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blimey some of them are in the Jaccuzi!!  John Sunshine and Corin I think. .

first proper Jacuzzi time this year.. 

none of them are nekkid tho,  the Bass will be pleased..

In the bathroom Shabby and Govan and Mario and Caoimhe  are talking about plans and long and short plans and hiding behind people to play the game or standing out as targets..  and there is nothing wrong with having a plan apparently..   unless it's not you with the plan 

I should say tis only Shabby and Govan actually talking..

Govan mentions the 100k figure..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
They both say there are a lot of game plans this year.

Govan  agrees and bitches about Mario

says he said he doesn't want to go home  cos there's no one waiting for him

Shabby said when did  he say that. .?

Govan says he said it when he was standing there, as he nods in the direction of the sinks..

my LF freezing yet again so am missing bits here and there..

bitching is about a girl now

probably Sunshine.. 

ah yes it is, Govan says he thinks she is Socially awkward

shabby say yes she thinks out loud whereas most of us think first then speak . .(that bit is true   )

Govan is revving up the speed of his sentences now  and my head hurts so am tuning   off for a bit

should add that Shabby is in the bath yet again.. but she does just lay there ... never seen any soap or wash cloths
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
someone has shouted something negative over the wall about Shabby..

Nathan told her..

 tho to be fair everybody not outside was asking and prodding those that were..  til they had no choice but to say as BB had started playing crowd noise too so was obvious something was up....

shabby is now doubting that the public like her 

Shabby asked Dave as well if he heard it. .

Dave said .. just the same as Nathan heard..  but was trying to tell her to ignore it..

Nathan is now sounding off at Dave for telling Shabby

Shabby off to the DR.

cue footage for tomorrow's show
Mount Olympus *Olly*
could be Katty. . wan't good anway

Dave just said last week they had shouted we love you Shabby and this week completely opposite..

Shabby says  that the two positive comments she has had were from women

the one negative is from a man..  and she is the female equivalent of a misogynist whatever that is so it just reaffirms her opinion of men I suppose... . .

[:tis not a feminist for anybody wanting to throw that in ]

anyway BB told her not to worry about it tis just one persons opinion..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I`ll post a couple of things I caught...

Corin talking to Mario about her holiday in Egypt. Mario asked her if she went to the Pyramids. Corin: Oh no, I never went to see anything. I just lay at the pool all day and went for a drink at night. (Mario`s face is a picture ) I went on a camel though. It was scary. The camel nearly threw me off. It reared up and I was shouting get me off! get me off! I was worried about me boobs. Mario laughing. He says, if you ever go back you should go to see the valley of the kings. Corin replies with an unconvincing.. yeah. 
(Corin creases me up )

Shabby and Keeva in the bathroom. Enter Mario. He says if he goes on Friday he`s got a secret he`s going to tell them about. Their faces >>>   What is it? What is it? Mario`s smiling. He can`t tell them at the moment but he will if he leaves. Lots of OMG OMG from Shabby The speculation starts. Are you the secret person we heard about? Mario smiling cheekily. Are you? Are you? Mario still smiling but saying nothing. Shabby`s very animated. She says if you don`t leave were you going to tell us anyway and when?  Mario says maybe week 6 but he doesn`t know for sure. Shabby asks if BB are going to instruct him when to reveal it. He smiles. They keep asking him if he`s the secret person but he gives nothing more away. They`re both freaking out.

(I don`t know if he`s winding them up or not )
Last edited by Scotty
 Scotty! What a brilliant little gem to LUT! Thank you so much and everyone else who's been LUTing too!  

Wait till this get out in the forum!  

I often thought Mario's mole performance was a little too easily carried out. I've often wondered if it's a BB double-bluff and that he is, in fact, a BB mole. Ooo, and especially since I was so doubtful about the accent thing which I felt had a definite Irish twang! I wonder if he is the Irish bloke folk have been talking about! 
Mario has now told Ife and Govan about his secret. They`re guessing that his parents are famous. He`s not going to confirm or deny any of their guesses. Ife ask if his Dad is John Cusack (she said earlier she thought he looked like him) Mario`s laughing..he doesn`t know who he is. Ife guessing his Mum is Mui Mui Prada. She`s getting excited..she thinks she`s right. Her connection being Mario`s a clothes designer and something else he`s said to Ify earlier in the week about Prada sunglasses (something like that) Govan`s thinking the same. We`re right aren`t we Mario? He says nothing but he lifts his t.shirt over his face. They`re convincing themselves they`re right! Ife says she`s always knew something wasn`t quite right about Mario () She`s always been confused about him living on soup and beans but flying first class @ÂĢ5000.00 a trip. Why wouldn`t you just take the money if you`re so skint? She doesn`t believe he lives on soup and beans. Mario says it`s true. (he seemed genuine) She then deduces that he lives like that because he wants to make it on his own as a designer and not depend on his rich designer Mother. Mario says nothing. (I think Sunshine`s there but not sure) Enter Nathan who asks..have you got famous parents? Marios stays schtum...he`s smiling though. Ife`s convinced herself that his Mum is Mrs.Prada.
Off she goes to spread the news..she`s excited. She repeats it all to Shabby who doubts it. She`d just heard him say that his parents aren`t designers but when they find out his secret they`ll be gobsmacked  Ife still thinks she`s right. 
Shabby says we`ll just have to wait and see, won`t we? Shabby leaves. Ife`s got a Miss Marples has solved the case look on her face.

(I wonder what this is all about? )
Last edited by Scotty
KItchen. Ife, dressed is if for Antarctica. Steve.  JJ lays on top of the dining table. Dave.

Bedroom. Lights out. Sunshine checks the drawers in the closet. She seems to be looking for something. She strikes a few poses. She goes to sofas where Mario and Caoimhe are.
Now Goavn and Shabby are on sofas too.
Suddenly Sjabby and Caoimhe dash into bedroom and take something from under a bed, then rush to bathroom. Now Govan does the same and takes whatever-it-is to the bathroom.
Now Mario dashes to closet in bedroom.
Mario says he doesn't want Sunshine to go to bed yet.
(I may be wrong but ) it appears they are playing a prank on Sunshine and hiding some of her possessions.
Shabby declares this the most boring night so far.
Sunshine gets in bed and whispers to Corin who sports a huge pile of hair on top of her head.
ad break
Bedroom. Lights out. Sunshine and Corin in bed quietly.
Sofas.  Shabby, Caoimhe, Josie, Govan. Mario walking around.
Ben leaves the DRoom. Mario asks Ben not go go to bed yet. Ben says he is knackered.
(I wonder why Mario is trying to postpone everyone's bedtime?)

Kitchen. JJ, Dave, Steve.
(I wonder if JJ's knee-length torn and cut jeans are expensive?)
JJ thinks Mario is safe and would be against most people in the house. For just his personality in general. He is genuine says JJ.
Dave wears a knitted woolly hat, JJ wears a hood.
The leave the kitchen, Steve saying his legs are sore today.

Bedroom. Dave goes to speak to Ben (who may or may not have been asleep.)
JJ props door open to get some light (in spite of previous warnings.)
Sunshine tells Steve who has just entered bedroom, that many of her things have been taken and hidden while she was in the kitchen.
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It appears that Sunshine has been retaliating and has tampered with JJs things.
Sofas. JJ, Josie, (throing a sock-ball to each other),Govan, Caoimhe. Mario. Ife.
I'm still not clear what is happening, but it seems they have been doing pranks and hiding each others clothes and possessions. Govan, Caoimhe, Mario leave together.
Josie says they need to chat in here (sofas) if we want to chat. "Who said that" asks JJ "The priest" replies Josie.
(Last night the bedroom heard much disturbance from those who didn't wish to sleep, which annoyed Dave and Nathan.)

Ife and Josie tell JJ that they thought he was responsible for the return of Rachael's suitcase.

BB announces there is a new lighter at the hatch.  The ball throwing continues.

