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Hellooooo old forum and old friends 

Just popped in to say what a sight Mario's underpants were!  I thought that sight was just intended for my eyes only (around 6.30 am in my kitchen usually)  - not Mario, I mean the OH! 

Do men intentionally buy their tight 'briefs' at least 4 sizes too big in the hope that one day they will grow in to them, do they start orf tightish' and begin the journey sarf at around 1.00 am, do their cheeks start to restrict with the urge to wee in the night but cannot be bothered to walk to the loo?  I just don't know!!!

Ack, if no one answers I'll just go with my gut instinct that men have no peachy goods and that maybe I should start wearing OH's in the hope mine begin to sag (anyone can dream).

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