heard) of this kind of thing before, it's a role play game. You are given a character to play, and you are then fed (by PM) a small amount of information to work with, and given clues that you have to "release" into the public domain. You are allowed to improvise and develop your character however you like, making sure you have as much fun as possible along the way, as long as you stick to the one golden rule.....always tell the truth!

Unless of course you are the murderer.

The game is set in a Las Vegas Casino and between us we have a plan (sort of ) to try and organise the chaos - Hoochie as narrator will be PMing the Characters their instructions, and looking after the Murder Scene thread (the Casino Boardroom) to  attempt to ensure everyone who wants to follow the story can see a basic timeline, and that all the information that the Characters have to deliver is posted in there.

I'll be the Casino's coolest barman and in my spare time I moonlight as a private dick I'll be looking after the Incident Room thread (the Casino's Cocktail Bar).  I'll be on hand to assist all of the Forum Detectives in getting to the bottom of the case.  I will lay on a free bar to help loosen the Characters tongues, and help everyone get settled in and get involved in looking for clues and solving the murder. If anyone's looking for a Slow Comfortable Screw or Sex on the Beach I'll be more than happy to oblige with that as well

There will be ten characters in the we need ten volunteers please.

If you want to take the part of a main will need to be on the forum every day (even if it's just for a short time) from Friday 10th to Wednesday the 22nd. There will be ten rounds, and most days you will have the freedom to choose the best time for you to take part in that round, but it's important that you are here on.....

Launch night Saturday 11th beginning at 8pm .....not necessarily at 8 but as close as possible to help get the thing going

Penultimate round Monday 20th at/around 8pm ......and Accusation Round Tuesday 21st  at/around 8pm a rough guide...... of course we'll try to be as flexible as possible but it would be ideal if the people who take on character roles can commit to these timeframes.

Aside from the main characters...... we really hope.everyone else will want to join in too, if and when they please, by becoming a "detective" or even creating whole new additional characters. The Incident Room  will be our detective thread for everyone to post their thoughts, opinions and questions to the characters.....amongst other things.

Also because this thing will only really fly if FMs  get creative, run with their characters and really develop them, Lori has kindly agreed to set up a designated forum to post extra threads for anyone to post diary entries, background details, secret convo's  etc, and pretty much go wild with it without swamping the main forum.   We luv Lori we do!

 I know there are a few people on this forum who have tried their hand at this kind of thing before (myself included), and I'm sure they will all back me up when I say it's loads of fun!

So if you fancy having a go, and having a laugh, in the run up to Christmas, please sign up below and say what character you'd be interested in playing or ask any questions you have, and we'll do our best to answer them.  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Character List.

Al Shakup - Elvis Impersonator - (he's a-hunk a-hunk of burning love!)

 Candi Tassle - Showgirl - (She shakes her booty to earn booty!)

 Chip Leader  - Poker Ace - (he'll flip you on the turn and take you down the river!)

 Sherry Strunk - Cocktail Waitress - (she'll serve drinks and herself on the bar!)

 Sheik Aleg - Arab Billionaire - (a wife a day makes the Sheik want to play!)

 Bet Black - Pit Boss - (give her a spin, you just might win!)

 Tommy Gunn - Mobster - (he shoots first and asks questions later!)

 Jen Ewynn - Casino Hostess - (she does anything to keep the punters coming!)

 Harry  Hou'didme - Stage Magician ( he likes to disappear in a poo*f!)

 Scarlet O'Deara - Hollywood Starlet (quite frankly, she doesn't give a damn!)

Yaaay! Thanks you lot! I was worried I was gonna be ignored!

I'm a bit (ok, incredibly ) busy tonight .....damn Ofsted decided to call tomorrow and Thursday (just when I wanted to get my teeth into this! ).

So if I don't reply to anyone it's not cos I'm igoring you.

I will be popping in and out, and hopefully Hoochie is about somewhere too, to answer any questions.

I must go now and get ready for the scary inspectors! Back in a bit!
Oops....I'm losing track already of who wants/is available to play....

So we have...


as characters?

And a few others as spectator/detectives/your own made up character.

Not bad for an hours work.   We have till Friday to get our ten!

But beware....I WILL run around the forum bribing/blackmailing/threatening violence if I have to.

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