Nathan passes through, having left the bedroom very disgruntled.
They agree that they would not like to be there when "Nathan snaps".
(I have never seen Nathan calmly discuss a complaint or disagreement with anyone; he seems to prefer a strong outburst just thrown out to the world in general.
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Last edited by brisket
Smokers. Govan, Caoimhe, Nathan, Shabby, Ife.
Nathan yawns. Shabby asks Govan what they are going to get up to tonight.
Meanwhile ball-throwing continues indoors. They change to a smaller ball.

Josie says she could do this all night. (My heart sinks.)
Josie sucks her thumb between throws and says "I love male company."
In the background one can see the smokers have dispersed.

Nathan has joined them and is eating toast.
Shabby says "We need to think of something to do Govan."
No desire to go to bed yet then.
Kitchen. Ife, Caoimhe, Mario
Meanwhile there is snoring in the bedroom.
Nathan joins Shabby at the smoking area.
Shabby tells Nathan he needs honey and hot water. She feels his neck glands.
He says he will see BB tomorrow.
I spotted Mario on the sofas chatting to Caoimhe (I think.)

(Unusual for Mario to be up at this time of day with these people.- opinion)
Govan joins them. Now Caoimhe.
After several attempts to think of something to do, they are now wilting and suggesting they go to bed.
They contemplate having an "early" night tonight and spend tomorrow thinking of something mischievous to do for a late night tomorrow night.
In spite of previous cautions Govan speaks to BB through his personal mike very close and very loud. Seconds later he is called to the DRoom as Caoimhe and Shabby go to bathroom for their usual pre-bed session.

Ball throwing has ceased and Josie goes to smoke.

She spits on the floor between her legs.
Now to bathroom, where Govan joins them and issues a report on his quick conversation with BB. (which was sound-dipped)
Bedroom. Lights out.
JJ and Mario whispering. (I'm afraid I can't hear it.)

(Thought: do you think that one of the criteria to get through the audition process is to be able to brush your teeth for 20 minutes?)

Josie, Shabby, Govan discuss Nathan feeling unwell and even suggest they don't mind turning their hand to cooking. However they are aware that Nathan might be perturbed by that - and there is a passing thought as to how became head chef in the first place.

JJ and Mario still whispering. Dave goes to toilet, and whispers with them as he passes.
Caoimhe has just been in the bedroom and made loud noises (as she did last night)
Now Govan and Josie are in the bedroom closet and making little effort to speak quietly.
JJ gets out of bed. He clatters the bedroom door a couple of times.
Josie is called to DRoom.
(It would seem to be Caoimhe, Josie, Govan and JJ who regularly make little attempt to lower the volume in the bedroom when others are sleeping.)
Josie quickly returns and settles in bed with Govan.
JJ and Mario still chatting in a whisper.

JJ and Mario still having a whispered conversation.
Josie and Govan intermittently disturb each other for a whisper and/or a giggle.
JJ suddenly dashes out of bedroom to living area.
He stands in the middle and looks all around, as if suspicious of an intruder.
He then tiptoes (barefoot) into bathroom and returns to sofas.
Then back to bedroom.
Gets into bed. Then gets out again and goes to Govan and Josie.
He lifts their bed cover and snatches a pillow (his pillow) which they have apparently hidden there (presumably while he was out of the room.)

There follows a short pillow fight between JJ and Govan.
(Caoimhe sleeps quite upright; Shabby sleeps quite flat.)
JJ and Mario are still whispering. (This is quite a lengthy chat.)
And eventually........sleep.
Goodnight and good morning.

Morning all

Nice to have some quietsih nights.. thanks to Brisket & Scotty for the updates..

I think the Big Secret is a wind up... heard Shabby talking about it earlier after Govan, I think it  was, said he'd heard a rumour that there was going to be a big reveal at the 6 week point with one of the HM's having a huge Secret... Shabby says  she is sure they told her about this in one of the phone calls she had with the production team..

Steve and Mario were saying well if the rumour was true  how can they be sure the HM with the big secret would still be in at week 6..

Seems Mario took this talk and used it as a jokey wind up . .

then again it may be a task or summat or maybe something was sound dipped that would have made more sense of it all.. 

this Morning BB is being Backward..

the HM's have got up to a kitchen table covered with messy plates with the remains of a  curry on them and left over beer etc. .

all BB's announcements are back to front..

Shabby reckons at dinner time they'll have breakfast stuff

Meanwhile they have to wash up the mess BB left..

Have to say they normally leave the kitchen in a pretty cleanish state compared to past BB HM's

can only do bits and bobs today.. so hopefully a few others will be around
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Big Brother does and back to front announcement

HM's to collect their Curry and drink form the Storeroom

They have curry beer and wine and it is to be consumed straight away..

they are all sitting down to their Curry and Beer meal..

I feel sick

Bb hasn't announced that there is a task  which as tis a backwards task I presume they will announce that at the end..

so they all agree they need to eat a little bit just to make sure they don't fail

I can't make out if the curry is cold tho.. but ewwwwwwww not at this time of day. .yucky....  then again I can;t eat proper brekkie til lunch time so no wonder it's making me heave.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin and Ify in the garden. Ify saying something about BB not letting them know the time. She knows why. They want them to think it`s 10pm when it`s really 10am   Corin says yeah .
Mario and Shabby making coffee. Shabby saying that BB normally bring a new hm in after week 2. The wait until a second hm is evicted. She goes on to tell Mario a bit about previous BB`s and her ideas for the show. Mario says she should be a producer. Shabby would love to be..she would take Josie on board because she`s got some cracking ideas. 

Dave`s voice in the background saying wouldn`t it be strange if Mario left on Friday?
Ben in bathroom rubbing some sort of stick thing around his eyes.
Something odd going on. BB announce the storeroom is now open for tonight`s curry. The voice said it backwards  They all run to the storeroom..lots of screaming and shouting. They`ve got red and white wine, lager, curry with all the trimmings. ( I think their day is being reversed so this is night time. I see what Ify meant now.) They`re all sitting down to eat. The wine gets opened. Lager tins on the table. Josie`s says OMG I can`t tell you how much I wanted this!  
Corin in the bathroom footering about with her hair. Dave`s there. He`s in his wheelchair. (He did say yesterday that his legs were sore.) Corin thinks it`s going to be a busy day today. Dave says yeh and leaves.
Back to the munchers at the table and SD`s.
There was a lot of hiding each others stuff last night and Sunshine can`t find her sunglasses. She`s asking Mario but he doesn`t know where they  are. He helps her look for them.
Ben arrives in the kitchen He`s saying to Dave that he`s trying his best to connect with the people he doesn`t really spend time with but they barely speak to him.
Josie arrives. Ben pours her more wine. He`s got a glass too.
Ben saying when you`ve no idea what time it is it makes you feel anxious. Someone (I think it was Steve) says a bored sounding yeah. Ben softens it with a jolly..There you go..that`s the way the cookie crumbles.  
Shouts in the background from Shabby. She wants more wine.
The smokers are at the carousel. Shabby saying this is amazing..being catered for.
Mario in the shower. Dave there (not in the shower ) Dave doesn`t want to go on Friday, nether does Mario. Dave now goes into some God talk. Mario questioning him. Dave explains all about God, he loves us all. He says Mario`s so intelligent. He knows what it`s all about.
Dave arrives. What a carry on eh? I nearly put me legs on backwards
Dave brushing his teeth and talking about his hair. He`s had it short since he was 11. He was fed up of all the old ladies saying "oooh look at his curly hair" (said in a high pitched old lady voice ) Mario used to have long hair. Dave: Oooh a long haired mole.
Dave talks to the camera and say BB you`d better be good to us.
Bedroom : Looks like Nathan he`s conked out.
Announcement: This is Big brother could Nathan come to the DR?
Talk in the garden. Shabby, Ben Dave, JJ, Josie (don`t know who else)
Shabby saying she wanted to be in BB1 with Craig and Anna. She goes on to talk about a Scottish hm (didn`t catch the name) She`s posh Scottish so she sounds Canadian
Shabby searched for her home on the internet. () It`s in Aberdeen and it`s got a big garden.
Steve adn JJ talking while cleanign the kitchen

there are wondering who will go and discussing various reasons why each of those up could go

Govan for his running and tittle tattling..  Dave for his God preaching which Steve doesn't like having rammed down his throat..  Moley cos he was the Mole and Ben's  I never heard..

