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Little catch up

John and rachel have been sitting in the task room complaining about their part of the task, John doesn't want to waste his last few days in the house just sitting in there
Dave and Corin take food into the task room for them, Dave asks what they have been talking about, John say's nominations and evictions, Rachel still thinks it's her that will go, Dave thinks it will be between him and Rachel, he then goes on to call Mario Judas for putting in him
Dave reads through the rules for the task, John still isn't happy about being in there, he and Rachel want to go to the DR, BB announces if they want to ask BB anything then they have to give a message to Dave or Corin to pass on, they decide they've had enough and walk out of the task room
Sam isn't happy they've gave up as they have been practising their dance routine all day
Sam wants the dances to have 1 more run through of the routine before they have to do it for real, Josie say's she is having a cig first, she tell's John she wants to slap Sam, she then tell's sam not to talk to her again, Sam say's she is being unfair
Steve in the garden practising hitting the bull on a dart board
John tells Corin he thinks BB put certain people fo this task for a reason, they dressed him up as a woman and Josie as a boy
John tells dave not to give him alot of gruel for dinner tonight, Dave says he has to give everyone the same amounts, John says you can give me 3 bowls for all i care, i won't eat it and you will fail your task
The dance troupe do another practise
John asks Corin for a token so he can have a shower, she says the smokers aren't going to smoke to save on tokens (i think they must have to use a token everytime they shower, smoke, eat etc)
The dancers are dancing to consider yourself from Oliver
John thinks he has just saved Rachel from leaving on Friday, he is 100% certain he is going on friday, he has just let rip at BB, he say's what can BB do, throw me out who cares, Josie say's can you imagine leaving me here with Sam, John is ready for any of them that wants to have a go at him for failing the task, he tell's Josie that Rachel was nearly crying in the task room cause she didn't want to spend her last days stuck in the task room
Josie say's she hasn't hated someone as much as she does sam for along time

John has now moved onto talking about Dave, he says he has double standards, he calls sam and then sleeps in the same bed as him
John telling Josie he thinks BB set the task up to annoy him
John thinks if the public want him in the house then he is going to stay in just for them, he couldn't care less about anything else
JJ thinks it will be hard for them to get as many hits on the website for their dance as they did for the glee task
John tell's Josie he doesn't dislike Rachel he just finds her annoying he told her alot of times in the task room
Dave says Shabby would have loved this task, Andrew says he feels really cheeky in his costume
John says he is staying in the shower
Josie tell's John that she really wanted to lash out earlier (think she's on about Sam)
Josie hopes John isn't at her eviction as her friends will all want to see her first and then she can look forward to meeting up with John later
Josie asks John if his friends will be here, he says if he's in the final week they probably will fly over
Sam tells the Hms their glee song was on 4 music, Dave thinks that is great, Rachel can't wait to see it
John tells Josie that everyone will be nominating Sam next week, she says if she is up and wins the SAR task she will take great pleasure in taking her face down and putting sams up in her place she will do it a smile on her face
Dave can't believe either him or Rachel will be leaving the house, he will be sad either way, he's got alot of love for rachel
Dave and Sam having a go at each other (banter) Dave says he can go as long as sam can
Sam thinks it may a double eviction this week, as they haven't got alot of money on the shopping budget
Josie calls Sam a weasal

Rach is asking JoeJ about films, he says he likes Pretty Woman but never seen Sliding Doors.
They're talking Twilight now.......Rach says her and her little sis were going to come down to London to watch the premiere of Eclipse, but the stars weren't going to be there.

Jo is talking about her Mum in the bedroom. Now they talk about how now they are older, they can't handle going out on the town as much as they used to.
Jo says she's looking forward to seeing her family.

Rach asked 'who's seen the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe part 2, Return To Narnia'
No takers for that one, LOL.
Corin and Mario are at the bureau/desk in the living area(part of the task), Corin says she's lost 26 coins. Mario says 'I haven't got them'

Josie and John James are talking in riddles on the sofa.....I think they're attempting some sort of sexual innuendo, not sure. John James is playing with a cane.

Jo and Mario are now in BR, looking at photos HMs have taken whilst in the house. Jo says Ben's very photogenic, Mario says(in all seriousness) 'yeah, he used to be a catalogue model'
Jo says John James looks handsome, Mario says yeah I guess but I wouldn't chase him in the outside world.

They marvel at how amazing a photo of the bathroom looks when it's so grotty in reality. Jo says it looks like something from Dubai.
Mario says he wants his last bowl of gruel, saying he wants to get it out of the way.

