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Corin keeps shouting oh my god oh my god, i'm scared
The robot says their attempts are pathetic
The robot wins and starts laughing, they have lost this weeks shopping task
The robot says tatty bye must dash, the HMS burst out laughing
HMS wave goodbye to the robot he blows kisses back and say's asta la vista baby (sp)
i'll be back
Talk about what they can't get on the shopping list
Steve says he knew from the start they wasn't going to win

Reference: Xochi
Shocking News! Ben is doing the dinnertime washing up! Sort of... [It is a bit like one of those men in expensive shirt shops who is supposed to be serving customers but is languidly folding shirts first]
What a great description Xochi!

Thanks for LUTing everyone.

Ify and Corin have made toast for Nathan in the shape of "Seahorse" (I think that`s his forum user name) with a cream cheese kiss on the side.
He`s chuffed to bits.
Ife got into trouble for sticking the knife in the toaster (I presume by BB)
Nathan says she could have short circuited the place.
Ife says..only if the knife was wet.
She says she doesn`t want Nathan to go tonight.
Neither does Corin.
Nathan`s staying positive.
Ife says everyone who has gone said they would go so yes, stay positive.
BB tells them to go back to the bedroom.
They`ve gone back to bed.
All hm`s are in bed and the lights are out.
Lights on in the bedroom.
They`re all gradually wakening up.
The alarm goes off.
Someone shouts hush!
Keeva walking about with black hoodie up (face like thunder)
She goes to kitchen. Ife there.
Keeva says something about Ife being an early riser..6.30am.
Ify no not me.
Hey where`s my wig gone? and she walks away to look for it.
Back she comes. Says to Keeva I hope they don`t call my name out..I haven`t done anything wrong. (I`m assuming she means for next eviction but don`t know for sure..her convo`s are so disjointed)

Mario asks Nathan if he`s going to live by his word and shower naked today?
Heard part of an announcement about the shopping delivery.
Nathan and Dave in the store looking at the shopping
Nathan thinks it`s not too bad.
Mario wants to know why they`ve turned the hot water off.
Alarm goes off again.
Josie lying in bed sucking her thumb.
Ben sitting up in bed.
Nathan, Corin and Dave taking out the shopping (Blooming heck I never noticed what a mess Dave`s hair is! )
JJ talking to Dave about "out there" Every Friday there are differences. (eviction talk it seems)
Josie saying if JJ doesn`t get evicted and new Hm`s come in she`s going to be jealous if he runs off with another Sheila. (She`s laughing butI think she means it)
Josie will get jealous and she doesn`t want to embarrass herself.
JJ laughing.
Lots of buzzing about.
Mario told by Corin to step away from the stove

JJ`s got a boogie up his nose. He can feel it ()
Josie asks where? ()
Keeva arrives.
JJ called to the DR. (thank gawd)

Just caught Keeva telling Dave she said "Make me a coffee bitch" (don`t know who to)
Dave laughs but it`s forced.

Ben brushing teeth

Corin`s singing. She`s dancing and pulling a reluctant Dave around.
Last edited by Scotty
Dave in the bathroom with Ben.
Blessed to know you Ben.
Ben`s blessed to know him too.
Ben: Let`s talk about politics later.
Dave wants to hear all about it.

Dave in kitchen now (how did he get there so quickly )
He`s talking to Mario about a film that made him cry.
Mario`s making porridge (och aye the noo )
He`s putting strawberry jam in it.
Enter Josie: Oooh porridge. I can`t wait!

BB announce the garden is now out of bounds.

Dave taking the mickey out of Mario and his delicate porridge stirring.The way he tickles it.
BB announce all hm`s must make their way back to the house. (must be the smokers)
Dave, Nathan and Josie having porridge.
Ife singing about porridge.
Dave off to the DR.
Ife asks him to ask about the hot water.

Mario behind JJ`s chair, massaging him while he`s eating his porridge.
Camera goes behind them. Mario`s got his leg up on the back of the chair. It looks ahem the way he`s moving.