JJ says they are really paranoid  them two, I thought it would be the other two. .dunno who one is but they are saying Dave was the same last week so he's the other..

*hires JJ and Steve to come clean my place. .they are making a cracking job of it  *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Sossy
Opinion That was a crap task
it's not over yet. .the other tasks they 'did' will happen thru the day and maybe tomorrow as well..

finishing with BB telling them what the shopping task is. .

it's evening in the backwards house now

 and the clock is going backwards so will be lunchtime soon..  then breakfast and my head hurts..

BB tells them to gather on the sofa's again..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Bb tells the HM's the large taskroom door is now open

Steve says now we have to go and do it

it is a room full of clocks on the walls and tables with coloured trays and things with keys..

they have to figure it out for themselves as the instructions come at the beginning of the task..

there is a jigsaw as well..

there is some Lego too  already made up into something. .ink

they have to dismantle everything and put it back in the boxes it would have started in..

there is something that has Stage 2 written on it...  [methinks that is a clue to the order they have to do it in maybe? ]

there is an open but empty silver briefcase..

I can;t see it all properly
Mount Olympus *Olly*
BB announces Ben Jovan Steve and Josie have completed their part of the task and the klaxon sounds

they dash to the Lego thing and dismantle it and put all the colours in the relevant trays..

they have no idea how long they have so are moving pretty quickly..  

all done except fro checking everything is how BB would have set it up... 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
BB now announces Shabby Mario Dave and Ife have completed their task

The Klaxon sounds and they dismantle the jigsaw

Dave says something about looking for combinations...  at stage one adn all the others..

and my shopping has arrived so have to go

the others have to close and lock the empty suitcase

maybe they should have put something in it first

this is weird..

and off
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby Ife corin govan are in the smoking area

The Hm's on the sofa  (SS Ben Dave mario)  are trying to work out when to eat what meal

They are talking about adult stuff so no sound

Shabby thinks she has made a mistake as she has just eaten some curry that they do not yet have. Others have eaten it too even though it isnt there yet. Much talk about how they might fail, how many fails they are aloud and if the whole day is the task
Steve used to smoke 40 to 60 a day he stopped 10 years ago, his breathng is much better now
Mario asks him if he snored worse when he smoked
Steve thinks he probably did
Mario cant stand smoking
Convo moves on to why people smoke Mario talking about his friend who quite smoking by using an electronic cigarette.
Mario asks if steve coughed up a load of tar when he stopped.
mario has just told Corin that he was only kidding about the laminate being about smoking

Mario now talking about Food and what we used to eat in the dark ages.

SSin the garden  talking about bringing baby's into the world and how  wonderful it is to see.

Mario and Steve still talking about food on the sofa's mario likes meat but could live without it if he had too
Steve could eat a sausage sarny right now.
Mario now wondering if the mess they woke up to was ment to be what would have be left after they had there curry
Steve isnt sure

Corin asking if anyone wants a coffee

Mario asking Steve what his wedding was like
Steve tells him about the food and who came and where they got married ETC
Just spotted Govan now at the sofa's with Ife Steve and Mario
All the others are outside in the garden enjoying the Sun
JJ comes in and Mario tells him  that there's a que for something I think he mean the DR???

Mario still quizzing steve about his kids and marrage and  stuff

Govan asking Mario if the reason he is worried about leaving is because of his secret.
Both are worried about the reaction they will get from the public when they leave.

Sofa group now talking about how they feel on eviction night and when the nomo's are announced
Govan is hungry and was thinking about having some of the curry, steve and mario tell him it's all gone because they wouldn't have had it yet so they would not have been able to eat it

Garden and SS saying she thought it was funny when the others hide her clothes
talk turns to sunburn JJ asks SS if she knows much about it SS say's she knows a lot cause she spent a long time in dermatology.
Can I let you know that I will not be able to do overnight LUTing as much as I have up to now.
I will continue to do some, but I will not be able to do every night.
This week for instance,  I will not be LUTing overnight on Friday.
So if anyone can take care of that it would be good.
I'm going to have to reduce the number of overnights I do.  Sorry.
Great work Sossy

just finished putting my shopping away..  am hot and sweaty  glowing and shattered and annoyed cos they messed up again. .

Sossy I think they  are right and shouldn't have eaten the curry or  drunk the drink cos when they got up the remains of that curry meal were on the table and the emptie's too. .

tho am sure they hadn't quite twigged it all at that point.. 

presume the tasks end when BB calls them to the sofa's to announce the start of the task

shame BB didn't deliver their shopping as well before the after task party this morning..  that would have been funny and confused them even more..

Dave doesn't believe  in Evolution. .he's a creationist and cue me to mute 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario doesn't like to get the sun on him. .

he likes the lily white look cos it makes his dark hair and eyes stand out more.. heard him say the other day he likes the pale Victorian look.

problem is with his half Italian  origins the few times he has been in the sun he has started to get quite brown quickly..   [know the feeling ]

Mario hates the ageing that the sun does to the skin

Govan says it's funny that darker skinned people look younger for longer and paler skinned who try to tan age quicker. .

it is really nice that today the camera is doing the rounds of all of the HM's not focusing on the gobby ones only

the convo's going on  are general . .some are interesting, some are boring,   all are too long to bother reporting..
Mount Olympus *Olly*

I did get Tea bags...  here ya go

Lunch is a lettuce mayo tomato and  gammon wrap with a sausage roll

Sunshine is telling Ben off cos of some joke he must have told in the garden ..

Sunshine says she disagrees with the 'taste' of the joke. .

dunno what it was but Ben is slowly being taped up around the gob cos he's always putting his foot in it
Mount Olympus *Olly*
hahaha  there is a silly row with occasioanl laughter goign  on

Nathan is unwell so isn't cooking

Steve was in the kitchen with Mario and JJ I think

Ben bumbles in and asks if he can have 2 eggs for lunch

Steve laughs and says well maybe the one will do (eggs go so quickly)

Ben says fair enough. .Jj laughs and says it is so funny the way that Ben just always goes to get that bit more than everybody else would

he sin't being nasty he just finds Ben's Bumblings funny

Ben gets paranoid tho and says that isn't fair .. he is caring and their are others that don't do anythign for the hosue  like fetch drinks etc..

JJ explains seriously Ben it's just that part of you is funny the way you always go for more than everybody else..

Upshot is Jj explains to him to be a bit more thoughtful in a house where they all have to share and take half the amount he would initially go for... that would be the normal amount for most people to take in a  group situation

the whole exchange is really runny and ends amicably as the lads sit down for lunch. .DAve has turned up too ..think they are having beans on Toast..  I could be wrong as the screen is a bit too far away..

JJ asks Ben if he has a friend called Tarquin

Ben doesn't but does have a friend called Hamish. .don't think he is getting the Tarquin thing
Mount Olympus *Olly*
In the kitchen the boys taljk abotu The Young One's and how great it was..

Outside Shabby bangs on about the audition process for teh  zillionth time and 5 yr old voiced BB tells her off

then she bangs on about 'the other HM's'  . . I so want her to see how wrong she has been soooooooo many time

I heard Big Boss BB tell em off yesterday. .they soon shut up

Back in  the kitchen Ben mentions the second egg

Mario says Ben would be the dinosaur that nicks all the eggs out of the others' nests..

Ben says no it's just form  goign to boarding school you ate as much as you could while it was there or it'd be gone..  [yeah cos greedy buggers ate as much as they coudl. .not sure Ben gets this.. ]

Jj just cracks up at everything Ben says

the boy's seem to be having a good male bonding session. .

I think I'd rather be in there than outside with the wannabees'  

I just realised England are in the red.. maybe I should turn it off I always make them lose  tho I am sure when they play in Red they do better.. or maybe I got too much sun earlier today and am going mad..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin has joined the lads now [wise lady] and Nathan is up too..

they are still teasing Ben

When he was at school his mother used to send him care parcels fgs!!!  he announces to them all

the rest of them crease up laughing...

he says he was walking down the street and passed a cashpoint and ÂĢ30  flew out of it..  he waited a good while to see if anybody came to get it.. they didn;t so he took it..

says that isn't immoral is it..