John James and Josie are back in bed.
Josie looks at a photo of John and says 'I'd like to do so many things with him'
John 'like what'
Jos 'can't say on tv'
Josie makes out like the photo is talking to her and says 'Josie you're the best thing that's happened to me'
John says her accent sucks.
Rachel helps Mario with his black task wig. She puts pigtails in it. Mario says the wig makes his real hair hurt.

Rachel says she and Mario are going to do Spanish dancing in their outfits.

Corin gets back into bed.

Mario and Rachel are dancing in the living area, arms round each other.

Dave asks Mario for a massage cos his back's hurting from some sort of activity.....Mario says of course, Dave tells him he loves him even though they've had some water under the bridge. 'I still love you Moley'. Dave says he'll go to the kitchen to heat up some gruel whilst it's cooking Moley will massage him.

(personal opinion, Mario should screw Dave's back up even more for all the knives that are in his own back!!)
Mario giving Dave his massage in the BR. Mario says Dave has three spots forming a triangle on his back, and Dave says maybe I've been bitten by something.
They talk about how the remaining gruel for the day will be shared out.

Mario asks where the pain is, Dave says lower back.
BB plays the wake up alarm.....maybe Corin or JJJ are asleep.

Steve and Rachel talk about why she and John threw their part of the task, and the fact that her and John don't really get on very well. Rachel says it's unfair for BB to expect them to stay in the room until 1pm on what could be their last day in the house.

Mario works on Dave's lower back.....he says Mole, when we dipped our hands in the bread bowl and you did what you had to do for 30 pieces of silver, I knew we'd be back here together'
He's still carrying on the Judas thing.
Mario 'the coin thing was decided by the Lord so he obviously wanted you tested again'
Mario says he'll throw the task next week if he wins it.
Dave says we should have thrown it this week.
Mario says he promised to try, and he keeps his promises, like the promise he's made not to swap Dave's face again.
Dave says if he does he'll have loads of Christians outside after him, burning effigies. (this is all lighthearted in tone, but I sense an undercurrent)

The massage looks like it feels goooood. I want one.
Dave 'do you realise John James is the wealthiest man in the house, Mole? You know he's a seven-figure man, don't you?'

John James and Josie are in the next bed.
Josie asks if he's a millionaire, John laughs and says no.

Dave 'he's a millionaire, baby'
John 'millionare in what, assets, or cash.....A millionaire house and car combined'
Mario has been massaging the backs of Corin's thighs in the bedroom, they've been chatting about lots of things, I like watching these two together.
Mario's said being in BB has made him realise that if you go for one dream, you should try for the rest of them. They talk about the audition process and are told off....Mario laughs and says 'at least they're paying attention to us today'