I think Ben is doing the dishes
Keeva passes and he ask her if she slept well.
She did but she went to bed late.
She leaves.
Ben saying to Nathan he can`t understand the new relationship between Keeva, Josie and JJ. He would never have imagined it.
Can`t make out what Nathan`s saying but heard " Aren`t we being bitchy today?"
Ben says it`s not bitchy it`s just an observation.
Bens says Nathan doesn`t have to cook 3 meals a day.
Nathan likes doing it. He`s a grafter.
He wants to make sure they have good food..he has good food
Food`s very important to him.
Ben eats frozen peas when they`re frozen.
He sucks on them.
Nathan says like a savoury ice pop?
Ben: Yes.

Ben talking to Nathan about the new friendship between JJ, Josie and Keever
Nathan says well look at us, who would have thought we'd get on, Ben thinks they have alot in common
Nathan says it's veg soup for lunch, Ben suggests that Nathan doesn't have to cook 3 meals a day for them, Nathan says you don't have to eat it, Ben say's he was just thinking of Nathan, Nathan calls himself a really foody, he see's it as a job and he enjoys doing it
JJ starting on Ben already, he's asked him to look for something and Ben said he didn't know where they were, JJ said you said No
More searching of the bedroom for whatever JJ is looking for


Cheers Scotty and Aimee

got a question that's been driving me mad all night. .

was anybody watching the feed last night around 9pm I think,  in the garden Steve was reading out some lateral thinking questions...   there was one about a woman who gave birth to two daughters on the same day, hour month and year but the daughters weren't twins..  how can that be?  was the questions.

I know the answer is probably really obvious but I missed it on the feed and I cannot think what it is at all..

anybody got a clue before me head implodes? 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ saying Ify is deluded if she thinks tonight eviction isn't real
Mario telling Corin he doesn't think she will ever be up for eviction the normal way unless someone changed her picture in the safe and replace task, he thinks if she was up she would be saved, Corin doesn't agree
Hatch for new batteries and Daves bible, Ben wants a reading from Dave
Steve being very shouty this morning
Josie still laying in bed sucking her thumb
Corin asking mario why he wanted to do BB, he has many reasons, he wanted to be in a house with strangers, he wanted the experince, beacuse his life was in pieces and cause he won't have the chance again as it's the last one
Mario saying to Corin that his world collapsed at the end of the year.
Corin saying she doesn`t feel she`s been on a journey like other people in the house.
She`s taking each day as it comes.
Mario thinks the house is like a cocoon (protecting you from outside)
(sorry didn`t catch whole convo. Edit: you caught it Aimee.  )
Mario saying it`s not that he wanted to get back with him or anything (his ex it seems)
Enter Ife.
Did you ever feel that something was missing? Something didn`t sit right?
Mario says yeah. (one of these yeahs where you say it to end the conversation)
JJ`s dated 3 boxers.
Keeva and Josie talk about types of men they like.
Ben`s there
Keeva goes into whispering mode " Don`t you think it`s funny that she.."

Mario and Corin in bathroom.
They`re talking about music.
Mario likes a song by the Smashing Pumkins.
Corin doesn`t know it..asks Mario to sing it.
If it`s a rock song she won`t know it.
She`s never heard of the Smash Pumpkins

Back to bedroom.
Religion talk going on between Keeva and Ben.

Corin can`t imagine going back home and sitting watching corrie on the tele.
They talk about people who walk. They understand it now but wouldn`t do it.
They`ve both always wanted to be on BB.
Corin say it`s a gift. The best gift she`s ever had. Even better than the one she got at Christmas.
She loves being in the house.
Mario does too (although he`s not looking as convincing as Corin)
Corin has to go because if she doesn`t do her eyebrows then...and she goes on to explain a bit of makeup procedure.
Mario says it sounds very complicated and laughs.

