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My son's phone contract will be due for renewal/upgrade next month and I am a bit of a novice only having a PAYG phone myself.

However I believe he can get a better deal (really wants an iphone) if he says that he is going to switch to another network as they will over incentives to keep him? I think friends have tried it and been offered free gifts and all sorts. However as I say, I'm not used to all this - how would we go about it. (He actually doesn't want to change network at all!!)



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If he goes to the other providers and makes enquiries about what they will offer, then he has material to negotiate with his current provider, it is true that some will offer incentives to keep you, but it depends.


If he finds a better deal somewhere else, it might actually be better to switch, because a lot of the mobile companies don't seem to reward or care about loyalty anymore.


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