JoeJ has had a ToT task, where he has to pilfer items from each housemate relating to their Charles Dickens shopping task.
John James knows there's a tree task going on, don't know how he's found out but he's been throwing his weight around in the bathroom and cussing the tree, saying 'you make these tasks so obvious' but the tree hasn't responded to him from what I've seen.
BB have taken the marbles away from the boys, Dave thinks they should go on strike until they give them back, Sam has drawn a picture with chalk and BB took the marbles as punishment, they think they all should go to bed at 9 and stay there even if BB play the alarm
Jo and Corin in the bedroom doing their hair, Jo is talking to Corin about being shown as a nasty person, Corin tell's her not to worry as she is a nice and caring person, she hasn't had one arguement since she came in the house, Corin say's she's at 3 rows in the house, she had one with Sam over the tokens and she had to go outside and sing for abit to calm down
Jo talks about the clips that where shown on the plasma the other day of people bitching about Sam and she doesn't won't that to be her next, she wishes she wouldn't let things bug her but you can't just walk away, they are stuck in the house
Mario hopes they get a task today, JJ says Saturdays are always weird in the house as they are busy all week then Saturdays are quiet
Mario, Corin and Jo in the BR talking about Rachel, they think she will be having a good time where ever she is, Mario says they are talking like she's died, he thinks she will be still waiting at the bus stop for a bus home
Jo thought she wouldn't be liked in the house for how long she takes doing her hair and make up
Corin moans that she's taken ages curling her hair and it still looks like a bag of rags, she might as well have kept the scrooge hat on
Jo tell's Josie she looks lovely today, nice outfit and hair
Jo gives Josie a flower for her hair for her eviction
JJ says the boys are now using pork balls  as marbles now, the house is going to stink
Corin still curling her hair, she's telling Jo she doesn't like shop workers following her around when she just wants to look
Josie and John lying on the bed
The boys are now painting the meat balls with nail varnish, JJ say's he isn't getting involved with it, Andrew asks Jo is she minds them using her varnish, she say's no
Sam say's the meat balls smell funky now, Dave says they need some enamel
Steve sitting alone on the sofas, Jo goes to make him a cuppa
(the house seems very quiet today)
The shutters are down to the garden
John talking about having to have a british passport to go into the house, otherwise he would have had to have had a visa
Jo and Mario talk about their types. They both agree they don't really have any. Mario says "a long as they're not taller than me".
JJ tells John James he didn't watch that much of Big Brother as he "normally out", and that he "didn't think to do any research" like Sam. John James said he would if he was given a guarantee to come in like Sam did.
John James talks to JJ about Sam knowing a lot about which housemates are popular in the outside world.
Housemates cheer as Sam is called to the Diary Room. There appeared to be some kind of table apparatus inside.
Jo and Steve are mocking the guys getting upset at their marbles being confiscated.
Sam laughs hysterically while having his head up to the Tree of Temptation, saying "I can still hear you". It is unclear if he was actually talking to the Tree, or just listening to people behind the camera runs.
It appears that Sam is talking to the Tree of Temptation, but the sound has been cut out of the live feed.
Josie tells Corin that she has seen a different side to Sam, and that she "loves that side of him".
Corin and Josie are at the carousel talking about how "manly" the house is now. "It would be nice if there were a few more girls in the house," Corin says.
John James is telling Sam about the 'Wear It or Lose It' task, and Ben's refusal to do the Tree of Temptation's secret task.
David is telling Mario and Andrew about his birthday party this year, saying that he told the 200 people at the party that he was possibly going into the Big Brother house.
Big Brother asks one housemate to bring Rachel's belongings to the Diary Room.
David says of Josie and John James: "I never thought they would end up having a physical relationship. But it seems like they're getting a lot closer. Seems like there's something there."
David is talking to Mario and Andrew. He says: "It makes you think, what's the point of staying? Josie's obviously the favourite, and John James and Steve. If it's already painted what's going to happen then it makes you question it." Mario says that public perception can change week on week so nothing is certain.
Mario is giving David a back massage in the bedroom.
Most of the housemates are at the sofas. JJ and John James are talking about football.
Mario turns away from Andrew on the bed and says: "I'm getting annoyed about this now." Andrew says: "Let's talk about some of your favourite things. Like pasta?" Mario replies: "Are you trying to stereotypically insult me?"
Andrew reassures Mario that he is not bothered about the picture being in the kitchen and possibly getting food on it before he takes it back to his university dorm room. He jokes: "Now I'm in the Big Brother house until the end, which is
Mario says he used to fancy Nathan when he was in the house. John James asks JJ if he fancies Corin. JJ says: "There's certain things in her character I don't like about girls. She is nice looking. She's a nice girl, I'll get in bed and have a cuddle, but that's as far as it'll ever go".
Dave says he misses Rachel. "Two of my best mates leaving in two weeks", referring to her and Ben.
Housemates continue to make fun of Andrew for having sex with a watermelon.
Several housemates drink to Sam's question "I have never fantasised over Davina McCall". The game looks to be coming to a close.
Mario drinks to his own question: "I have never masturbated to my own sex video". Dave is the only housemate not playing, as he walks around the kitchen and rejoins them by the sofas.
A short debate starts up when Jo asks "I have never given a hoot about winning Big Brother 2010". John James, Jo and Dave say its hasn't crossed their minds about winning it, something that Josie thinks is wrong.
Steve seems to be drinking to every question. JJ asks "I have never had sex with three different people in one week". JJ, Steve and Sam drink.
Steve shocks John James when he drinks to his question of being in an orgy. Mario also drinks.
Jo asks "I have never had sex while someone's watching". Mario, Sam and John James drink.
Mario asks "I have never shat my pants since being an adult". Mario, Steve and JJ drink. JJ asks "I have never had sex in a swimming pool". Steve, Corin and JJ drink.
Corin asks "I have never been tied up in bed". Mario, Steve, JJ, Corin and John James drink. John James looks embarrassed as he tries to think of a question.
Steve thinks Andrew has also had sex with a trifle. Mario says "I have nothing but respect for you man, a true player".
Andrew says "let's talk about something else now", after Mario wonders if he's had fun with a hoover or a dog. Josie comes in and Sam serenades her and pulls her towards him, making her laugh. She says "I never thought the reason you were horrible to me was cos you felt that way".
JJ, Steve, Sam and Mario are even more surprised to hear that Andrew has also "had fun" with a McDonald's apple pie. Mario jokes "Ever thought of an apple while you're f*****g a pear?".
Mario, Sam and Steve joke with Andrew about the watermelon story. Mario says "I've got a beautiful pumpkin I can set you on a date with".
Everyone is still laughing and joking about Andrew's revelation that he had sex with a watermelon. He says "they won't air that". Mario, Steve and JJ disagree. Mario says "Let's see who asks for watermelon on the next shopping list".
Corin asks "I have never had sex on public transport". Everyone but Josie and Jo drinks. JJ asks "I have never thought about having sex with someone of the same sex". Corin, Mario and Josie drink. Josie said
Josie says she doesn't "know what's wrong" with her as she helps herself to another pita bread. She notes how nice Sam has been to her today to Jo.
Mario returns from the Diary Room.
JJ says he left a message for John James saying he'd look after Josie if he was evicted.
Just as Dave keeps challenging him to tell him the secret, Mario is called to the Diary Room.
JJ and Dave are challenging Mario to tell them their secret. Mario says that Steve knows "because Steve and I know each other in the outside world". JJ wants Sam to tell him because he must have read it. Mario keeps saying "there is no secret". Mario says he told Ife and Ben.
JJ challenges Mario that he hinted that he was related to the "King of Italy". Mario categorically denies that he isn't related to anyone from the Italian royal family. John James says he couldn't care less what Mario's secret is.
John James tells Josie that housemates including Mario and Andrew annoy him after a while. At first, he liked Mario's tantrums and Andrew's abruptness funny, but now it annoys them. He says "you don't annoy me, ever".
John James jokes with Josie about when Andrew first entered the house, and she just sat there laughing at him for no reason.
Mario jokes that she has two options - either tell JJ she likes him, or he will do it for her. She urges him not to as "that would spoil my time in here, I wouldn't like it at all". He promises he won't.
Corin and Mario are talking about JJ in the garden. She says she is obviously not his type. During 'I Have Never', someone asked if anyone had fancied another housemate. Mario says he watched JJ watching Corin, and because Corin didn't drink, nor did he. Mario says he thinks JJ does fancy her, as "no man would get in bed twice for a cuddle".
It's a sunny day in the BB garden right now. John was laying by the pool, Josie in the pool and she kept flicking water at his head, so he went into the house and came out with a big bowl of water and dumped it over her head. She screamed.