Dave asking Ben what Keeva was saying.
Ben says she was talking about catholicism.
Dave thinks she`s got issues. She`s a bit of Germaine Greer type.
(Dave has a bit of a worried look in his face. Don`t think he wants to be challenged again by Keeva today -opinion)
Corin and Ben in the bathroom.
Ben saying to Corin he gets on with all sorts of people. You should know that?
Corin says well you wouldn`t marry me wudja!  I`d want to go to McDonald`s and you wouldn`t.
Ben talks about compromise.
He asks her what his bad points are.
You`re sneaky! Very sneaky!
Say if I had a bit of fake tan left and I was leaving and needed it. You would see it and help yourself.
Ben agrees with a nervous laugh
He asks about his good points.
Corin: Errrrmmm.(she`s thinking)
He says I`m kind.
Corin: Errrmmm well....I suppose you are.....
Ben says he talks to people that he doesn`t have a lot in common with...
Corin: Yeah well you do go around.....
Ben : You don`t have a very high opinion of me do you Corin?
Corin says you can be funny but....

I`ve missed a lot of this convo( hence the ....) and paraphrased in parts, I was listening while feeding the dog. Hope someone else caught it. It was a topper.
It`s got to make the HL show.
Last edited by Scotty
thanks for your hard work Scotty

think you got the gist of the Ben Corin convo there. .it was very funny. . and taken light heartedly...

Not sure Ben was expecting upfront and honest answers and Corins errrrrrrrm pauses cracked me up when she was trying to be diplomatic...

Love the way he thought his good point was going around chatting to people but only certain subjects with certain people ie Corrie for Corin [I find that patronising tbh sorry Ben fans ]

Corin said he wouldn't chat politics with her would he ..

Ben Well no ..quite..

Corin yeah I'd tell ya to jeff off..

Not sure Ben heard what he wanted to hear but at least he wasn't being hounded 

Joise has confessed to JJ that she lied about saying she could cook..

She just wanted the attention she said.

dunoo what the odd are for tonight's eviction but she could be up the creek without a paddle tomorrow and I think she panicking now

[oops I forgot, am not here really. .having a day off as tis hot and sticky and I am feeling euuurrrrrrrrggh  ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I forgot Ben had a convo with Ife in the kitchen.. before the Corin chat

[doing his morning convo rounds ]

She was talking with Nathan  about various food her mother cooks and that her BF's mother cooks West Indian food which she really  loves. . [me too ]
Ben asked if the first time she tasted it she had an affinity with the food.. 

Ife says eh?  I just liked it same as I liked a Chinese the first time I ate it

Nathan tells Ben it's no different to the first time you have any new dish.. why would it be he asks?   [ie tis not in the genes tis what you are used to]

Is Ben for real????
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
*waves to blizzie *

there's not a lot going on

they are in the garden apart from Mario and Ife who are washing in the bathroom

Ife had a mini hissy fit cos Caoimhe didn't empty her bath nor wash it out first

In the garden they are telling Josie about the Forums

Caoimhe went on TIBB [this is big brother]

Jj knows the most about them ..he's done a lot of research.. [checks member lsit for Aussie members ]

Josie has never been on a forum and asks if they are horrible about people on there

JJ tells her about the Rex haters

Josie says yeah I remember him a bit now he was the one that bullied Rachel wasn't he?

[*ducks as things come flying in from Rex fans* she said that not me!  ]

they are talking about how obsessive they can get and remember everything. .

now they are talking abotu googling yourself

Josie is so pleased nothing came up when she tried it..  it may do now tho

Josie tells John to shurrup now cos she is freaking at the bad stuff

She says she only did it cos her mates said she be a good HM and she thinks she is ok and never gave it a lot of thought about any negative stuff it could produce

She went on holiday and never gave it a second thought. .her mate texted her to say she wouldn't probably get in cos there was  about 100 potentials (yeah right as if the majority of them were getting in ]

Josie reckons her mate will be eating her words now..

damn I keep forgetting I am not here
Mount Olympus *Olly*
not a lot going on

bit of pass the bogey in the bedroom between Josie and JJ

the girls' [Caoimhe and Josie]  ears  pricked up a little when JJ told em how much his European holiday cost last yr in total, including flights hotels and MJ tickets  twas about ÂĢ16k

They ask him if he has money. .he says no..  well maybe a little bit

[wonder if there was a payout for his fathers fatal accident at work. .am just guessing here. . ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
still not much to tell.

they were locked in the house most of the afternoon while BB set up for tonight I think

Bb has finally let them into the garden so they are soaking up what ray's are left before the shade covers the garden...

