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its a weird one isn't it?

but then I suppose if the Williams sisters can cope in Tennis.....

Just going on the odd summary I have heard of the pair of them.... Ed sounds like the fluffy one...  David sounds like the spikey one....

Not sure which one the Labour party needs right now..... does it need bringing together for a group hug.... or does it need some serious coppicing?
Reference: Dirtyprettygirlthing
hubby & son vs me & daughter.... with the dog desperately going between the two groups yapping & licking in a confused manner!
Ditty - perhaps it would be best if son hooked up with the dog, and then hubby could desperately go between the two groups yapping & licking in a confused manner! 
A snippet from Simon Hoggart in today's paper -
The father of the Miliband brothers, Ralph, was a Marxist and political theorist (as well as being an illegal immigrant.)
The wife of Austin Mitchell MP is Linda McDougall was a family friend of Ralph Miliband.
She once said:
"I'm afraid I can't take either of the Miliband brothers seriously. I changed both their nappies."
I like this -
Ed Miliband today joked that his mother would not be supporting either his or his brother's bid for the labour leadership.

"I do want you to be the first to know the answer to this because I think I can say that I am confident that, on the basis of her position on the political spectrum and on the basis of the runners and riders, that her candidate for the Labour leadership will be Jon Cruddas," he said.

Last edited by Blizz'ard
both of them have slightly different views and have got along very well in the past, it shouldn't really change now, surely they have discussed their views on many occasions.
I think though there's a subtle difference between having and discussing different views in a general way and actually leading and directing a political party.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I'm worried they are going to go for someone young and telegenic...Bloody Blair, now everyone wants cheesy grins and nice photo ops.

Bah Humbug!

Not that young and telegenic is pad per se but I want a bit of substance not just surface gloss...and some of the stuff I've seen written about MPs appearances (especially Brown) makes me want to smack my head off my desk.

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