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Sunshine gets in the crawling position

Dave shouts encouragement to her in a very breathless voice

The cat sounds and she is off..

she has come a cropper already and got stuck on one cog

she recovers, gets her cheese and races back for another

she is not as fast as Dave and drops her second cheese.. she then falls off the side and has to start again

she is rolling all over the place..  has only managed to get one cheese so far cos she keeps falling off..or spinning on the cogs..

 Sunshine stops to fix her gloves then goes flying again..she wants to give up but they all tell her to keep going

shabby asks if she is ok..

Sunshine keeps stopping.. she has managed to get two on the end so far...she can;t find a rhythm and just keeps spinning on the cogs.. and off she goes againn

finally she finishes..

she was very slow..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby's go now

She assumes the crawl position too..

The cat sounds

Off she goes

she is fast to the other end

she grabs a cheese but falls off..

back to the beginning and tries again

falls on a cog, spins around and manages to get one cheese to the other end

goes flying on the way back for another Cheese..

only has one so far

[Dave had 3 at this point so has won]

Shabby stops on the cogs. .does a drama roll off the platform and slows down..

she is shaking her head. .

she is not finding it easy..

and down she goes again

she is sat down now saying I can't... she is out of breath

she gives up..

Dave won

and now after stopping, leaving the platform and sitting down  she goes back and gets the remainder of the cheeses..

she flops down is dramatic exhaustion..

BB announces the task is over but HM's shoudl remain seated for the results
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Bb announces

Dave did it in 1m 32 secs

Sunshine failed

Shabby did it in 3m 45

Dave is now told he has won a special prize

he must now replace himself with another HM not already nominated

Corin says I knew it

Sd as Dave looks worriedly at the others

he takes his picture off the board and walks over to a Black board that has the others on it..

he looks at the others sat beside the board

he says I jut wanna say

the reason I am doing this is because the person I am choosing is the people favourite so would be safe

the others say why .. it shoudl be someone you'd want up and the others say we can't gauge the Public's feelings

Dave stops and goes for a chat with them

Sd'd so can;t hear. .

all looking worried

Shabby says she wishes she had won

(no doubt Ben would have been her choice after she targeted him)

BB tells Dave to make his decision now

Racheal (or Shabby)  says go on Dave everybody understands you have to do it. .

Hard one they say

He stands up and takes Racheal's pic

she shouts out noooooooooooo..   she is crying now. .

DAve says I am sorry..

muted clapping . .

the task is over

So Sunshine Shabby and Rachael are up  ..

Rachael is distraught she knows she is going

Shabby Govan comfort her

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben is now telling Dave that Shabby acused him of nominating her cos she was suspicious that he had started talking to her. .

he says I didn't talk to her only afterwards I tlaked to her over the last few days cos I wanted to get to know her

Dave is shocked Shabby is upo

Sunshine is being very cool about it all..

Dave is upset one of his bets mates is up.. [Sunshine]

Nathan walks by and hugh 5's Dave

Dave's knees are torn to bits.

Sunshine mentioned the outfits had been used before as there was dried blood inside them, eeeeew

elsewhere we can hear the Racheal upset business going on but we are not being shown it atm..

ah we got shown a bit

Shabby is saying the public likes to reward nice people and she hasn't been nice

she understands it all now it is game playing and she is going to play the game now.. 

most of the HM's are gathered around Rachael now to make her feel better..

Mario says she is one fo the favourites and will be ok

Rachael is not so sure because of her reception going in..

Dave and Rachael cuddle he explains he didn't know what to do and is sorry.. Rachael says don;t worry sorry I cried it was just a shock at the beginning..

they are locked in the garden for now..

hopefully it will calm down.. .I need to go soon

Bb opens the door to let them in. .yay!!

Mario tells Rachael she'll be ok . .she has a lovely personality and the public will see that. .