Ben has managed to get a few of his fav type of convo's in with Dave and made an appt for later to discuss another subject. . 

they have all been wondering who will come in later and how many..

None of them have guessed correctly..

it's fairly relaxed in there....  for now... 

*flops back and fans self. .tis tooooooooo bliddy hot *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh dear

Jj obviously thinks he is going as he's kicked off at Corin

there are a lot of SD's so impossible to hear what it was about..

but she just said at least I only had to come here on the train you flew halfway around the world and have been angry the whole time

am not sure what is being said but Mario told JJ to give her a big hug and say he is sorry..

Corin has left the Bedroom now

in the background I can hear Ife say that's unbelievable..

Mario said he never saw that coming he thought they were joking at the beginning..

JJ says he didn;t go to her she came to him..

was out in the garden so missed watching the feed when ti began I  just heard tweety birds thru me bluetooth thingy.. ..

calm again

for now
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Jj went out to tell Josie and Caoimhe, who are in the pool, about his blow up with Corin

He said it started when she came into the bedroom and said she's off to the DR to have her first big bitching session

then the S ound dipped

then there was something about the singing of old battery new battery. .[could be a mickey take of Corin]

then it was dipped again..

dunno what that was all about.. 

Jj is sorting out his gear and looking a tad stressed..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ walks outside and tells the others if they want to listen to her in the Dr they can hear her in the bedroom in the corner near his bed I think. .he was having a lsiten in..

he  mimics Corin saying. ."he just goes on and on and on and on... "

nobody bothers to go listen

in the garden Caoimeha dn Josie are at the smoking area now

it is sweltering hot down here and Caoimhe has her bluddy hoody up !!!  madness !
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ife wanders thru the bedroom and say to Mario if you don't like someone cos they are ahppy you need your head tested..

Mario says it not   that I don't think. .some people in the house think Corin's personality is too simple and one dimensional and they think it is false as there is no depth to it.. it makes people paranoid..

Mario wants to get her in a convo so he can get to know her better and see if she is a really happy person all the time..

Ife advises him how to approach her ..says he'ss had 3 weeks to do this

Mario has tried Ife's away buit h';s learnt she isn't one for long talks..

ife is glad she talked to Corin and learnt about her and all she's been thru [ being a widow]  a long time back

Josie comes in and says they've shouted get JJ out over the wall..

Jj walks in adn MArio asks did they really shout that

Jj laughs and says nah twas just John James out..

then a  few people tried to change it.. to john James  [insert mystery word]

Jj says ti is a bit strange that people know his name. .he's not bothered abotu what they shouted.. ..

I am half watching so cant; test his body language..  he was a bit wired as it was tho...

Jj tells Steve he'll choose him for the day of treats...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin is out of the DR

Caoimhe told her they could hear her in the DR

Corin says I am not surprised ou could hear me, I was shouting my head off

JJ and Steve and Dave are sat in the sofa area

Jj says I wish if they ahd a problem they'd come and shout at me about it .. [corin can be heard shouting about him going ona dn on and on in the background ]  unlike him eh?  Joined the Caoimhe bitcha botu Corin club didn't he. .

all day people have been asking Corin if she is buzzing. .

every one of  them in there has done it at some point today...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin wants to go outside for a ciggie but the are locked in cos of the people shouting over the wall

She came into the Sofa area and was singing I think [sounds was dipped]  and finished with something like see i can do what I like

Jj said well so long as you;re loving it that's ok..