Steve recounts a story how his wife walk away for a few seconds and forgot to take her money and by the time she had turned back it had gone..

In the bedroom Jj is now telling Govan and Sunshine that they are ribbing  Ben in the kitchen. .telling him all the bumbling taking of food things he's done without thinking since he's been in the house. .

like when Ife put some toast on and as it popped up Ben wandered by and took the toast for himself. . not even knowing it wasn't for him..

Govan gets all excited at the possibility of bitching whereas JJ is actually saying it is all those things he does that cracks me up about him..

They think the onion thing was an accident [no it wasn't he knew we now know from the HL show]

Govan then changes his voice and to bitch mode and says the thing is John, it may be funny but when we have a really low budget you just can't do that sort of thing.. it isn't fair
Mount Olympus *Olly*

Jj and Sunshine ahve been having a very long chat covering quite a lot of subjects.

First they discuss OCD.. JJ thinks he has it

Sunshine did have it as a kid but got therapy and is cured now. . She thinks JJ isn't full on OCD cos he doesn't get anxious or worry if things do get out of place nor think something bad will happen..

then they discuss meat eating and reason why they do or don;t..   JJ's reasons for  eating it are a tad dodgy [cos the food has been killed already and it would be wasted]  especially as he says he doesn't really like it just eats it cos it's there

then they move on to BF's and GF's. .

Sunshine prefers a BF that she has gotten to know in a friend type situation  first 

Jj prefers to date strangers and then get to know them..

neither of them have had many proper relationships..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
OT I have just seen this on the BB website about todays task

Having won their task, housemates headed to the task room to complete the task that they’ve already won and received their prize for.

In the task room housemates were faced with an already completed puzzle. Housemates then had to work out what they needed to undo what they have already apparently done. Agh!

The puzzle consisted of a building block key, a jigsaw which showed how to build the key, and a combination lock briefcase.

When the perplexed housemates entered the room they found the key built, the jigsaw completed, and the briefcase open.

What they don’t know is that later in the day they will have to re-do all the work which they have just undone!

If you're too confused by all this time-hopping, check out one of our task team staff trying to make things, erm, a little clearer.
in the garden more teasing of Ben adn his laize faire attitude to the supplie

Ben protest you must stop dobbing me in it will get me into trouble

all done without malice.

Shabby and JJ tease JJ, who is washing his limited supply of clothes, that there is a romance maybe brewing between him and Sunshine following their little cosy chat..

JJ says sorry to disappoint.. but nah ain't happening..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
they do know tho .they worked it out.  am sure they did...

Mario was going on about his fear of growing old and dying yet again ..[is there something wrong with him... that is too morbid and he dwells on that for too long adn too often.. ]

Bathroom crew are talking about who they think Dave voted for..  and Shabby just KNOWS everything

Interestingly before this JJ and Ife said they'd have hated to go thru their BB experience without getting to know all the HM's properly..

Shabby says she'd rather spend her time in the house with her friends {cookie monster flash back] than people she doesn't get on with or know

Caoimhe says hell yeah..

Ife says but wouldn't you want to try to talk to others to see if you do get on with them or at least learn something about them. .

don't think she is too impressed with the rest of her Raggy Dolls.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
they do know tho .they worked it out. am sure they did...
Yes but the mind plays tricks Olly
How wide was the Lego key,how long was it did they count the bricks, do they remember which colors go where 
I foresee some "it was this way" "no it wasn't, it was this way" in their future or at least I blummin hope so or this task is too easy
Last edited by **sossy**
Ife is trying to explain to Caoimhe why she is not with them two as often as she was.

She says their pretendy language and songs that only Shabby and Caoimhe know make her feel pushed out as she doesn't know the language

also they never lsiten to her..

if they are having a ciggie and ife joins them halfway they get up and leavce her

Caoimhe doesn;t want to have this convo right now ..said very abruptly

{Caoimhe is looking like a white  Grace Jones .. and like the photo's of me and my mates from years back with the hairstyles we hated and hide now in case anybody sees them ]

Caoimhe asks Ife it the way she is feeling is down to what Shabby told caoimhe the other night

Sofa area

Shabby is explaining to Mario about  her position re who she talks to or doesn't ..dunno why she is telling him and Steve is there too..

Shabby calls her friend Arnold

her friend calls Shabby Arnold

Heinous   Hillarious  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Sossy
or this task is too easy
it's only easy if you think it thru properly. . Sunshine is the most Logical thinker in there ..she worked out the combination si the days of the year. .etc..

they messed up already by eating the meal that had already been eaten this morning

they know the score but will they stop long enough to think it thru  ..

right the sun is passing off my garden now  so I need to go strim while it's shady 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby is annoyed at Ife cos Ife  has pointed out that Shabby and Caoimhe have pushed her out a bit and made her feel less of a friend

Shabby is not understanding that.. says Ife is a little less mental than she was when she was hanging out with them all the time [as is aren't we mentally funny late at night for the HL show ]

Shabby says this is a little bit awkward now

Shabby is not seeing that her klingon approach to Caoimhe is nowt to do with friendship but more to do with stirrings in her nether regions..

Shabby only sees things the Shabby way. .She' been told by Ife that she feels things have changed . .she won't accept it..

Shabby annoyed again at Ife giving the game away the other night and Shabby didn't get to say it when the script told her she had to say it  in her own time..

Shabby is annoyed with her

Caoimhe is bitching about her

Shabby says she has that 'bond with someone really quick then the strong feelings fade quickly too' feeling

Shabby feels horrible saying these things..

[hmmmmmmmmmm ]

and bitch bitch bitch about Ife..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
I'm only just home ..... and no idea what's going on so here's my best shot

22.45 JJ and Ben having a bit of a disagreement about Sunshine.  Ben didn't consider a friend at the beginning, she cried a lot.  Sunshine asking if she was one of the least popular why he came over to her
Talking about a ranking process - sounds like Ben's been ranking people's personalities....something has come out that he's said
JJ asks if Ben's playing a game .....not happy
Ben's here for experience
JJ saying that Ben banged on about loyalty
Ben justifying his good points - saying they have no right to judge him
Sunshine saying they are disappointed in him
Dave and Mario are also involved in this convo
Sunshine said he did one thing to her face and another behind her back
Ben says he apologises to her....( I think he must have nominated her)
BR Shabby and Keevaon bed
Keeva - everybody is licking a***
Shabby - they didn't have to punish us this harshly!
she'd like to go to a pub
Shabby isn't enjoying it what's the point! Why is she here? etc etc
Keeva tries to encourage her
Shabby it's been hard enough etc etc
Shabby and keev want tobacco - Keeva suggests they threaten to leave if they don't get tobacco
Back to JJ, Ben, Sunshine still squabbling
JJ getting wound up again , Sunshine accusing Ben of ranking people again Ben denies this
Dave trying to wind upthe situation and saying they need to forgive him and move on..... they pay no attention ....JJ not having it and continuing to rant at Ben.  He proceeds to lecture them on the reality of reality TV shows
Sunshine saying JJ is just sticking up for her and Ben isn't the person she thought he was.
Ben says he's stuck up for her a lot
Sunshine still not happy
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
JJ, Sunshine Govan discussing him kicking off earlier

Mario emerges from DR, Ife asks what they said about the food. Mario says "nothing"
Ife- they even took the tomato sauce
Mario is interested in trying her hot sugar drink mmmm

mario says he needs some advice to fix the problem with JJ, Ben and Sunshine
B & S weren't even that great friends at that point, understandable that sunshine is upset ... but they weren't great friends sooo....
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
This happened earlier. It`s from memory so bear with me  

They won the shopping task but BB have put them on basic budget because of the "pasta" code between Govan and Shabby and because of nom talk today by Shabby. She told Keeva and JJ about a conversation she had with Ben. (when she was with him for her TOT task) 
She said he was talking in code and told her he nominated Sunshine. 

