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Me too, Moonie.


Text speak is bad enough in text messages but I realise that people only have a limited amount of character space to get their message completed so their use of it is understandable I suppose, (unlike the text speak itself which just looks like a string of gobbledegook to me).  But when it's used in e-mails, normal letters etc it just looks silly, I reckon

Madame Arcati
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Saint:

When someone says, "We got pregnant"

No you didn't. The woman did


Oh yes... "we're pregnant". No, no you're not

Not experienced it personally, but I hate on telly programmes when medical professionals say 'Baby is going to be/do/ whatever'  Not 'your baby' or 'this baby' of 'the baby' just 'Baby'as if that was its name  ... it makes me cringe and I don't quite know why... i think it's because it sounds as if they're talking to simpleton.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Don't you dare light a ciggie in your car or drink from a can.


By-the-way . . . take a good look at the h-u-g-e bill poster advertising Brad Pitt's latest movie as you approach a busy round about.

Spot on  


Or the motorway-side sculptures..


They were talking about banning hands free now only last week   


No mention of the idiots you see all over the place fixed on the front passenger whilst in deep convo.


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