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I'm saying allegedly because this is coming from a 'new source' named Milos over at DS. Apparently a C4 Employee who is also not happy with the way they've been running the show. - It's not even really 50% confirmed so take with a pinch of salt.

No word as yet,,,all kept quiet since yesterday meeting,,terrible unrest backstage,,,,power struggle continues,,,

Lots of meetings being called for everyone today,,,producers acting odd,,,Endemol on premises,,,,not sure what is going on atm,,,

meetings are to tell people what is going on,,,c4 not yet made a decision,,,Endemol reps touring,,,c4 exec holding bk livefeed reinstatement,,,

up in the air,,c4 exec holding it bk for it to proceed,,,,viewers editor & exec in agreement,,,,50/50 atm,,,,got 2 keep head down,,,

So yeah.

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As another person over at DS just said (realiable to lots but some don't know him, names Oathy)

Its C4.

no rather theres someone there whos so insecure about themselves they would see this as a 'personal failure'
to give in.

Ive got no doubt who the person is holding out..I weighed this person up over 14 months ago.

im just hoping the better people ive had touch with can make them see sense this was WRONG and needs to be sorted out.

at the end of all this the show will lose the hardcore fans who even stuck with it through BBCH.

whats better?
admit a mistake or rather correct an error
Or been seen by the industry as a person who killed off big brother for good.

So yeah I am 90% sure they'll at least GIVE LF a go then they can shove it back in Endemol's face if the ratings stay down.
the thing is they cant start the live feed now! c4 have no budget for it now! that will have been spent on other programming! and with the ratings BB is getting its no longer the flag ship show its not even in the top 5 of there shows now ! they will come up with some stupid stunt hoping the public start talking about it so increasing the viewers ! even at this stage no matter what BB does its too little too late to save it
Originally posted by boink:
the thing is they cant start the live feed now! c4 have no budget for it now! that will have been spent on other programming! and with the ratings BB is getting its no longer the flag ship show its not even in the top 5 of there shows now ! they will come up with some stupid stunt hoping the public start talking about it so increasing the viewers ! even at this stage no matter what BB does its too little too late to save it

Nah - what budget? They're already filming it, just not broadcasting it. So they've already paid for the camera crew and production gallery staff.
All they need to do is get a couple of people to turn on the tweety bird noises when needed - hardly going to break the bank Roll Eyes
Originally posted by boink:
the thing is they cant start the live feed now! c4 have no budget for it now! that will have been spent on other programming! and with the ratings BB is getting its no longer the flag ship show its not even in the top 5 of there shows now ! they will come up with some stupid stunt hoping the public start talking about it so increasing the viewers ! even at this stage no matter what BB does its too little too late to save it

The fact of 'funding' was an excuse. Endemol would never have demanded a meeting yesterday if there was nothing CH4 could do about it.

Besides CH4 are actually in breach of contract considering the remit clearly says that they HAVE TO BROADCAST (not just film) The HMs to the public, 24/7.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by boink:
the thing is they cant start the live feed now! c4 have no budget for it now! that will have been spent on other programming! and with the ratings BB is getting its no longer the flag ship show its not even in the top 5 of there shows now ! they will come up with some stupid stunt hoping the public start talking about it so increasing the viewers ! even at this stage no matter what BB does its too little too late to save it

Nah - what budget? They're already filming it, just not broadcasting it. So they've already paid for the camera crew and production gallery staff.
All they need to do is get a couple of people to turn on the tweety bird noises when needed - hardly going to break the bank Roll Eyes

I do a good impression of a tweeting bird they can hire me for free if it would bring back live feed.
Hope there's some credibility in it because at the moment there IS NO Big Brother!

A fairytale, squeaky clean 45 min highlight show is NOT Big Brother!

A few impractical hours in the middle of the night when most of us should be sleeping is NOT Big Brother!


Aaargh, how I wish I could wring some incompetent Ch4 exec's neck! They're driving me nuts Crazy

Sorry **sniff** - rant over Blush
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Originally posted by boink:
they need an editing budget for a start, which needs to pay for several editors and producers dont forget some one has to put the bird noises on when they talk about things they are not meant to

They are already filming it/editing it 24/7. Just not broadcasting it, to the viewers.

yep you are right they are but not live broadcasting! which apparently requires more people and more money ! don't get me wrong i want the live feed back , i just have a feeling that they are going to say it cant come back now because the have no money budgeted for live broadcast on the red button 24/7 or extra to increase broadcasting on e4 , the thing is the red button channel requires a license which considering c4 has not used since bb9 they may not have renewed !
Originally posted by boink:
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Originally posted by boink:
they need an editing budget for a start, which needs to pay for several editors and producers dont forget some one has to put the bird noises on when they talk about things they are not meant to

They are already filming it/editing it 24/7. Just not broadcasting it, to the viewers.

yep you are right they are but not live broadcasting! which apparently requires more people and more money ! don't get me wrong i want the live feed back , i just have a feeling that they are going to say it cant come back now because the have no money budgeted for live broadcast on the red button 24/7 or extra to increase broadcasting on e4 , the thing is the red button channel requires a license which considering c4 has not used since bb9 they may not have renewed !

