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Michelle is in bed now, asks if they are playing the game still.

Vic says he will watch, though he has no desire to listen.

He feels really bad, Mich says dont, he says you have seen me go off worse than that and now they are laughing and he is saying they set him up.

He sees those watching live feed will be loving up (if we had seen it!)

Mich says that Makosis hair starts too far up her head.

Victor wanted to burst out the door and then walk out the fire exit.

Mich says what would that have been for...and he realises loads of ppl would have wanted to do this so out of resepct to himself and the others...
In the Main house Brian is asking Preston and Chantelle if they think divides will grow over time or if the house will get closer together.

Preston says he just doenst want to be left with the boring ones.

They are all having a moan about the others having a sensible conversation  about politics (and not about hair extensions or Heat magazine).
Most of the Hm's are asleep in the BR, Preston and Nick have gone outside for a smoke
Michelle and Victor still in the bedsit, they are ready and waiting to go into the house, Victor is talking about the design of their house in BB5 he liked how the doors to bedroom opened up to let fresh air in
victor talking about going into the house once, BB had rented it out to a company and he had to talk to aload of PA's about his time in the house, he got paid a couple of grand and got a new laptop
The alarm goes off to wake the Hm's, Brain tell's everyone to ignore it, he think's Makosi is dead anyway

Michelle think's all the conversations in the house are boring
Michelle and Victor are planning what they are going to say to the Hm's when they go into the house, they are going to say they have been there since Tuesday same as them
Brain has gone in the DR, victor wonders if BB is telling him that they are there
Nikki is going to wash her clothes
Michelle hopes they will let them into the house soon, Victor thinks  they will have to wait cause it's raining
Preston and Nikki compare their teeth (it's so exciting in there)
Nikki telling Preston about her chipped tooth, she thought she had someones finger nail in her food but then realised it was abit of her tooth
Food has been delivered to the bedsit, michelle and victor aren't happy as it doesn't look like they will be going into the house soon, victor uses the phone to ask BB whats going on

Nikki and Preston talking about celebrity hijack, Preston talking about when Davina came into the house dressed as a chicken, everyone knew it was her straight away
Preston asks Nikki if she liked siavash, she says he said some horrible things about me but he was ok when i met him
Michelle and victor eating their lunch in the bedsit
Preston talking about the wrap party and if everyone from all the series will be invited, Nikki thinks not as they haven't got the budget, Nick says there are about 260 ex contesants, maybe it will be just for them and people that have dropped by for tasks
Brian still in the DR, michelle wishes he'd hurry up
Brian now back and he say's that BB hates him, Nick asks if they mentioned a task he says no, they thought they would rewarded for their dance task yesterday
Victor say's his heart sank when he saw there was food in the hatch, michelle says they may as well ask to be let out some fresh air instead, Victor is going to call BB and ask
The alarm goes off again to wake the Hm's up (give them something to do then)
Chantelle's been talking to Brian and Ulrika about Preston and how her feelings about him change every day. She says that whenever she leaves the house, either on the last day or the day before (optimistic on her chances in there or what?)...and she didnt realised that she wasnt over the relationship till she went in the house.

Lots of slavver off Ulrika.

I am trying to do my excavation methodology so will chip in and now again.
Yeah Ulrika totally forgot about her son  

Some of the Hm's are talking about Nadias reaction to Coolio stealing her shoes, Chantelle says he asked her to cover his back and who should the first person to walk in the BR be was Nadia, Brian laughs saying the people in the gallery must have been shouting she's walking to the Br, she's walking to the BR

Michelle and Victor arent happy that this gathering seems to be a false alarm for them.


Makosi is reading a laminate.

The HMs have to sit and wait till 6 minutes is up - whilst wearing a large caricature big head. They have to take them off when 6 minutes is up. Ulrika doesnt have to take park. Chantelle says 'count to 60 six times' and Makosi tells her off for discussing tactics.
Forum wasnt working right...

Nikki has given up now and is going about ploating the others with straw and mking Nick make a very funny noise and she made Chantelle scream and jump up.


Preston has had enough now as well.


BB calls Vic and Mich and tells them it is time for them to enter the house. They are to go and sit on the edge of the pool in the garden and put their heads on.
Nick looks ded confused.

