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I can barely move my arms but loving it lol I went Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday last week and just been again tonight. The instructor has upped my regeime (sp) but it feels amazing. Only down side is the cutting out of all booze very boring times! and the bran is making me need a number 2 2 times a day! oh well feeling energized so off to clean the flat from top to bottom although seems pretty pointless as the work on the kitchen and bathroom STILL hasn't even started yet  And while were having a catch up, that ex i met up wiv a couple of weeks ago. Well met up with him again but realised there is NO attraction there anymore. I let him down not so gently and needless to say iv not heard from him since. Oh well felt good telling him i think hes a ming mong (lets just say 5 yrs ago he didn't let me down so gently either) Cant wait to go on the pull when im all fit and sexy

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I currently go only once a week, but moving gym soon because limited facilities and its not really suited for me. So moving to the perform centre in rossendale where Wigan Warriors & Sale Sharks train. Much more suited to what im aiming for and hopefully I can get back into playing Rugby.

Jermaine Defoe, Ricky Hatton and others have been known to use it.

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