Mate they've tried every excuse in the book funding and not enough people watching just a couple of them lol and Endemol can now see they're just taking the pi$$, which was why these meetings have been called.
Originally posted by Joods:
Hope there's some credibility in it because at the moment there IS NO Big Brother!

A fairytale, squeaky clean 45 min highlight show is NOT Big Brother!

A few impractical hours in the middle of the night when most of us should be sleeping is NOT Big Brother!


Aaargh, how I wish I could wring some incompetent Ch4 exec's neck! They're driving me nuts Crazy

Sorry **sniff** - rant over Blush

thats not a rant, its the voice of reason.
Someone asked if the insider meant axe:

Not that bad yet. But no LF - 'senior exec' apparently would rather see the whole of C4 go down before giving in to BB chip chompers. Further cost cutting is already in place, apparently, hence few site updates etc.

And Jacob says:
Basically C4 arent backing down. Thats all Ive been told, will fill you in when I have heard more.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:

So the answer is no?Confused

Potentially worse than no. Don't want to spread anything round until I hear more, or someone else does.

Chucking them all out early? This show's such a mess, I wouldn't care. And I've been a die-hard BB-er since the start.

thats my feelings too.

scrap this, fill the bb airtime with yet more bloody friends repeats then reboot in a couple of weeks, 12 new hm's (decent ones) for a 10 week run with a live feed, scarp bbbm and reduce davinas salery as they claimed they were going to and of course sack the fcukwit who made the decision to scrap the lf in the first place.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Chucking them all out early? This show's such a mess, I wouldn't care. And I've been a die-hard BB-er since the start.

thats my feelings too.

scrap this, fill the bb airtime with yet more bloody friends repeats then reboot in a couple of weeks, 12 new hm's (decent ones) for a 10 week run with a live feed, scarp bbbm and reduce davinas salery as they claimed they were going to and of course sack the fcukwit who made the decision to scrap the lf in the first place.

That would get my vote Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Someone asked if the insider meant axe:

Not that bad yet. But no LF - 'senior exec' apparently would rather see the whole of C4 go down before giving in to BB chip chompers. Further cost cutting is already in place, apparently, hence few site updates etc.

And Jacob says:
Basically C4 arent backing down. Thats all Ive been told, will fill you in when I have heard more.

I seem to remember last year when the senior brass at C4 changed hands, the new bloke saying how much he loathed BB and didn't see it as part of the channel's future.
Good as his word, then.
Just as well he wouldn't mind the whole of C4 going down first, because apart from BB I never watch C4 and I bet I'm not alone.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:

So the answer is no?Confused

Potentially worse than no. Don't want to spread anything round until I hear more, or someone else does.

Chucking them all out early? This show's such a mess, I wouldn't care. And I've been a die-hard BB-er since the start.

thats my feelings too.

scrap this, fill the bb airtime with yet more bloody friends repeats then reboot in a couple of weeks, 12 new hm's (decent ones) for a 10 week run with a live feed, scarp bbbm and reduce davinas salery as they claimed they were going to and of course sack the fcukwit who made the decision to scrap the lf in the first place.

Here, here...
I'm getting so tired of all this......i hought i'd reached the depths of dispair yesterday but its just getting worse and worse.

Can someone clarify for me: Do independant television stations still come up for renewal?? Like years ago when there was Granada, Anglia and such.... they used to have to bid to keep their franchise did they not?

If they keep this numpty in charge at C4 they will surely lose their broadcasting rights if it does!
I think most people are missing the point re live feed,
all this stuff about "cost cutting, credit crunch" etc etc
is a load of smoke n mirrors, and its my belief that the REAL reason for no LF, is that fact that in recent series of BB there has been some controversial stuff happening, stuff that had the media in an uproar and a feeding frenzy of even got mentioned in parliament ffs,
c4 came in for some SERIOUS flack over these events, and I believe they are "running scared"
they want to KEEP BB its a nice little earner (usually) so the suits had a little sit down with their tea n bikkies, and the topic was,
"how can we keep this show running BUT have more control over what the public sees?"
well reducing the live feed by over 50% would be ONE simple step that would give US more control for a start, says one bright spark,
AND in the over 12 hours of un transmitted house time WE could repremand/instruct the HMs, or even do re takes of some events IF they didnt go to plan,....simples,
by god..says mr ch 4 DAMN good idea Caruthers have a pay rise and a borrow of the wife,
and THAT is why they dont want to give us live feed, I think they would rather "pull the plug" than give in, cause they CANT risk another media outrage frenzy,
they have probably broken their contract with endemol (re live feed)and are trying to defend this with the "expense" angle, and WILL pull the plug rather than back down, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Bethni:
I agree in principle OHG but THEY have a media frenzy on their hands right now.... surely EVERYONE has a boss and whoever is responsible for this shambles should be getting dragged across the coals for it?

true, but its NOT a media frenzy about race or violence or threats of gang style shootings, and I think they were expecting a backlash.... but they, once again, underestimated the strength of feelings on THIS one,
PERHAPS if they had announced their intention of cutting live feed EARLIER they wouldve had a chance to guage which way the wind was blowing
and been able to back track,
but now I think they have painted themselves into a corner on this one,
old hippy guy

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