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Here are a few guidelines to help everyone get a handle on the game as quickly as possible.  





Gaga Murder Mystery Instructions.


The Casino Thread is the official thread for the characters to post the required information and interactions in. This is to try and ensure it’s possible for everyone to follow the storyline, and vital clues don’t become lost.  

The Cocktail bar/Incident Room thread is open to everyone, all budding forum detectives and characters (official or otherwise) to discuss, question, and interact.

The Last Vegas Files is a new forum set up specifically for this game. It is a place for people to develop their characters, improvise within the story, and for everyone to get involved and have fun.  It is also another opportunity to question the characters and try and wheedle out of them the extra information they may be trying to hide!

Game Rounds will run for 24 hours to offer as much flexibility for Characters to do their stuff and fit in with RL. Hoochie will post in the Casino thread to indicate the beginning and end of each Round (normally around 1am).

ONLY Official characters will be in possession of information that might help solve the murder. Anything else you read is just imaginative improvisation.

Only the Murderer is allowed to lie. All other characters must answer questions truthfully. BUT whilst characters are obliged to answer truthfully, they are only obliged to answer what they are specifically asked and don't have to give any additional information.  So make sure you phrase your questions carefully!

All forum members are actively encouraged to get involved! You can question the characters and attempt to solve the murder, either as yourselves, or as a “made up” character. Please feel free to be as imaginative as possible.  We hope everyone on the forum will get some enjoyment out of this whether by participating or just following the story – so although Hoochie  and I will try to keep some form of organisation just to keep the storyline coherent, it’s pretty much up to you guys to do as you please and enjoy yourselves.


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Character Overview


Al Shakup - Elvis Impersonator - (he's a-hunk a-hunk of burning love!)

 Candi Tassle - Showgirl - (She shakes her booty to earn booty!)

 Chip Leader  - Poker Ace - (he'll flip you on the turn and take you down the river!)

 Sherry Strunk - Cocktail Waitress - (she'll serve drinks and herself on the bar!)

 Sheik Aleg - Arab Billionaire - (a wife a day makes the Sheik want to play!)

 Bet Black - Pit Boss - (give her a spin, you just might win!)

 Tommy Gunn - Mobster - (he shoots first and asks questions later!)

 Jen Ewynn - Casino Hostess - (she does anything to keep the punters coming!)

 Harry  Hou'didme - Stage Magician ( he likes to disappear in a poo*f!)

 Scarlet O'Deara - Hollywood Starlet (quite frankly, she doesn't give a damn!)


Cast List


 Al Shakup -  Muf

 Candi Tassle -  Pengy

 Chip Leader  -  Prometheus

 Sherry Strunk -  Scatterby

 Sheik Aleg -  Rosgirl

 Bet Black -  Ducky

 Tommy Gunn -  Croc

 Jen Ewynn -  Evelyn

 Harry  Hou'didme -  James

 Scarlet O'Deara – Issy

Baz..... nothing would surprise me after the last one I was involved in.

We were given a confession by the actual murderer.....but we all chose to ignore it and plump for someone less obvious.

The murderer was smug for days.

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