GARDEN - vic reminds them to say they have been there since Tuesday. Mich hopes they dont ask too many questions coz she doesnt like lying - Vic says he is more than happy to do it.

BB announces -

Nadia 1 minute and a bit
Nikki 56 minutes
Preston 61 mins

Preston wins.

Nikki is having a bit of a gurn about coming second.

Ulrika predicted before hand that Nadia would be first out, Nikki would moan most, Brian would be closest to the 60 minutes, she got one outcome correctly and they will get special treats tonight.

Much shrieking.

Just noticed that the shutters are down - I did wonder.

Mich and Vic are still sat in the garden waiting.

Ulrika says she was talking about the glue to try and make Nikki moan more.

Nikki is chuffed that she got so close.
Michelle has about 17 make up bags and is putting her slap on at the moment.

Victor is trying to work out what the point of vegetarian shower gel is.

He also wonders when he will get his photos. Michelle doenst know if she wants hers in case they break her and she has to leave by the back door. Vic says they are all too sensitive. He didnt bring any photos last time and only really spoke about his son after Fight Night when they thought they were all going to get chucked out and put in jail.
Nikki still crying about her task, the other Hm's think it was wrong to give her that task as everyone knows how fussy she is about hygene, they think she will be given another task to do, she thinks she is up for eviction instead, Nick tell's her not to worry if she is up she won't be going anywhere, Ulrika says she is pooing her pants to see what her task is
Nadia has been calling Josie, Victor told her that Josie wan't happy about some of the things she said, Nadia says she only won cause she had no competiton in the house, she is an unforgetable winner, she's a cameron or a rachel
Preston has been to the DR to nominate, he had to the ice shots task, he got brain freeze and his teeth hurt
Nikki in the garden trying to get a suntan for her eviction, she tell's Nadia that her fate is in BB hands, she doesn't know if she's going to be punished for not doing her task
Brian tell's Ulrika his poo is like putty already, he feels like someone has put a lighter up his bum
Ulrika is called to the DR for her task, the others are trying to see whats in the DR, Ulrika shouts theres nothing in there, she's worried that someone will come in
Brian is winding nikki up saying her task will be horrendous, they are flying tigers in as they speak
Brian can't believe all nadia had to do was spell something out
Victor thinks BB has sent Sven into the DR
Nick is worried what his task will be, Brian tell's him he will probably have to nominate live
Chantelle tell's the others that they have a secruity guard each watching them while they are in the house
Nadia say's she didn't know who Marcus bently was at the mock funeral they did for the BB advert, she asked him if he was an actor and he said yes
Ulrika back from the DR, she's had cream poured all over her, she says she's fine with it as she was expecting worse
I've not been in long and got live feed on while trying to formulate my selection and disposal policy.

There's games afoot, Nikki was hiding in the cupboard with the crisps.

In the bedroom Michelle is complaining about a mink factory that smelled of mink.

Now they are playing a game which just seems to involve naming as many ex HMs as possible while eating crisps.
Just switched back on, they are in the pool, moaning.

They = Nadia, Michelle, Makosi

Michelle is having a little bitch about Nikki not going in the pool with them (but I didnt hear what she said coz someone splashed)

Makosi thinks that British people are quick to forgive unlike Aficans (hmmm not sure I agree with that).

Half of Africa stoned Makosi verbally last time when she was naughty.
Cut away to the Ulrika and Brian in the house talking about how they thought there was going to be an eviction.

Victor is outside now and they are all moaning that they need alcohol to have fun (as usual). Nadia says they dont give them enough to get them happy and to kick off.

Michelle carries on bitching about Ulrika. Makosi says she is probably saying stuff about all us behind her backs.

Michelle is amused by the thought that Ulrika might look over and see then in the pool when they are all slagging her off.

Nadia's turn to slag her off now. 

Makosi says it isnt fair that Ulrika only went in for money.

Nadia says she was 'betrayed' for the whole ultimatum thing...and anyone who got paid to go back isnt 'respecting Big Brother' and it isnt fair.

(Sorry missed some of that coz some one interrupted me)
In the house Brian and Nick are bitching about Nick and Victor.

Ulrika says she thinks Nick is shy and socially uncomfortable so why did he go on a Reality show and blatantly lie.

Is he a)trying to get in with the group, b) attention seeking or c)devious and manipulative. He did this 10 years ago...why.