Rachael says in little girl voice. .thanks. .I just need a few minutes then I'll be ok

SD and Library shots
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Meanwhile the smoking lot are talking about Dave's choice

Shabby says now to be fair if it was me that won I'd have picked one of his group

Govan says no hang on why did he not pick me after yesterday [Dave went for someone he thought was safe he said]  it's definitely a game thing Dave's playing there..  he is convinced..

Ife says Rachael will be fine. .first impressions people will obviously think with her Beyonce lookalike thing she would be the type of girl who would  up herself but she is so not she is lovely

Govan and Shabby go back to discussing her problem with Ben nominating her as she has thunked.. Ben walks over and interrupts the convo to ask if he and Shabby can talk later..

They [Shabby and Govan] both agree the game is on now..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
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Rachael now with Shabby and Govan by the DR buzzer

Shabby saying had I known there was a twist... see how fast I did the second bit?  I'd have...... SD [gone fast all the time and not made drama  for the TV out of it? ]


Govan tells Rachael it is on now it really is..

Shabby and Govan go to the DR as Shabby says I need to talk to them on my own..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
in the bedroom Mario Sunshine and Ben are chatting

Sunshine says this whole thing [BB] is a game. .like snakes and ladders and we are just the pieces being moved around

she is surprisingly chirpy..

they discuss the fact weight was a help in this game cos it slowed the cogs when Dave was on them . .hmm he was on them for such a short time he flew along so quickly. .

and that's all from me folks for now.. am shattered..

byeee for now
Mount Olympus *Olly*
just a final (promise :this time ) quicky

Ben in the bedroom is explaiing to John why he knows if Shabby had won she would have picked Ben to replace her

he tells him how Shabby has called him out  to his face and behind his back, over nominating her and her reasons for suspecting it due to him actually daring to talk to her and she perceives this as him trying to get on her good side so as not to get a vote and meantime planning to vote for her all along..

John says where am I when all these drama's ahppen I seem to miss them all..

Meanwhile in the bathroom the smoking gang repeat their mantra.

It's ON NOW . .It's ON now..

Rachael or was it Shabby {anyway they both agree]  says I should warn the rest of you now that if one of us goes it should tell you how the public see the groups

the others

Govan Caoimhe and Ife say what do you mean?

Rachael explains it will say if the public prefer our group. .the bigger one or theirs..  and who is being portayed as the nicer lot..

back in the bedroom the mood is more relaxed. .not what if's or game plan talking just rehashing the task..

Bathroom group still talking about the task and how it was fixed for Dave to win cos weight was needed to slow the cogs

Shabby tells BB she thought they were looking after her and wanted her to stay.. she is not happy with them :eek;

Caoimhe tells her BB doesn;t want her to go..

Back int he bedroom Sunshine tells the oters that Shabby came up to her to tell her she knew why Sunshine was upa nd wasn't surprised comnsidering all the trouble Sunhine had caused... but she was shocked that she was

Sunshine says I felt bad and didn;t understand

Ben says look I know this will sound bad but I am saying it anyway..  since the names were announced I think Shabby has behaved appallingly..

she has
Mount Olympus *Olly*
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cheers guys

am back but am going to try catch up with the reasons Shabby thinks Ben is to blame for her being up ..|I taped the E4 live bit. .

but as I left the house I was flabbergasted to hear her tell Ben she was so upset because she feels she shouldn't be up at all as there are others in the house that deserve to  have been up before her

*faints at the blatant audacity of the women who is supposed to be a TV/Film person yet says that for all the public to hear *

 current happenings is the smokers area

 Ife telling Shabby to try to stop saying she is going and think positive..

Shabby wants to stay.. .no kidding !!

pops off again
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby is furious. .she is the most furious she has been since she has been in there.. in fact she is so furious she is barely able to feel furious..

this to the Bathroom crew..

Meanwhile in the bedroom Ben is so  annoyed at her he hopes she goes now.. says she is so volatile he can't be doing with it

Dave tries to be kind and says she has had to adapt to a rough environment and she is what she is because of that

Ben says no you choose the personalty you have regardless..

