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Originally Posted by Ells:

I had to make that last post just so I could get a view of what I'm writing!


Blizzie.....that video made me cry laughing but also creeped me out.  I'm the biggest scaredy-cat and am now sat here dying for a pee but waiting til the OH comes back from the shop so I can go pee

 Oops, sorry! 


It's not real, if that helps.  

Originally Posted by Cupcake:

That is HILARIOUS Ducky!    That guy's FACE!    Thank you.


What is it that they are on by the way? 


Re; your son: I honestly don't get how ANYone could watch that, and not laugh.  (or at least find it a bit funny...)



To be fair to my son.... I wasn't actually with him when he watched it (I instant messaged him with it)..... so he may have laughed. I was just expecting more than "yeah it was ok" .


He's ALWAYS sending me videos, he could at least humour me when I return the favour

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Sooz Did Mr Woo laugh?


Yes! I also forwarded it to a friend of mine who,s partner had a ladder accident a few weeks ago (it was a bit more serious than Mr woos). I wasn't aware at the time quite how serious it was. I didn't receive a response. He is making a good recovery now but ...............sometimes I just don't think

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ducky:

Oh and I dunno what they're on Cupcake. Maybe some reverse Bungy thing?

It's called a Sling-shot ride. It sort of throws the seats forward, like they're being shot out of a catapult, then pulls them backwards again - because the are attached to ropes/wires/cables, So Ducky's 'bacwards bungy' description is pretty close to the mark.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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