Corin is looking well wired. .like a little Tasmanian devil

She is in the kitchen now talking to Ife saying she was in the bedroom earlier talking to Nathan  abotu how boring the hosue would be if he went and some of the others who are fun people.. she was talking about the others being boring etc and who would there be to talk to and have fun with..

Josie and Caoimhe walked in as she was saying this.

ife then tells Corin what JJ said about her probably making it in this year cos she got her boob job..  [stirring every opportunity is Ife]

Corin says that is a load of bollocks cos she'd done all her auditions before she got the work done [was just before she entered the house I think]

Corin is gutted she blew up and reckons she'll be up next week but whatever..

on the Sofa Jj is telling Steve what he said to Corin to set her off.. again I think.. he'd asked her if she was getting angry now..  said I would go have it out with that person nto go into another room where all can hear. .or I'd drop it..   [hahahahaha delusional or what   ]

Steve is watching the  bedroom I think    and commenting on  what he is seeing..

says to JJ look at Caoimhe   she is pouting she is gonna go again cos Dave is talking abotu homosexuality . .she's pulling her hair look. .

we don't get to see it tho.. now we do seems calm enough

Caoimeh and Josie just laying in the bed bitching chatting really...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
btw saw Keeley being interviewed on BBLB. .we could possibly have another Bea situation ,.. in that  she went in to sort Noireen out. .not the crying side I hope... 

 .. she doesn't like Caoimhe and wants to sort her out.. .Ben won't be a happy bunny..

The new Rachel talks really fast like Lisa from a BB ages ago so will eb ahrd to LUT

The boy [forgot his name] likes Corin and Mario..

Caoimhe and Josie appear to be the new Sheeva. .they are isolating themselves a lot form the others and are sat in the kitchen

Caoimhe thinks BB won't have shown her funny side...

*looks under Puter for Caoimhe's sense of humour. .nah not there *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ saying Corin came to him and said yes pack your suitcase and come home and asking how old are how old are you
JJ says he said to her everything Keever wanted to say
Josie laughing at JJ, she wants to know what JJ will do if he is saved, he thinks theres no chance he will stay, he has finished with Corin, he told her to jog on but she wouldn't
Josie wants to know if JJ will give her the special treat, he says he will give it to Steve
JJ still on about Corin he says she really kicked off at him, he said she had bolt ons, JJ copying Corins voice saying i'm going to the DR
JJ thinks not everyone in here is happy all the time like Corin, she needs to respect this, Josie and Keever agreeing with everything he says
In the bedroom

JJ is telling Josie and Caoimhe what happened with Corin

he said to Caoimeh I basically told her all the same stuff  you had said abotu her

Seems Corin went in the bedroom while JJ was packing and said she was going to have a good old bitch in the DR

Jj didn't bite so she came back and said she was getting angry or summat

Jj said well that's ok so long as you a lovin it

and that's when it all kicked off

Caoimhe is lovin this.. .[oh the irony of her lovin the negative situations ]

Jj said she went off on one to him and he went off on one to her...

Josie tells him so what if you stay then John.. 

John tells her to get real, he ain;t staying..

JJ told her that she needs to have a bit of respect and if peopel are having down times she needs to have a bit of respect and not come in bouncing and asking are you loving it all the time when she can see somebody is a bit down. . she must understand that not everybody is buzzin like her 24/7

so far Caoimhe has stood by and let Shabby and JJ do her dirty work for her..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ talking about Keeley saying who comes in and says you need your hair cutting (referring to Ben) he's surprised she didn't tell Josie she needed her roots doing
Racheal and Corin talking about clothes and make up
Keever and Ben talking to Andrew, he's been in the DR for the first time, he say's he's very surprised how all the HMs get on with each other, Keever say's new HMs coming in has made them realise how close they all are
Andrew say's they've all been very nice to him, he's surprised how peaceful the house is, Keever just ummm's to this, Andrew laughs
Not much happening in the house atm

the oldies are still discussing the newbies...