She`s in the garden holding court.. why her? Why does BB make my life so miserable? (littered with cursing) Why am I being blamed when the original conversation was in code?  Everybody talks in code why am I being picked on? 
Keeva`s verbally agreeing (naturally) Corin, Josie and Ify are going along with it too with a few nods etc. (don`t know if they`re sincere but they`re not challenging her.)

She`s told Mario is upset about the swap now. Is he? then carries on with her animated rant.

Livingroom. Mario with Ben. He`s furious about the pasta code. He had his doubts about Govan but he tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now he knows he was right from the beginning. He knows who the snake is. Ben says look at Shabby (he points to the garden) No-ones telling her off.  If I`d done that it would be diffferent..I`d be getting shouted at etc etc. (true -opinion) 

Dave calls everyone to the sofas for a pep talk. He wants to draw a line under this. It`s happened now lets get on with it. Stop all this nomination talk. We`re a unit..lets stick together. Everybody with me?  (he`s sounding like a union official ) They`re`s going well until Shabby enters. She doesn`t agree with a word he`s said.
And she`s off!  She repeats her same garden rant. She goes on about Ben`s code talk to her. BB could have chosen any coded conversation but they chosen hers!
Keeva asked those who have never spoken about nominations put your hand up (what a nerve -opinion) A few hands went up but I never caught them...only Corin.
Shabby carries on ranting. 
It breaks up. Shabby goes to the garden with (guess who?) Keeva. She`s really realy angry at something Nathan said when she was holding court in the livingroom. (I don`t know what it was.)

Livingroom: Sunshine,Ben, JJ, Mario and Dave. Dave would be disappointed if any of his friends nominated him. Ben saying he never nominated Sunshine. Sunshine telling them to shutup..they`ll be in trouble. Ben carries on saying he hasn`t nominated his friends. 
JJ saying, although he was there, he wasn`t involved in Shabby`s Sunshine code. He didn`t know what she was talking about. He thought she was saying that Ben voted for him. 
JJ starts questioning Ben about voting for friends.
He`s getting angry. He`s annoyed that Ben voted for sunshine in the first week. If he could do that to Sunshine he could do that to him or any of his friends. Sunshine not happy with Ben either. Dave trying to calm it down but agreeing that Ben shouldn`t have done that.

JJ ignores Dave and keeps on at Ben.

Govan grovelling to Mario about pasta code. Mario being polite but he doesn`t look convinced.

That`s all I can remember folks

Opinion - I`m flummoxed that the ones who caused them to lose the shopping budget aren`t being challenged.
Last edited by Scotty
somebody calls Mario ...Ife now has Ben explaining the situation to her

she says if they want to remain friends - move on!  this rehashing stuff is going nowhere ...sound advice (opinion)

Ben now talking about leaving

Ife saying they have nothing except vaseline and sugar - so what!

Ben says everyone is going to blame him.  JJ tried to stop him talking but he didn't listen

Ife saying BB is playing them - so don't worry
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Ben seeking reassurance .....I think he feels losing hot water is going to be blamed on him

Ife is saying not to beat himself up, they've all made mistakes, she has!

Ben begins a monologue on how people are taking things too seriously

Ife says it may be a game but when they moved in the house it became their life.  he has to live in here like it's house instead of "playing the game"

Ben continues with his monologue

Ife tries to encourage him to throw himself into the experience, take risks, try stuff, embrace it - the worst thing would be to leave the house exactly as he came in.  Learn from the experience, be true to himself but live it, and learn.  Be more considerat
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
JJ and Shabby in the garden rehashing the Ben situation and saying that theydidn't think they'd won the task anyway

shot of Govan, Corin Sunshine on bed joking about crisps

Into the Nest JJ saying they had failed the task to mario Ben and Dave

Bathroom Shabby saying to keeva they had failed the task's like the pizza situation again

they are discussing a panel behind the bath now

Nest - Dave saying have put a marker down about using code

asks JJ what he said

JJ says all I said was If I was to know a friend put up another friend I'd be f***d off
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
back to the nest Ben still talking about making the choice to nom Sunshine

JJ saying lets just drop it

Dave's issue is he saw it different - they were all friends because they were encouraging each other

Ben says yes, but there were arguments Dave didn't see

After a few days she was a nightmare lots of little things

JJ says just leave it - no point in talking about it anymore'll get them into trouble

Ben continues .... on the theme of loyalty

JJ felt they were on the same level - Ben didn't

JJ says he doesn't understand what he did and tries to leave.  Ben calls him back to continue....
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
mario and Ben in the nest - they hug

Mario says I don't care what others think about you I'm your friend.  I made the decision on the first night

Ben begins to say I did nothing wrong.... Mario shushes him and tries to encourage him to enjoy the experience

Ben continues on the theme of it's a game

mario says for most it's reality he has to learn to accept this

Ben asks if they're deluded

mario - we're all deluded
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Ben has been continuing to analyse and says something to the effect that it was producers did stuff with the curry (no idea what he's referring to)

Mario says Ben sometimes I think you're not intelligent at all - you have to appreciate that for everyone in here it is reality you have to take this on board otherwise you won't enjoy the experience ( he looked a little frustrated)

They chat about how quickly things can change - then decide to go into house
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
The Nest. Mario wears spectacles with only one arm.
Ben and Mario discuss whether housemates are regarding it as a game or reality.
Ben says "It's a game!" and seems a bit surprised that others take it more seriously.
Dave puts his head in to announce there is no hot water. Now his whole body is in.

Mario and Dave reassure Ben that they feel the same about him.

Ben still doubtful about why John James spends so much time with some of the other people "who spit poison."    (opinion - I too am not clear who JJ has the closest relationships with - does he love everybody equally?)
Dave says friendships have "to be built. We are still finding out."
Dave says he would have liked to have been in the mole hole (while shoving his hand down his pants.)
Mario says the BB experience is very important like reality to many of the housemates. But for Dave and Ben, Mario says, it has always been less important.
Ben yawns. Yawns again.
Mario says people are hungry and tired but maybe things will be better after everyone has had a good nights sleep.
They agree how easy it is in BB to go from hero to villian in a very short time.
"Food" is announced and they dash to the house.
Just read that Shabby and Keeva are saying they lost the task anyway. I was sure I heard Shabby said they won and that BB were cruel because they gave them it then took it away because of the rule breaks? I could be wrong. Maybe someone else could clarify?..thanks.
Scotty the part of the convo i heard was around some part of the task that they were saying for sure took longer than 2 hours .... not sure what.  JJ also said to shabby that some  task took longer than 2 hours and BB were just playing with them
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Caoimhe is doing Josie's hair over the dining table. (Every series someone does their hair in the kitchen.)
I don't know how long they have been without food, but this causing great excitement.
Dave is called to the DRoom.
Ben has twice shown a little fondness to Ife.
All nibbling and sipping and talking at the same time.
ad break
They are still milling around with the food and drink.
Toast seems to be popular.
Dave is now outof the DRoom.
Sound Dip      Dave and JJ on sofas.  Nathan and Josie enter.

Mario joins those at the sofa and massages  neack and sholders.
Shabby. Caoimhe on kitchen. Govan and Ife at smoking area.
Sound back. 

Nathan sounds very nasal and doesn't look well.
He goes to DRoom.
Sofas. Josie, JJ, Shabby, Dave.
Sound dip (again) - quite extended tonight.
Sound up
Nathan comes out of DRoom. He says BB advised him if he feels no better in the morning they will arrange for him to see a doctor.
Bedroom. Lights out. Shabby and Caoimhe are settling into bed.
Sofas. Govan (wearing shorts), Josie, JJ (not wearing his ripped jeans, Nathan.
Nathan says (in spite of feeling ill) he is not stopping smoking.
Back to bedroom and further sound dips (lots of them tonight.)
Josie laying on sofa on her belly whilst eating.
JJ passes and fondles her head.
Nathan goes into bedroom coughing and spluttering.
Cut to sofas where Josie is lying on her tummy, flipping her lower legs up and down and sucking her thumb.  (Baby-like - description)
She enters bedroom very loudly (as usual)  and shouts "f*** off".
Shot of JJ and Mario in bed.
further sound dips (lots of them tonight.)
Hi brisket! I thought you were going to ease off on your LUTing. Tsk!  

