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If someone started a thread entitled 'The World Is Round' you would be the very first to point out that it is in fact square.
It would be a strange world if we all saw things the same way. I can't help it if I don't like the same HM's as you (and the majority on here) I simply try to redress the balance. FGS the malice and horrible stuff posted on here about HM's that I like ................was that post so bad?

If we all liked the same HM's there'd be no contest would there? I think you have posted plenty of negative stuff on here .......................just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me wrong does it?
Soozy Woo
If someone started a thread entitled 'The World Is Round' you would be the very first to point out that it is in fact square.
And I for one thank god she makes the effort!

Some of the threads lately have been very one sided........ mainly cos those of us who disagree can't be bothered to play.   I applaud Soozy for her energy.
I simply try to redress the balance.
So you admit you're arguing just for the sake of it? I've never seen you post anything on any thread that didn't seem to be deliberately contrary to the point of the thread. Never. I suppose it could be some kind of extraordinary coincidence that you always hold opposing views to every thread you read but seriously, what are the chances of that?

Lots of people support HM's I don't like, I'm fine with that. Arguing with everyone you can whenever you can is kind of odd behaviour don't you think?
. I suppose it could be some kind of extraordinary coincidence that you always hold opposing views to every thread you read but seriously, what are the chances of that?
Actually I don't but at the moment all threads appear to be anti JJ, Josie and Mario three favourites. What should I do? Pretend to agree? That's just how it is ........take a look at the front page of this forum. If I wish to partake ...............what should I do?
Soozy Woo
JJ, Josie and Mario three favourites
I don't see Josie getting much grief and even less so Mario. JJ is public enemy number one but that's what you get if you like controversial HM's. I thought I was going to get burned at the stake for starting a thread applauding Sam but lots of people seem to like him not that it would have bothered me if people hadn't.

Dunno Soozy, just everytime I see you post you seem to be taking a contradictory view. One of those things I suppose.
Dunno Soozy, just everytime I see you post you seem to be taking a contradictory view. One of those things I suppose.
Maybe that's because my views are contradictory to the majority of threads on here. I don't do it to upset you and your mates - I simply have contradictaroy views. Sorry you seem to find it offensive but if I want to be on this forum what am I to do? Agree with you for an easy life?
Soozy Woo
but I honestly don't remember seeing too many threads about her.
There have been quite a few....especially recently, but the Josie bashing is normally lumped in with the JJ bashing, so it's maybe not been so obvious up to now.

She's definitely not a popular girl on here, that's for sure.

Mind you, we're in that weird time in the competition, where everyone gets a bit mental..... We have to flag up every single tiny fault with anyone who threatens to be competition for our chosen one. It's BB forum law!
Sorry you seem to find it offensive but if I want to be on this forum what am I to do? Agree with you for an easy life?
I don't find it offensive at all, just strange. And no, please don't agree with me for the sake of it I talk a right load of shit sometimes and am more than happy for people to point it out. I wasn't challenging you, just commenting.

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