Keely got up early to clean the kitchen much to Ife's annoyance..

they are still talking about the first impressions the newbies had on them.. 

Caoimhe and Josie were talking about Keely body I think..

she is fit . .but Caoimhe mentions that her head barely appears over the kitchen counter...

Josie has given up on getting her man I think

Steve seems vitalised this morning

maybe having two hotties draped over him last night has something to do with that

Ben seems animated this morning too.. .he is smiling a lot  ... as is JJ 

seems that the newbies ahve had an overall positive affect on most of the HM's moods apart from Caoimhe who continues to keep the bitching up and have a sour puss most of the time and Ife getting pee'd off cos her 'contril freak cleaning to get thru the day' has been usurped by a newbie 

tis nice to see the house all perked up tho.. .makes a change form recent days 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Racheal and Corin talking about having make up tattoo'd on
Racheal asking Ben if he is going to just let his hair grow and grown, she asks if she can platt his hair for just the day, Ben doesn't seem to like the idea much
Ben thinks he would probably leave rather than have his hair shaved off in the BB house
Racheal is surprised that they all get on, Ben say's they have been there a month so they've been through all the rows
Racheal tells them there has been a heatwave alert on the news
Racheal tells Ify she has an amazing body
Mario and Andrew talking about Uni, Mario had a great time at Uni and wouldn't change his time there for anything
Reference: Aimee
they don't seem to like Keeley do they
no. .they don;t. .she kinda went in there all guns blazing. .not a good idea from a woman who is supposed to have a business head .. .which should involve planning and strategy etc..

I missed JJ getting his mission off the TOT 

he's talking about pet kangaroos so I presume that is part of it..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ sitting on Marios knee (think this must be his task)
Talk of Australia between Dave,Mario and JJ
Dave goes off to sort his washing
Mario sitting with his arm draped round JJ
JJ back in the BR but Daves washing his clothes
Dave asks JJ if he thinks the dynamics of the house will change now, he thinks the new Hms are lovely, he likes Andrew and Racheal but he  things Keeley will cause problems
JJ talking to Dave about Australia

Theres a fete going on behind my house and they have been playing Lady GaGa for the past hour
JJ talking to Ben about Australia, Ben feels a connection to Australia, he likes their humour and their Films
Ben's always wanted to go to Australia, he wants to go to canbbera, JJ asks him whats there, Ben lists what he wants to see there
Racheal in the garden chatting with Josie and Keever
JJ still talking with Ben, national anthems are being discussed now, Ben says New zealand have been loyal to Britain, JJ asks if Australia has
Keever telling Racheal how she feels comftable in the house now, she can pick her nose, fart and burp when she wants
JJ says Australia is called the fattiest nation all they do is eat Mcdonalds, he says the women are all loud mouthed, Dave says JJ will have to stay here if he keeps on dissing his nation, JJ says Britain sent everyone they didn't want here over to Australia

JJ talking about kathy Freeman the runner, the boys are trying to mangle their clothes while JJ keeps on about Australia

JJ talks to TOT, he says the task is too hard, the TOT isn't responding, he tells the tree to hurry up he calls it useless, the tree say's don't tell me to hurry up, JJ asks how many lies he has told, the tree say's he should be counting
JJ tells the tree it stinks, the tree says the HMs stink, JJ has got 30 mins left, JJ say's stop calling me skippy i hate it, the tree likes his story about Ayres rock
JJ asks Ben what he's going to do when he gets to Australia, Steve say's he will go with him
ello Jackson

my red mist has lifted this morning. .nothing sends me off into a manic rant, with no rhyme nor reason to it, than a negative [in my eyes] mention of anything remotely connected to the Poles.. tis the only area I cannot restrain meself . .I so needed to rant last night and thankfully the forum was there... tho I do get a tad OTT with it..

ife is not liking Keely doing her morning kitchen cleaning routine for her...