While the SDs are on, give yourself a rest! I've noticed it a lot too tonight. Maybe their storyline with Shabby and her cohorts is wearing a bit thin with viewers on HLs and more folk are watching LF so C4 need to keep more back for HLs to satisfy the companies who bought advertising on them! How ironic!  I'm still none the wiser about what happened tonight though. 

I'm hoping for your sake that now they're on basic rations they will be too exhausted to stay up all night for the next week!
Smoking. Govan and Ife.
Govan breaks wind.
They try to imagine what some of the BB voices would look like (TOT, Marcus Bentley, various BBs).
Now Shabby and Caoimhe have got out of bed and join them. Ife yawns.
Govan says he is normally very polite, but "treat me badly and......y'know..."
Ife says her throat is dying and wishes she could stop smoking. They return to house.

The kitchen reveals  unwashed pots and pans.
Bathroom. Vigorous teeth cleaning from Caoimhe, Ife and Govan.
Shabby gets out of bed and joins Govan and Ife in bathroom.
Shabby:"Everything that goes on involves me."
Ife, who said she was extremely tired, still hanging around.
They say goodnight.
Shabby says Ife won't be spaking to her in the morning. Ife asks why.
Shabby mimes something and asks Ife to remind the others - with her hands.
(I don't know what this is about.)
Than Shabby does some attention-seeking camera time sliding up and down in the kitchen.
She then goes for a smoke alone.
She looks furtively left and right several times. She also checks the cameras.
Scotty the part of the convo i heard was around some part of the task that they were saying for sure took longer than 2 hours .... not sure what. JJ also said to shabby that some task took longer than 2 hours and BB were just playing with them
Thanks hoochie.  So I heard correctly. BB did say that they`d won.They`re only assuming that they didn`t. What that does is give Shabby and Govan a let off for losing the shopping budget.

Nite hoochie  Great LUTing..thanks.
  •  , June 23 2010, 23:33 BST
By Tom Eames, Big Brother Reporter
Big Brother 11 housemate Govan Hinds
Housemates have had their shopping money taken away from them after Big Brother revealed that they had broken the rules regarding nominations.

Big Brother announced that they had passed the Lego key task and were awarded ÂĢ500 shopping money. However, he then spoke of two separate conversations which broke Big Brother's rules, leading to the money being taken away.

The conversations in question were "yesterday at 2.12pm, where Shabby and Govan talked in code, by using the word pasta" when picking who to select in the Save & Replace task, with Shabby choosing Mario.

The other was "today at 4.42pm; John James, Shabby, Ife and Caoimhe had a conversation about nominations. Shabby said she knew who Ben nominated as he talked in code, with John James saying, 'This could make it easier to nominate next week'". This referred to when Shabby explained how Ben used a code to suggest he nominated Sunshine in the first week.

Housemates spent the next few moments in different groups trying to understand the punishment. Shabby said: "They are making it sound like some heinous thing," before shouting: "You want me to kick off, is that it?"

Mario was upset at the revelation that Govan and Shabby used a code to pick him for nomination, saying: "I've been trying to prove my gut instinct wrong, but I was right from the start. The snake is the snake (referring to Govan)."

Big Brother added: "Peril your at nominations discuss," in relation to the backwards task today. Soon afterwards, Steve suggested a group meeting.
Hi Xochi.     Yes I do intend to cut down on the overnight LUTs.  I do. I do.
I won't do Friday and after that we'll see....
I agree about the sound dips and saving material for HLs.
The staying up is a dilemma. If you are an awake viewer you like to have some activity.
But when LUTing  the activity can seem rather extended.
I do prefer it when they are not up all night.
Xochi - it is evident that you pay good attention both to the programme and the posting on here.  It's always nice to have your company.  Your interraction on here is very much appreciated. 
Morning all and many thanks to hoochie Scotty and brisket for getting   last nights stuff..

I watched it all but to be honest was too tired to LUT it as well and I was trying to eat my dinner too..

and later I was sooo fed up of it I wouldn't have been able to LUT it properly anyway.. 

My quick take on it all ..  this started around 9pm and went on for 4 or more hours..

They won the task , tho that bit is debatable as it took them more than two hours to make the Lego key which didn't even fit the safe it was meant to open, but then they were punished for two sets of nom talk well one with code talk and one with nom talk..  and are on Basic rations now

Sunshine discovered Ben nominated her in the first week. .

then they [all HM's]  went on to talk about why BB said they had  been punished. and how unfair it was and  including more nom talk in all the discussions. .

Sunshine was upset at Ben for Betraying her as she had thought they were friends..

JJ was annoyed at Ben for nominating his friend after banging on to him constantly  about being loyal to your friends..

Ben explained the pecking order of his friends in the first week had Sunshine about 6th in his list 

Jj tried to tell him  there were 7 others lower in the order of friends he could have chosen from yet he didn't  [in a way that wouldn't break the no nom talk rules] but Ben couldn't understand him or wouldn't, am not sure which..

Ben talked more nom talk saying well he didn't nom her this week  [they lost their hot water for this as Bb called him in to tell him off]

Ben tried to get out of his betrayal by apologising for about 4 hrs and ending every I am sorry with a BUT thereby making each Sorry null and void..

Mario crawled right up  Ben's ass and  was cringeworthy in his defence  even tho Ben did admit he did wrong

Shabby and co were basically just Shabby and co. and over hamming it all..

Sunshine told Ben very articulately that she felt betrayed as did JJ.. but not so articulately

Mario kept saying I need to make this right how can I get Ben Jj and Sunshine to be freinds again..  [hmmmmmm  by taking your nose out of it and letting them sort it themselves if they choose to]

Nathan had a snotty nose and was in bed.  he contributed by telling them [well Ben mid yet another Monologue]  to shurrup talking about it and let it rest..  ffs!!

Dave loved everybody and also talked noms...

Ben finally shut up and Mario crawled back out of his ass and went to bed

the cockerel had the final word and woke everybody up..  and me too..

*lobs throat pastels in to Ben as he must surely have a sore throat from non stop talking..   *

yeah I know that  ^^^  all probably sounds a bit [or maybe more than a bit ]  biased but nothing peeves me more than a petulant child saying sorry but then trying to justify the actions they are saying sorry for.... and then  trying to tell others it was all their fault really  not his!  and add to the mix some idiot with Rose tinted spectacles on who can't see the object of their desire doing any wrong, tis maddening ..  plus you listen to a monologue  for 4 hours and not be a bit fed up..

But today is another day

not much going on. .Sunshine is in the garden doing stretches..

think Corin is up as well and starting ehr two to three hour make up routine

The rest are in bed as the alarm hasn't gone off yet..

Alarm goes..  sleepy heads appear above duvet covers..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
in the kitchen Mario chats to Ife and tells her he tried so hard to stop Ben acting like a Lemming last night and trying to stop him throwing himself off the cliff..

ife is going to have a glass of hot milk. .[ vomits] Mario has some toast

Shabby come sin and gets some mil

Ife is on about cleaning

Sabby talking abotu a freind who cleans a lot and is anal about it

Ife says is that what you are calling me?  wish there was another word for it, Anal sounds horrible [Ife has stated she has a bit of OCD about cleaning/cleanliness]

Mario suggests concerned in place of anal..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I forgot to add that last night when they found they were on basic rations and why and it started kicking off

Steve called a meeting to try and nip any repercussions in the bud and discuss how they were going to deal with the basic ration thing.. he said something about the place working as a team I think. .it has escaped me now..

Shabby was not impressed with what he was saying and got  a stroppy tantrum

she did make a point to her friends, not the group tho, that she had overheard loads of people talking in code or nom talk during the week [Dave being the main culprit]  and why did BB single out her and Govan's chat and the bathroom chat where told them all about her chat with Ben. .  which caused JJ to say the immortal well that would/could have changed noms if people had know that.. she made a fair point.. .loads of them, well her  and Ben's groups  are always talking nom talk in some form or other..  and Govan too..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
there are loads of SD's cos the HM's tend to sing a lot when they are in the garden

Jj and possibly Sunshine are steering clear of Ben today..