Mario and Dave advise Ben to not go around trying to make things better by talking to everyone he considers he's upset. .

they and Sunshine say once people have made up their minds you aren't going to change it. .it's just unfortunate that Ben has got himself in these awkward situations.. [his paranoia didn't help ]

Sunshine says they shouldn't bother about thinking who the public thinks is the most popular. .it's an unpopularity contest after all..JJ tells Ben he and Sunshine are too nice and Ben should just chill and get on with it..  Ben doesn't need to go around explaining himself all the time either..

Mario wants Sunshine to stay and thinks Rachael is safe...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh dear it was going smoothly then Ben did a foot in mouth yet gain

while chatting nicely to Shabby in the Kitchen  about their different personalities he was expainging that soemtimes he is not sure how to take her. .becuse she is an actress he s not sure if she is meaning something when she is angry or if she is acting it up playfully or for fun

Shabby needless to say has taken great offence  at this and gone to cool off [moan to her mates]

Benthen tells Caoimhe he's gorn ad done it again without meaning to

Says he thinks Shabby thinks he as saying that she was benig duplicitous when he wasn't saying that it all more that he was trying to say he  didn't always know if she was serious or hamming it up..

Caoimhe asks where Shnny is

Ben says she's gone to cool off

she says well she takes her acting seriously so maybe that is why she was so offended..

Elsewhere (yup the bathroom)  Shabby is gobbing off that he has told her she's playing to the audience when in reality she is just a bad tempered person [
oh which to be proud of most? ]

Caoimhe has told Ben to go talk to Shabby and explain. .as he walks int eh bathroom Shabby goes nto a good time

Caoimhe says I told him to come in to talk to you

Ben tries to explain

Shabby just yells at him and tells him to think before he speaks in future..

*  thinks of ways to stop Shabby speaking all together *

Caoimhe is trying to diffuse it all and tells Shabby to try to calm down because she believes he didn't mean it the way it came out and Shabby yells and yells  and gawd help us.. 

Shabby goes off to have a fag  while her buddies argue between themselves in the bathroom whether  Ben meant it or Not

To be honest, and my opinion only, Ben is a bumbling dipstick in a nice and harmless way and hasn't a clue about anything and how things can be perceived by others. .hence his paranoia yesterday about noms and if he'd upset people..

shame tis Shabby he keeps making the major cock ups with tho. .but it is funny
Mount Olympus *Olly*
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Ben and Caoimhe are in the bedroom chatting while Shabby is mouthing off in the garden

Caoimhe basically says again that Shabby is so precious about her acting tis why she lost her cool.. advises Ben to just say sorry and leave it at that

Ben says yes I will and you know I wasn't saying she was acting all the time in here but in return you lot have to tell her that these tantrums and tempers are also affecting me as she runs off and involves you, who I am friends with  and have been since we got in here cos we have a lot in common, and also brings  Ife into it  too..

Caoimhe says you have to understand she was upset and  [damn I forgot what came next and it was relevant too. .if I remember I'll pop back]

Ben says look she has even brought Rachael into it too..  and she has to understand that if she wants to sit down and have a discussion and within that discussion hears something she may not like she needs to stop throwing a fit and losing ehr tmepr and storming off and bringing everybody else into it..

Caoimhe says look just go aplogise, you worded it badly and just leave it at that

She then goes to the bathroom to Shabby who's mouthing off more and more and tells Shabby what she said to Ben and ..

Shabby's ears perk up when she hears Ben says Caoimhe is a friend.. then rants that this whole thing would never have started if he hadn't of gone around to HER friends yesterday saying he thinks he made a mistake with his second nomination {he went around all of the HM's ]

oh Govan is there now. .he'd been playing hide a seek earlier..

he stirs the pot more and suggest Ben ahs doen this to make Shabby look bad  so she'll get the boot. .