I think JJ's task is to talk nonsense about Australia for an hour non stop..

poor Ben is having to listen to a lot of codswhallop about Australia..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
ife has cooked the lunch for the house

she has done a buffet style fry up

she was trying to fry eggs in a griddle pan!  needless to say she made a bit of a mess if things 

nowt much else gone on really

Jj passed his task

and the oldies are still being paranoid about the newbies and covering the same ground as last night

Rachel quizzed Dave about religion

the oldies then quizzed Dave about his quizzing 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Rachel talking in the garden with JJ and Andrew mainly about boyfriends
Rachel is talking to Mario about where he's been on holiday and where his favourite place is, he says Toyko, she asked how he could afford to go there, he say's it was a present from an ex partner
Rachel talking about passenagers being violent on planes and the training you are given
Mario asks her what her worse flight has been
Andrew asks what Daves job is, he says he's a christian minister but not in the main stream way
Ify shows Corin her tans lines, Corin says she can't believe it
Dave says he once spent 3 months intoxicated on god, he was an alcoholic and drug addict once
Most of the Hms are outside sun bathing
Mario has got watery eyes and Ify wants to know whats up, he says don't ask you'll send me off again, she says he can speak to her when he's feeling down, he say's BB told him to do that
Mario is upset because Nathan had gone, Ify say's he was fun
Mario knows he shouldn't be upset, Nathan has only just gone, he doesn't want to bring the house down and spoil the new Hms first day
Ify and Mario share a bowl of ice cream
Mario has been crying in the DR, BB asked him if he would like someone to join him in the DR he said no, he thinks BB were worried about him (camera time me thinks)
Ify thinks he may be in the narnia house  if he is, she hopes he picks Corin Mario and Ify to join him
Mario worries what his friends will think of him crying, he didn't cry when he split with his ex
Ify says another smoker has gone, Mario thinks it will be a non smoking house soon
Rachel asking JJ about coming over here to do BB, he came and did the audtions and then flew home all in 2 days, he was total shattered
JJ says he came to England last year for about 8 weeks, his trip was planned all around the MJ concert
Talk about facebook, they've all closed thiers down, Corin is going to get set one up when she gets out, Andrew says the press still will be able to get to their photos, Andrew says he couldn't have his mum on his facebook
Rachel telling Corin all about facebook, she thinks she will be addicted to it
I watched quite a lot last night. Josie was very upset and hiding her eyes with sunglasses after the row with  JJ. Corin sympathises, having had her run in with him the day before. She says that she won't take it from him without 'giving some back'.
Both agree that JJ is very hard to work out and that he can give it but not take it!!
JJ was talking to a sympathetic Dave, making some good points about how Corin's behavior isn't always right for the occasion. He is also worried that Josie won't be talking to him in the morning.
The girls are going in to put their bikinis on
Josie still in the nest laying down sucking her thumb, Mario and Ben join her, Ben asks if she's ok, she say's yes
Mario having a go at Ben not understanding the rules of the game
JJ in the nest now, talk of things that have gone missing, Josie has lost her sunglasses
Mario offers to pay ben ÂĢ100 to lick something when they get out (don't know what)
JJ talking about Daves skin tags  Ben say's he has 3, JJ wants to know if he's been counting them
Ify teaching keeley a dance in the BR
Mario complains about Ben butting in when he's talking, he says he's as bad as Sushines was for doing that
Mario talking about STD, Ben can't understand why people go on the programme embarrasing bodies, why would you want to show your body to the world
Corin talking to Rachel about boob jobs, Rachel is going to wait till she's abit older, she's not that unhappy about her boobs
JJ talking about ingrowing toe nails now
JJ's mum is a nurse and she can inject him herself now, he doesn't have to go  to the doctors
Mario talking about crabs now and pubic hair (the bloke seems obsessed with body problems)
Rachel hopes BB won't show her filing the dead skin off her feet (the whole house are gross today)
Steve jokes the camera is panning on her
Corin offering to make milky coffees
Steve pulls his vest up to get some sun on his big belly
Keever tells Rachel she's got a lovely figure, Rachel thinks Keever has got a nice bum, keever thinks she's put weight on
Ben talking about Corin to JJ, Mario and Josie, he says she said she never gets bored in the house
Josie asks Andrew if he feels relaxed now, he say's yes his enjoying it