Jj is not going to be nasty or anything as it could be Ben's last few days he just wants to stay clear for a while..

Shabby is irritated with everybody except Caoimhe..

think tis cos she doesn't want to take a cold shower..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
still nowt going on. .Bb has locked them in the garden..

Jj says to Sunshine I bet you can't go all day without singing

sunshine says she can..

so much for the group agreement to do a silent protest all day today...  [another thing I forgot about from last night]

Achilles   Jj is ribbing on Sunshine for changing her name and not going the whole hog and doing it legally.  [you don't have to do it legally you just have to make a written statement of a name change afaik ]

Sunshine says she was due to go on holiday when she decided to change her name and wouldn't have had time to change her passport

Jj keeps calling her by her real name and she is not impressed...

Sunshine explains that she wants to graduate and work under her professional name but amongst her friends she wants to be called  Sunshine

jj says well that si just a nickname then..

shabby pipes up about the name change thigny too as she has done it as well..

Jj says I will call you sunshine if you agree to call me Oh Great One.

they shake on it.. with smiling faces..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh dear they really do not learn do they?

In the kitchen Dave is talking to Shabby and Ife about why he and JJ and sunshine were upset at Ben last night

he says that Ben had stated Sunshine was 6th in his list of friends  yet he nomm'd her even tho there were 8 others he could have picked form [no 7 cos he can't vote for himself]

Shabby  agrees and says well by that time I knew for definite who I WOULD NOT nom and it is still the same  people now

Dave explains Ben explanation about Sunshine being a bit of a pain etc.. 

Shabby says but if I had a kinda valid reason I would still think that if my friend went and saw the noms they wouldn't know what it was properly  until I could explain to them

Ife says me too . .I knew who I wouldn't nom and I haven't done that.. 

For supposedly intelligent HM's this year  they are incredibly DIM

[prediction . .BB will punish them further and Ben losing them the hot water will also come out. .cue hours and hours  of  blah blah's ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
am only half listening but Jj and Ben talking

Ben says he was interested in the psychology of BB re the feelings of people pre, during and after BB..

he doesn't get upset over the same things as others would do like food etc..

and I can;t carry on cos I must do the garden before the suns moves around to the front..  EDIT:  and I lied cos I obviously did carry on but I msut go do the garden now tho

Ben explains everybody loses out at some point with food but gain at others.. so it evens out

Jj say I get where you are coming from but you are the least considerate of the house and the amount you have had means you come out on top  and it is not evened out..

Ben says but people get more beans etc. .

Jj says but that is at group meal times when people are getting stuff dished otu and take what they want portion wise. .

he is talking about what Ben takes at non group meals times. .the egg the onions Ife's toast.. says in an ideal world you can take what you want..  but in here we have to have some eveness and the others are uispet that you don't have the cosnderation to take a bit less so the others can have a share too

Jj thinks it is genuinely funny.. and accepts it's the way Ben was brought up..

Jj explains that, with Ben's ways of thinking, when BB finally gave  them some food last night JJ's way was to go and tell everybody that there was food and Bens way, as he had  explained how the thinks on the subject, would be to just take what he needed/wanted and not go and tell the others there was food... not in a malicious way but in a wouldn't occur to him to do it way..  .

 Ben not disagreeing with this as he has already said at Boarding school if food arrived you got in there and took what you wanted before everybody else wolfed  it down
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Effy moaning to Corin about the amount of washing up she has done and yet there is still more arriving in the kitchen
Chick peas for lunch, Steve doesn't look to happy about this and says he's thinking of going into the DR as he needs more food than this to carry his body about
JJ still winding Sunshine up, looks like we may have a BB romance after all
Effy in the pool (first time i've seen anyone in there), Scabby tangles her feet in
Looks like Effy is using the pool as a bath as they said earlier the water was warm in there  don't think BB will be impressed with this
JJ Ben and Steve talking about climbing over the wall, Ben wants to know if you would be able to get down the other side *i could just imagine Ben doing this*  JJ seems to know alot about BB to say he doesn't live here
Can hear someone snoring really loud in the background *don't know who*
JJ still talking about racheal *let it go ffs* Josie and Sunshine ribbing JJ now, about him always shouting and getting narky, Josie asking how long his longest relationship has been, to which he replies 2 yrs, she can't understand anyone being with him for that long, laughs all round, except from JJ
Corin all alone in the bathroom painting her nails purple
Govan has been into the DR and told BB he will do anything to get his case back
JJ teasing Sunshine about feeding her dog dead animals but calls herself her vegan but she's happy for her dog to  she says she wants the best for her dog
JJ won't let this go now and wants to know why she feels it's ok for her dog and not her *this man is doing my head in now*
Sunshine says JJ is like a broken record
Steve tells JJ to take Sunshine into the wardrobe and sort her out
BB has told them not to use the pool as a bath
BB won't give them their coffee back
Scabby in the kitchen cooking more chickpeas and sticking her fingers into it
Keever complaining of an headache
Scabby and Keever smelling the empty containers in the kitchen and dreaming of what they used to contain
Scabby and keever talking of changing their clothes for their escape  *don't actually think they are going to do it* they are moaning that they went and apologised to BB for breaking the rules and they could hear BB laughing
Corin asking Josie if she had toast today with salt and pepper on it
housemates are milling around inside while the garden is closed for a possible task..

BB sends  a laminate in which Josie reads telling the house mates that BB knows they are musical but can they refrain from singing commercial tracks from now on

[trying to reduce the number of SD's?]

Ben says so all that, points to Sunshine I think, won't be aired.

the others say no..

then these media savvy HM's say why not? . .some even say I've seen it before on BB.. [yeah in the HL show when they will pay a small royalty but never on the live feed ]

someone mentions royalties

Shabby can't believe BB doesn't want them to sing

Nathan say you can sing if you want you just won't make the telly

*Sing, Shabby. .sing *

[the singing is really annoying cos you get dips in sound  on a bit of juicy stuff if the other hm's can be heard singing in the background of a convo so miss loads... .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Bb calls HM's to Sofa for a task

Shot of the task room with a black mastermind type chair in it

Govan I think has gone to the DR..

not sure what the task is tho.. ,  somebody said Bad Boy TV maybe

whatever that is..

Shabby is massaging Caoimhe head cos she has a headache ..caffeine withdrawal I think

Maria had been doing Ben's shoulders
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oops  twas Mario went in the DR

he is sat in the chair wearing a Doctor's outfit and a stethoscope..

shabby now  goes to the DR 

someone says bye bye Mario, cos he never came back

Today's task is called Stick Up

the HM's are doing a experiment to see which can best stick a HM to a wall. . Tape or Glue 

The tape is not allowed to be put across the HM's neck 

the glue takes 30 mins to dry

the HM's have 45 mins to do this.. at the end of the task the HM's will be instructed to remove the block on which there stuck up HM  is standing to see if they stay Stuck up..

BB tells them they may or may not receive a reward..

they don't know what Mario is doing or where he is. .

neither do I..

*hope the glue is vegan friendly. . *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Jj asks if the people with Live feed 24/7 will they see the people setting the task up in the garden

Sunshine tells him no they will be seeing us cos we are all here and that is where the action is

then she goes on about picking kitchen cam or garden cam.. .. not knowing it been years since we had a choice of rooms to choose from

imagines trying to LUT 4 screens at once. .faints.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
there was nothing going on for ages as the HM's aren't even allowed outside yet

Now we have a shot of Mario in the small task room

he has a clipboard and a plasma screen

he tells BB that he can't wait to see if Ben can stick to a wall.

dunno how he knows Ben  is one fo the stickies unless he's had to decide and we haven't been shown that bit..

he's been given a lunch boc by BB with sarnies crips fruit and a drink

he is giggling to himself but I don't know why

oh and he didn't have a stethoscope twas his mic lead confusing me but Bb have given him glasses to wear like huge nerd glasses but I only just noticed them as well cos his own nerd glassed only have one arm and this pair have two
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I leave the room and something happens

they have their outfits..

looks like Mario chose JJ as the other sticky cos he has white overall with a number 2 on them  and Ben has a number 1 on his..

they look like the sort of gear forensic  people wear..

