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 - They've switched the lights out in the bedroom.
 - Various people chatting in the beds.
 - Dave is wearing a wooly hat in bed..........
 - Dave, Sunshine and Corin in 1 bed.
 - Ben in the next bed on his own but chatting with the other three.
 - I think it's going to be an early night all round.
 - Ben appears to be applying something to his face, some kind of eye makeup?
 - Rachael's join the others in the living room.
JJ goes to DRoom
Seating area - Josie, Steve, Shabby with a silly hat, Govan (as usual on top of the back of the seats), Corin.
JJ returns - with his razor. Goes to bathroom and shaves.
Lights are off in the bedroom.
Mario has got up and joins them.
Discussiong bowels, toilets, poos...
Group disperses - Govan, Shabby, Corin to smoking area.
The smokers move indoors for a drink.
Corin liberal with the F word.
Govan, JJ, Shabby, Corin go to bedroom followed by Steve.
Govan called to DRoom.
Bedroom - JJ asks "Who's in the hammock; is it Ife?"

I may have missed something but it seems JJ's preparation for bed is to take off jewellery and a belt. He gets into bed wearing the same knee-length jeans he has worn all day.
He joins Mario in their shared bed.
Shabby has returned to smokers area, this time with Caoimhe.
Shabby speaking very, very quietly (for once.)
Discussion about breasts.
Caoimhe tells Shabby that Mario confided in here about his feelings for Ben.

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