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No Survivors they say after second Blast in New Zealand mine.

Could there be any chance they could be wrong? 

So tragic.

All 29 people, including two Britons, trapped in a New Zealand coal mine are presumed dead after a second explosion. Rescue teams have now begun a recovery, police say. 
Link with video.

Police broke the news to families of those trapped after a second explosion underground ripped through the Pike River coal mine on New Zealand's South Island.

Superintendent Gary Knowles said none of the 29 workers would have survived the second explosion which was "as severe as the first blast" which trapped the miners last Friday.

There had been no contact with the workers since the incident. Britons Pete Rodger, 40, from Perthshire, and Malcolm Campbell, 25, from St Andrews, Fife, were among the men missing.

Rescue teams had been unable to go into the mine after the original incident due to high levels of toxic gases.

Recovery operation

Mr Knowles said he broke the news to the families of the victims who were "extremely distraught".

"Today there was another massive explosion underground and based on that explosion no-one would have survived. We are now in recovery mode," Mr Knowles said.

"The blast was horrific - just as severe as the first blast.

"Based on the expert advice I have been given it's our belief there would have been no survivors.

"I had to break the news to the families and they were extremely distraught."

New Zealand mine: 'No survivors' after second blast

New Zealand mine: 'No survivors' after second blast

Two workers stumbled out of the mine within hours of Friday's explosion, but there was no contact with the remaining men - 24 New Zealanders, two Australians, the two Britons and a South African.

A phone line deep inside the mine also rang unanswered.

Rescuers used a diamond-tipped drill to bore through layers of hard rock to get closer to tunnels where some of the miners were thought to be trapped.

The missing men, aged 17 to 62, carried 30 minutes of oxygen, and more fresh air was stored in the mine, along with food and water.

Officials said that provisions allowed for several days of survival.

The mine is not far from the site of one of New Zealand's worst mining disasters - an underground explosion in the state-owned Strongman Mine on January 19 1967, which killed 19 workers.

The country's worst disaster was in 1896, when 65 died in a gas explosion which also occurred in the same Pike River coal seam.

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I saw that on the news this morning, so sad  

It's so sad.  But to be honest, when the mine was too dangerous for rescuers to go in to due to toxic gasses, I didn't hold out much hope for them then.  

Pengy Christmas Bauble  It's very sad and I feel for the families of these miners
  Yes you could hope that it was quick for them after the first blast.

 I just wonder if there is any little hope at all there is one of them alive.  It would be Nothing short of a miracle i guess.

I often wonder and despair at the conditions they work under and how many more mining disasters will occur before better/ different safety avenues are in place.

I don't think that comes across in the way i meant, but i hope you know what i'm getting at !
Ev (Peachy)
I often wonder and despair at the conditions they work under and how many more mining disasters will occur before better/ different safety avenues are in place.
from what some of the journalists were saying on the news today, it would appear that NZ safety records in their mines don't appear to be so good.  There was allegedly other mines that have had explosions and the miners bodies can't be retrieved 
Having not watched the news today yet I heard about it on another Forum that has members who live in NZ, we'd had a thread about the miners and were all hoping and praying there would be a safe and joyful rescue as with the Chilean miners. So very sad it wasn't meant to be. My thoughts are with all their loved ones who are grieving xxxxxxxx
Yellow Rose

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