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I presume the Mail's reporting of this is coloured by their own agenda, but you have to ask why a lesbian kiss would be considered "sexually suggestive" but a "straight" kiss not...


Apart from being a retrograde step, I find this deeply worrying: would it prevent, for example, the News from covering the recent protests outside the John Snow pub?

Eugene's Lair

I suspect that when the report, from Reg Bailey of the Mothers Union who is behind the survey, is published that it will seem to be quite reasonable to many, and that the Mail's article won't be a true reflection on the report. The reason for the report is the perception of the sexualisation of children rather than draconian censorship.

El Loro
You made me read it! Surely you miss the point. The article associates homosexualist behaviour with indecency. I now invite you to read pp10-11 in today's guardian G2 section. An article which describes the increasing assaults including murder on gay men. Lazy, poorly written, garbage like that written in the Daily Mail only serves to isolate peeps. Shame on you (and now me) for accessing such sheight. If I may say so.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I presume the Mail's reporting of this is coloured by their own agenda, but you have to ask why a lesbian kiss would be considered "sexually suggestive" but a "straight" kiss not...


Apart from being a retrograde step, I find this deeply worrying: would it prevent, for example, the News from covering the recent protests outside the John Snow pub?

Totally agree


Does Cameron think little girls can catch lesbianism from their TVs!  He's an idiot.


Nanny Cam should stop wagging his prudish finger at the content of our TV programs. Anyone would think he hasn't got a country to ruin.

Last edited by Carnelian

The Media Show on Radio 4 this afternoon included a discussion on the report from Reg Bailey due out soon and the effect it may have on television and all forms of advertising.


You can listen to this for the next week - link


The report is likely to recommend a major clampdown on daytime music channels in particular. Also advertising in the general media to children of things like pole dancing kits. Potentially all advertising before the television watershed could be banned, though this could prove too controversial to be done as much of television depends on advertising income.


The Media Show also mentioned the X Factor Final. OFCOM reviewed this and found that Rihanna's peformance was acceptable. They said that Christina Aguilera's routine was right on the border of acceptability (this was referring to some of the supporting dancers rather than Christina Aguilera herself).


As a result of the concern raised by the public over the X Factor Final, OFCOM have announced that:

"Ofcom will shortly be issuing new guidance about the acceptability of material in pre-watershed programmes that attract large family viewing audiences. We will also be requesting that broadcasters who transmit such programming attend a meeting at Ofcom to discuss the compliance of such material."


Not much was said about the Daily Mail's rant about pre watershed lesbian kissing.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Issy:

Why is a man the chief exec of the Mother's Union?

Come to think about it, I didn't know it was still going

The Mother's Union is happy for men to join.


I've just looked on their website and found this news release:


Mothers’ Union explicitly refutes all allegations regarding the banning of lesbian kisses on television before or after the watershed as claimed by the media this week, including in The Sun and the Daily Mail newspapers. The Bailey Review as conducted by the Department of Education is independent of the Mothers’ Union’s Bye Buy Childhood Campaign and therefore, any recourse to statements against Mothers’ Union are unfounded and should be directed to the Department of Education at this link -

The Mothers’ Union’s Campaign is gender inclusive and is therefore, neither targeted towards or against any type of relationship and should not be expressed as such. It clearly calls for the following in Britain and the Republic of Ireland:


a)    To challenge children, their parents and guardians and wider family to think about their consumer habits

b)    To empower families to address the influence of commercialisation within the home

c)    To engage with the commercial world and take positive action to challenge instances of inappropriate marketing or selling

d)    To hold the UK Government accountable on the pledges made in the coalition’s Programme for Government to:
address the commercialisation and sexualisation of children; and
raise awareness amongst other political representatives across the UK and Ireland.


Further details of Mothers’ Union’s Campaign can be found at

El Loro

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