Not much going on.Sam is sunbathing in a deckchair. He asks 'have I only been here just over a week?' It obviously feels like months, lol.
Andrew is doing a task, he is in the task room wearing a white coat, there's a whiteboard with random equations scribbled on it in the background.

JJ is in on this task in some way, he's just been in the Diary Room, BB has probably instructed him.

It's an experiment on how the housemates deal with invasion of their personal space. JJ is going to get close to various HMs and Andrew has to predict how they will react.
Dave asks where Andrew is because he hasn't come back from the Diary Room, JJ says 'BB informed me he's doing a task and won't be back for a while'

Dave says 'oh really, cool. where is he, then?' JJ says he thinks he's in the small task room.

Corin is rubbing suntan cream on JJs back while Andrew observes on a plasma screen in the task room.
Corin moves away, JJ starts rubbing cream on himself, Andrew shakes his head and comments: 'oh...JJ's invaded his own space now.....story of my life' and sighs
Sam worries about how red his skin is, but says that it should be okay in the morning. Mario tells him to put sun cream on tomorrow instead of baby oil. He adds: "This is the most tanning I've ever done in my life."
Sam and Mario are making custard in the kitchen. Sam tells Mario about the chocolate cheesecake dessert he had earlier, saying it was "proper lush".
Jo comes out of the Diary Room after a long time talking to Big Brother. She hugs Steve who asks if she's okay. She replies: "Yeah, are you alright?" He says: "I can't be bothered with all that crap," referring to the other housemates.
Sam gets up, saying: "My neck...," complaining that it is sore following David and John James's wedgie. John James carries on: "My neck, my back..." from Khia's 'Lick It' track.
Sam lies on David, giving him a hug. He then gets up and drops down on to David's knee, prompting him to throw him over on to Josie. John James and David then proceed to give Sam a wedgie until his entire boxer shorts are out of his jeans. Sam screams as David says: "Cry for your mammy!" After he eventually wriggles free, he tells Mario: "They wedgied me into my bumhole." David quips: "I'm surprised there's any room for your boxers in your bumhole with your head stuck up there!"
Steve is sitting alone at the sofas.
Josie jokes as Corin helps Sam make his bed: "He's trying to smooth her right over." Sam replies: "You'd know if I was trying to smooth her over because she'd be in my bed right now." He then runs over and pushes Corin over, and says: "Corin, what are you doing in my bed?"
Andrew laughs and says that JJ's wrestling with John James "looked hilarious". JJ describes how he did it, then says: "And then he started tickling me and I thought I was going to p*** myself."
Sam joins Josie, JJ, John James and Corin in the bedroom. They talk about JJ's task earlier today, and whether Josie guessed when he was touching her knee.
"You had the better five," John James tells the others. "If that's the five left in the final, I'll go." JJ agrees that it was a good group in the garden, but says that Josie was missing John James.
John James, Josie and Corin are talking in bed. Josie says that Nathan seemed more like her type of person that JJ. JJ then comes into the room and dives on to the bed.
Sam, Andrew and Mario return from the Diary Room and relate their visit, saying that Big Brother said: "Sam, are you trying to seduce Big Brother?"
Corin says that although it was a good night, it would have been a better night if it was John James, Josie, JJ, her and someone else, "because we would have buzzed more". John James says that he thinks that is what Big Brother had planned by having JJ do the task.
John James says of this evening: "It made me realise, if it is four or five people in the final then I really don't mind if I'm gone, because that was as boring as cat s***."
Sam tells Corin that she looks gorgeous tonight. Mario jokes: "He said the same to me a few minutes ago." Mario then says that he loves Corin's hair as it is tonight, adding: "Let's flush her wigs down the toilet!"
Josie and John James are cuddling in bed. Josie says: "Did you miss me?" John James said he did.
Big Brother announces that the garden is out of bounds.
JJ comes into the house to get batteries. He tells the other housemates to come and get some food as there is a lot left.