Ife Dave and Josie also have the overalls on but no numbers..  there must be one other HM as well . .there is another one  tis Caoimhe

Shabby looking pee'd off. .even less camera time eh?

think some HM's are taking part in this and others aren't ..

Ben is in the bedroom and asks Corin to give him a hand putting a bathing cap on which is part of the costume. .

Corin hasn't been chosen as part of the task

Ben manages to get the swim cap over all that hair

Mario may have had certain motives for his choices ie peace keeping and making up things but.. he choose two of the tallest HM's for the stick the HM's to the wall task

ife and Corin would have been better choices  to win the task and on basic rations that is the main thing not peace keeping clap trap. .

in the small task room Mario has dismantled the chair and is now putting i back together..

no idea why..  oh right he told BB he fixed it at no additional cost

*cue the fixtures and fittings people going on strike cos that shoudl have been their job.. *

back in the main house Dave is saying they have 15 minutes to get the glue on cos it take 30 mins to dry

(they've done a  similar task to this before I think )
Mount Olympus *Olly*

Shabby now moaning that Mario didn;t pick him for the task cos she is the TASKMASTER!!!

she will neevr pick him for anything and he's obviously chosen his friends.. [maybe she doesn't realise he has a UN peacekeeping plan]

Shabby tells Coimhe her least  favourite HM's are  in order of least first.. Dave,    Ben Mario, Sunshine and she likes the rest

Caoimhe says hers are Dave, Sunshine, mumble, and  Ben sometimes,.

IS SHABBY THAT THICK SHE TALKS NOMS YET AGAIN!!!!  but without mentioning the Noms word and only saying who she likes and dislikes which is not against the rules but is sooooooo bluddy obvious what she is doing.. plus it gets her air time as it's been stolen form her cos she isn't in the task and has to watch instead..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
IS SHABBY THAT THICK SHE TALKS NOMS YET AGAIN!!!!  but without mentioning the Noms word and only saying who she likes and dislikes which is not against the rules but is sooooooo bluddy obvious what she is doing.. plus it gets her air time as it's been stolen form her cos she isn't in the task and has to watch instead..
I heard that too...... she really is the  absolute pits
Reference: Squiggle
Isn't Ben a bit too big to be stuck to a wall, Corin would have been better she's lighter and smaller
blame Mario for that he choose the participants..

JJ is the other and he's just as big.. 

and I already said the HM's discussed the fact that Ife and Corin would ahve been better choices.. but it looks like Mario has a different motive for his choices not involving passing the task

The HM's are outside now and they are working out what to do with the tape and glue respectively

Ben is the one being glued JJ is being taped..

the remaining HM's must sit on the bench and watch

Mario is still in his little room I think..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Baz
I heard that too...... she really is the absolute pits
she's read the rule book properly now. .it says HM's are permitted to say and talk about who they like and dislike so long as it is not in the context of nomination talk. .

she was trying to get around it. .but doing a list is not quite what BB means I reckon..

She is waiting for BB to let her in and says she is tired of these people and wants to go home now..

they aren't letting her in yet. .

maybe they think the task is more important than a shabby tantrum
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Baz
They can't let her in, can they , cos Mario is still in the adjoining room
its down a short corridor  and they can't hear into the DR and she went in before to get the second laminate as well ..

I think they think the task is their priority rather than a  moaning  stroppy  little  minnie throwing a tantrum  maybe? 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
  @ Baz

Dave thinks Ben looks like Fozzy bear [I think he looks more like Beaker or the Swedish chef ]

Ben has to have a new hat ..dunno if he split his other one or it was too small for his head. .

I popped to get a cuppa so am not sure if Shabby got her own way . .she is now bitching with Caoimhe about someone. .a bloke or summat...

Caoimhe said he probably wanted to just sit and have a ciggie..

Shabby shouts NOT MY PROBLEM Caoimhe   NOT MY PROBLEM

tells her the list of people she doesn't want to be around now is getting longer  [please go please go please]

(this can only be either Govan or Nathan as they are the only blokes that smoke]

whoever it was told her to keep it in her head. .[her thoughts? ] she wasn't happy about that

Caoimhe says she hates all the false playing of happy families

Shabby says YES it is not a happy family [well you've hardly helped it have you]

Shabby says Mario was in the DR

Caoimhe says he must be in the  little room..

Shabby looking very pee'd off

this task is taking for ever to get off the ground

it's nearly as exciting as the Humpty Dumpty task
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Still not  started the task

Shabby still wilth a face like thunder

which seemed to arrive when she found out she wasn't picked..

Mario in the task room standing on one leg 

the task is starting

Josie rolls across the garden

Mario is doing leg lifts now..

oh I think JJ is being Glued. .Dave is measuring him up..  Josie is his helper

Ben must be being taped and his tapers are Ife and Caoimhe

JJ is telling Dave and Josie which parts of his body are touching the board..

BB announces task being on sound of the klaxon..

Dave and Josie run to pick up tubes of what looks like superglue..

Ben is being taped with black tape..

and we are getting library shots for some reason

now back to Mario writing something on a  clipboard. .

think he can see it on the plasma in the little room. .

ah yes he is taking notes..  he laughs at the screen

seems he gets to see it and we don't

Dave and JJ have differences of opinion about where to put the glue..

Mario laughs at the exchanges.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario is being talked to by Bb

it is his job to predict the outcome of the task and if he gets it right they will pass..

he must say whether  one, two or none of his HM's will stick to the wall when the blocks have been removed

Mario predicts one will stick..

he asks BB how long they have to stick to the wall for it to count..

Bb have gone quiet

it sounds like fun out there. .

I wanna watch it not Mario!  *does  Shabby tantrum  *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario talks to the plasma

Ben don't move your ass

Govan is told to read out the instructions

they can't hear him

all I have is a close up of Mario's face.. 

nooo Ife  he shouts, more tape that is not going to hold any centre of gravity.. she needs more around his shoulders and it has to go all the way around the back

Noooooo don't move. .Ben.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben ahs got hotter and hotter with all the tape on him and sore I think from where soem of it has been palced

everbody int ehgarden is cracking up laughing

ben says I am really osrry guys I just can't. .think he gets down

Int eh little task room

Mario goes noo Ben and sighs ,,Ben what are you doing. .every time I try to help  you to redeem youself with the HM's you balls it  up  [why has Mario got to redeem Ben surely that is Ben's job and Bens job only! ]

 if Mario knows Ben that well he knows Ben is a bumbling baboon at these sort of things ]

mario shouts John you better stick . .don't move..

Bb says 2 minutes to go before the Sticky test..

I can hear crowd noise in the background on the Plasma

somebody must have shouted over BBLB starting soon?

Shot of Ben sat on the grass with a bottle of water..

BB tellsthen to stopp stickying and take their places by the boards..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh gawd Jonh please stick ont eh wall

 I can;t bear an evening of Mario weeping/wailing poor me stuuf and saying how sorry he failed the task by guessing incorrectly.. 

John advises Dave and Josie to be careful when they pull the block away or he could come unstuck..

John feels pretty stuck..

Soenone  (Shabby? )  finally figured out there has top be more to the task as Mario hasn't  come back 

Mario says maybe he has to pass a task..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Bb says on the klaxon remove the blocks under subject 2 's feet

Dave and Josie move the blokes  they are about two foot high

John James sticks to the wall  . .Yay!!!!

the glue is stretching  but it looks hilarious..  he finally slides down... except for one arm that is stuck further up

the glue is waxing his legs..

I can't type for laughing.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
hahaha steve says we may just wander off and leave you hanging there . . 

Bb tells HM's to assist their fellow HM from the wall..

Bb says he hopes the HM's enjoyed hanging around together

JJ says awww that was because of the row the other day.. 

Josie  really  enjoyed it . .twas her favourite task.. 

Shabby is using the gaffer tape to write the word help on the pebbles near the Jacuzzi..


bet whatever they win is taken away from them . bb are in that kind of mood atm.. silly little girl

if they win which I think they did as MArio guessed that one HM would stick. .
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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