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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

Totally agree EC - she was a joy and template for womankind 


Coupled with Evelyn Ellis - they were dynamic IMHO


To be honest Saint, I was never a fan of Evelyn. Physically I'm not attracted to anything other than white European women.

OMG you're  missing out on a trick

I like anything beautiful

Chinese - yes. Hispanic - yes pleez God !!!

Saint posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

Totally agree EC - she was a joy and template for womankind 


Coupled with Evelyn Ellis - they were dynamic IMHO


To be honest Saint, I was never a fan of Evelyn. Physically I'm not attracted to anything other than white European women.

OMG you're  missing out on a trick

I like anything beautiful

Chinese - yes. Hispanic - yes pleez God !!!

For me it is quite simple. I generally like one type of cheese, that cheese has to be very mild and almost odourless. I am happy with that type of cheese, always have been and quite likely always will be.


Now I understand that there are many, many other types of cheese out there, I have come close on many occasion to trying these exotic cheeses, but something always puts me off, usually it's the smell and when I have placed a piece in my mouth I have found the taste far too powerful, too strong and it usually ends up in a paper towel.


Now, I may in the future come across a foreign, exotic cheese which I really like and I would say I am always open to it, but experience tells me that the odds are stacked against it given past experience.


For those that do have a wide taste in cheese, I would say that my desire not to try them means that there is more of these cheeses to go round for those that enjoy them.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Turned up to work one day - twas an autumnal, windy day.

In comes another staff,

"Oh I nearly slipped on the leaves in the car park"

 reacted our Home Manager, "Are you ok?" ... pondering Health and Safety issues.

"Yes - they're all from that tree in the garden - leaves everywhere".

She was referring to the huge and quite magnificent oak tree that had obviously stood there more than 100yrs.

"Oh that big tree? We'll get it cut down then"


Yep - that conversation really took place. Rather than encourage the tenants to take responsibility for their own home and help them understand how to make a dangerous situation safe ... by clearing the leaves daily.

Low brow narrow minded idiots that can't see past their own job description.


And lastly . . . .  NHS in crisis?? I don't doubt there really are pressures however . . .


My Dad has just come out of hospital after 10days

The ward he was on was completely empty - except my Dad. For days - empty.

I commented this to the staff - they agreed it was quiet and were enjoying it while it lasted.


Two years ago my Mum was in hospital for 3months - yep 3 months.

One of the wards in her wing was completely empty for all of that time. Eight beds never filled for 3months solid.

Food for thought that's all . . .

Saint posted:

Turned up to work one day - twas an autumnal, windy day.

In comes another staff,

"Oh I nearly slipped on the leaves in the car park"

 reacted our Home Manager, "Are you ok?" ... pondering Health and Safety issues.

"Yes - they're all from that tree in the garden - leaves everywhere".

She was referring to the huge and quite magnificent oak tree that had obviously stood there more than 100yrs.

"Oh that big tree? We'll get it cut down then"


Yep - that conversation really took place. Rather than encourage the tenants to take responsibility for their own home and help them understand how to make a dangerous situation safe ... by clearing the leaves daily.

Low brow narrow minded idiots that can't see past their own job description.

Saint posted:

And lastly . . . .  NHS in crisis?? I don't doubt there really are pressures however . . .


My Dad has just come out of hospital after 10days

The ward he was on was completely empty - except my Dad. For days - empty.

I commented this to the staff - they agreed it was quiet and were enjoying it while it lasted.


Two years ago my Mum was in hospital for 3months - yep 3 months.

One of the wards in her wing was completely empty for all of that time. Eight beds never filled for 3months solid.

Food for thought that's all . . .

Makes you think , eh . Having said that , Mr B was in hospital for 6 days recently and the two wards he was in were full.


Sunderland have began their bid for City of Culture 




Yes this was reported in the same breath as "someone has put a dead ferret in a recycling bin ... in Sunderland"


However the serious point is ... this council suddenly has found the money to bid for the right to be crowned.

Meanwhile they don't have enough to sweep the streets or collect waste bin regularly


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