Exclusive: Nasty Nominations

In a huge twist this week, nominations will be taking a very nasty turn. For the first time this series, nominations will be done face to face! However, that isn't the worst of it...

There is a special surprise for all those unlucky housemates who are nominated, a gruesome gunging! This week, housemates will be lined up in the Garden and when choosing the housemates they want to nominate will have to hurl a bucket of gunge all over them! Awkward! As normal, housemates will have to nominate two people. 

Due to rule breaking, Josie, John and Dave are unable to nominate Sam Pepper. This is bound to cause a few problems when nominating as these housemates in particular have vocalised that there issome friction in the House since his arrival.

As if nominating face to face isn’t uncomfortable enough, armed with a bucket of gunge, housemates are bound to be feeling the pressure.

How will this go down with the House, and who will be getting the most gunge thrown over them? 


For this week's shopping task, housemates will be pairing up as they become pantomime horses. 'Horsemates' are then put to the test throughout three rounds to find the ultimate Pantomime Horse of the Year.

Two housemates will become trainers, and will be responsible for breaking the Horsemates in. The four pantomime horses will take part in a series of horsey challenges, with the losing horse being eliminated each time. The winning pair of Horsemates after all events have been completed will tomorrow be given the opportunity to win up to ÂĢ500 towards this week’s shopping budget.


To begin breaking the horses in, the trainers will be putting the Horsemates through their paces in a number of training exercises. This will include trotting, cantering, sidestepping, moonwalking and playing Hoofing Around (a game in which horses place their hooves in specific positions on a board according to a spinning wheel). No Horsemates will be eliminated playing Hoofing Around.

Round One: Bleep Test

All four pantomime horses will take part in a bleep test in the garden. The slowest horse will be eliminated and sent to Pastures New where they will become jockeys. 

Round Two: A Question of Horse

The three remaining pantomime horses will take part in a quiz. The quiz has three rounds.

1)Observation Round

Horsemates will watch a short film 'Ben & Ife: A Love Story', which they then have to answer questions about.

2)Horse or Housemate?

Horsemates will each be shown extreme close up images on the plasma screen. They must determine whether it is part of a picture of a horse, or a picture of a Housemate.

3)Hooves on Buzzers

In a horse-themed general knowledge quiz, it's hooves on buzzers as they compete to score points.

At the end of the quiz, the Horsemate that has the lowest number of points will be sent to Pastures New. These two Horsemates will also become jockeys.

The four Horsemates inside the two remaining pantomime horses will spend the night in the luxurious Foal Hole. They will then go on to compete in a final trial tomorrow, to determine which pair will become the Pantomime Horse of the Year. 

What do you think of this week's shopping task? Do you think housemates will take it seriously or will they be too busy horsing around?

Dave is still bemoaning the fact that Big Brother punished him for noms talk the other day, and is involved in discussion with John James and JJ as to whether BB tailor tasks to particular housemates' strengths.
Methinks John James is lining Mario up in the sights and giving out bullets for next week's noms.

Loads of sound dips at the moment.

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