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oh bluddy hell Mr M *PP

you may have blanked the result out but tis obvious  from what you psoted that she got it before Bb  has announced it...  I purposely didn;t look at the spoiler on the forum and don't want it in here either........... ..  thanks a bleeding  lot!!!!!!!

THIS IS THE LUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as is LIVE FEED  including the 15 minute delay THREAD

and breathes..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
ok fair enough but after the last time you had a go at me for talking about spoilers  in thread titles it seemed pretty suss

apology accepted.. and I apologise for sounding off too . .  twas just I just prefer to read spoilers that  I choose to read and in the 'LIVE' thread I  wait to see what happens as I am LUTTing it...  so was fuming..

 I want to see it happen not hear about it before it has happened.. 

ION am gutted that bint Caoimhe  gets away with it his week and goes from nearly walking out the door to staying another week and putting two of the more interesting HM's on the spot.. ..

Jj is telling her he wants her to have a chance to get to know people after she was stuck to Shabby for too long]

he doesn't feel bad about what he did and he feels if he put up who he was going to put up she wouldn't have stood a chance and that wasn't fair on her. . tho he adds I ma be wrong about that person. . [probably Ben then  }

he's had his experience in the house and she needs hers  [screams]

in the background I can hear Ben saying he is surprised JJ got nominated!!!
 [ cheeky little weasel ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

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