Shabby says yeah he's a reality show expert he's playing the game he's no fool..

Caoimhe tells her to just calm down and step back a bit for the greater good and realx a bit for her own good..

anyway the hide and seek game is over. .everybody else has been found

there are other HM's in there today but Shabby is taking the screen time today..

phew Ben nearly went to go say sorry but the others said no leave it for now. .Rachael explains why she was so upset to Ben as well and said she would have taken it that way as well..

oh gawd we go round and round Ben explaining to Rachael she never knows if Shabby is hamming it up or not cause he knows she's an actress and not that it is meant she is doing it nastilly just maybe he think sis she in a temper or isn't she..

Ben needs to stop thinking... it doesn't help his brain

Rachael says look she is an extreme personality which is why she flicks form highs to lows but she would hate to be thought of as actually hamming things up when she isn't.. ----------  hmmmmmmmm  she isn't?

Rachael says look let it lie, let her cool down she's on a low due to all of this the nom stuff today as it is..

Ben says he hates that the drama makes it look like he is the cruel person taunting poor Shabby..  he gets upset about stuff but doesn;t get all dramatic about it.. -------- hmmmmmmmmmmmm he doesn't?

this is a rubbish AmDram show

Merry-go-rounds galore  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben is apologising to Shabby now

(prior to this Shabby told her friends she would listen but wouldn't believe he means it cos she thinks he is playing a game)

She tells him she knows she goes off half cocked so she talked to others first to check she wasn't overreacting and they all agreed she wasn't.

well they would wouldn't they she only spoke to her mates..

She should have had a word with Corin or Steve who have a tad more common sense than the rest of them..

in Shabby's world Ham is a bad word Drama queen would have been better

Ben explains Ham is not an insult.. just another dramatic turn of phrase..

as instructed by Caoimhe Ben is crawling to Shabby to make her feel better..

if only he knew he was wasting his time..

Shabby has a face like she is chewing a lemon...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
it kinda returned to normal for a while and not much was going on..

then John told Ben he should perhaps have stopped going on about it all a bit eartier than he did

Now Ben is  paranoid again and chatting to Mario in the shack raking over old coals..

he did make me laugh when he said she even went blabbing to Rachael about it and for gawds sake  what have those two got in common he splutters..

a Beyonce lookalike and the Artful Dodger from Oliver Twist

[to be fair them two are both up for eviction so do actually have a lot in common in the BB house atm tho one was not picked was a house vote]

Ben is still also put out that Shabby told him off for talking to his friends about it yet when they had heir first meeting earlier today about their first argument re noms, she had to have her brigade with her before they could start.. .. .4 against 1.... bit lopped sided to say the least.

Ben is such a bumbling idiotic fool..  but he makes me laugh
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh dear and Ben bumbles even more into the myre as he then says to Mario I am feeling really bad about letting Sunshine down nudge nudge wink wink.. you know what I mean [nominating her]

but now I will stick up for her. .she wasn't on my list of stick up for people before but she is now

he says the whole house seems unbalanced except for Steve

then laughs and says isn't it funny that the stablest person in this house is the one with no legs.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sunshine's in the kitchen, she's preparing food

Dave, Mario, JJ, Ben and one of the girls are in the bedroom talking. Loads of SDs, so I have little idea of what they're talking about.

Steve and Nathan are laying the table.

Natan's just called them all to 'din-dins'

Shabby's still wearing the mouse hat from the task.

All I can hear is SDs (twittering birds) and utensils clattering.

Somebody said 'he knows everything'

Cut to Rachael in bathroom, running water. Then she joins the others for the meal.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Don't know if it's been reported or not, but this afternoon Dave was telling Corin how he met this lad in wheelchair, the lad hadn't walked for 14yrs, Dave layed his hands on him and the lads  legs straightened out, he got out the chair and started walking all the lads mates where stunned  so was Corin  i must not have bought a paper that day

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