Ben talking about Dave, they all seem to like him and his one liners are funny
Dave asking JJ if he wants to pull off his skin tags  (they are starting to make me feel sick now)
Ben say's josie is like Alice from the vicar of Dibley
Josie out of the nest now, she's shovelling bread into her mouth in the kitchen
Josie asks if anyone wants a sandwhich
Josie eating cereal straight from the packet
Keever talking about rationing the cigs
JJ, Ify and Mario washing clothes in the BR, Ify eating cereal at the same time

Mario wishes he hadn't brought white clothes with him
Keeley has asked for the hoover
Ify asks JJ if she can borrow his top, she wants to wear it as a dress
JJ is laying down to wash his clothes
Josie feels better now that she has eaten, she's still shovelling food into her mouth  she's had cereal, bread, tuna sandwhich, raw carrot, avacado and she's still going
orange squash next
Mario doesn't think there will be anymore new Hms, Ben thinks there may be another 2
Mario says there was only 1 new Hm in BB9 (he's wrong as there was stu, masoon, belinda and someone else)
Talk of Rachel from BB9 she was a fence sitter
Dave said Cameron was a boring winner
Ben and Keeley talking about game shows, keeley loves Wipeout, Ben hasn't seen it
Dave say's they get ÂĢ30,000 if they win (wrong it's 10)
Keeley has been on the Price is right
Ben would like to see what goes on behind the scenes of BB, he thinks it must be a big nerve centre
Dave got told off by the chief executive in the DR for writing with a eye liner, he knew he wouldn't get kicked out for it and they was ok about it
Keeley asking Dave about his kids
Dave asks keeley if she is buzzing to be there, she expected more of a moody atmosphere but it's really nice, Dave say's we've had times like that, we had someone people in here that caused bad atmospheres
Talk about Corin, they don't think she's being false, she'd be exactly the same outside the house as she is in
JJ checking himself out in the mirrors while scrubbing his clothes
Hm told to go in the house
Ify hopes they are getting a task
Andrew has got sun burnt, JJ tells him to be careful
Dave and Mario talking about if the newbies can nominate, JJ talking about newbies being evicted quite soon, someone left after 2 days
JJ thinks it could be a double eviction, he doesn't think the newbies will be able to vote for the old HMs, mario thinks there could be a twist, Dave say's he's only had 1 week off from being up
Ben says he's got some lovely shirts but he had to surrender them
JOsie thinks she may get a washing powder advert, she's been a right washer woman in there
Ben likes keevers quiff, Steve says because it reminds you of your hair
Dave and JJ talking about nominations, Dave don't know who to nominate this week, JJ knows exactly what he's going to do, wait and see what happens
Dave has thought about nominating who he thinks is favourite and therefore safe
Josie has fired JJ permantly, so theres a position available
Dave asking JJ for help in deciding what to do about nominating this week, he wants in on JJ scheme, JJ say's he hasn't got a scheme
Ben is Josie's new bitch boy, Ben only wants a part time position
Ben feels the most relaxed he's ever felt in there, he likes having the newbies around
JJ still laying down doing his washing (looks like he and josie are keeping their distance)
Sorry went to clean the bathroom, so i'm not sure if this is a task or not

The old Hms are asking the new Hms questions about their lifes, think BB are going to see how well they new their new Hms, Rachel says she's been on Pop Idol
The old Hms are wearing t shirts and shorts, they have been put into teams and have 1 new housemate per team to quiz
Keeley has dated celebritys and footballers but she doesn't want to say who, Ify and Dave are trying to get her to spill the beans
JJ thinks BB put Keeley in too clash with him
Ben, Josie and steve are 1 team
Steve thanks BB for the right sized t shirt this time

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