Brian wonders if Nick has been trying to shit stir about Victor. 

Ulrika wonders if he was acting when Darren came in, and Brian wants to know why he gets so nervous about nominations. Brian reckons Vic nodded to Nick when he came out the DR after nominations.

Ulrika wants to know why they are so thick as theives and she says Nick knows everything that is going to happen and he is neurotic about it.

Ulrika is trusting but she doesnt trust them, and Brian says he is such a good judge of character and he doesnt trust them either.

Ulrika says that either Nick and Vic have a task or they are being devious off their own backs.
Brian thinks Vic is a nice guy. Ulrika says maybe he has to gain our trust and then bring us down.

The whines on about the clown again.
Michelle is telling them they should do a talent show, mud wrestle or a high heeled assualt course 'like in our one' and that if they do the 'others will just sit there'

 bitch bitch bitch bitch bithc bitch bitch

Makosi cant believe any of the others want to go in the pool with them.

Michelle thinks that everyone is at the table bitching about them.

But it's Ulrika telling the others that her first name is Eva but her mum didnt think Ulrika Eva worked 'and what did she know at 19'.
She's asked why she uses Ulrika, she says her mum called her that.

In the POOL they are sure they are being talking about and Nadia has realised that maybe she is self obsessed, Makosi says she isnt but Nadia says 'you talk about yourself in the third person' *cackles*

In the house Victor has just said all the girls in the pool are like the 3 witches from macbeth, and Brian hopes BB pull the shutters down to piss them off.

Then they talk more about middle names.

Nikki's middle names are Rachel Beth.

She thinks they are common and would like something unusual. Like Linda.
Majorettes: New Task Revealed

For today’s task, Housemates will become baton twirlers as they recreate the classic Big Brother 7 Majorette task.

Housemates will learn and perform a routine to the song ‘Bad Romance’ by Lady Gaga which they will perform later today.

If Housemates rehearse and perform to an acceptable standard, as deemed by an independent adjudicator, Housemates will receive a special reward.

Housemates will be provided with an instructional DVD and DVD player with which to learn the routine.

When instructed to do so by Big Brother, Housemates will allocate the following roles:

One Housemate will act as choreographer and will lead the group through their rehearsals. As well as choreographing the routine, this Housemate will also dance in the routine.

One Housemate will take the role of Troupe Leader. This Housemate will learn a slightly more complicated routine.

All other Housemates will become majorettes.

Big Brother will provide Housemates with two rehearsal periods in which to learn the routine. 

Housemates have chosen Chantelle as their choreographer and Nikki as their troupe leader.


The housemates have gathered in the Garden to practice their Majorettes Task. 

They have got off to a cracking start and everyone seems to be pulling their weight and practising very hard. 

Chantelle has been slightly worried that the pressure is on her as choreographer and has talked about swapping her role with another housemate but she was told she shouldn't as she had already said to Big Brother that she would choreograph the group. 

Preston and Victor have taken a particular interest in the task and have been ordering around other housemates along with Brian.
Hm's have been practising for their task, they all seem to be doing really well, Nadia is sitting on the grass in just her knickers and t shirt, she is sitting will her legs wide open (not a good look) Hm's are talking about having 2 passports, Victor has one for Nigeria as while as British, Nadia is asking about what the difference between United Kindom and Britian, Ulrika is explaning it to her
Brian thinks BB will want to cram the house for the final will aload of Ex Hm's, Ulrika thinks that will be unfair as the public won't get to see much of them
makosi in the pool saying if she was too lose weight and get down to a size 6, she still wouldn't be able to fit in a size 6 jean beacuse of her hips, they aren't fat it's bone
makosi ask's chantelle if the others are getting on with their practise, she say's yes but she feel's sorry for Nick as he can't sing
Victor, Preston, Nikki and Brian in the kitchen talking about the sayings BB say, Brian think's it must be boring job asking them questions all day, especially when they know that Hm is leaving tomorrow
Nadia worried at her interview with davina, Chantelle say's not to worry, he won't have anything else to do with the show (think they mean Coolio)
Victor say's he's aways liked Michelle, she's a good gir, it did wind him when she used to say chicken all the time, at one point the whole house was saying it
Victor coping Nicks voice, he said he's not very nasty anymore he's abit of a let down
BB call's Nikki to the DR she say's they can wait till she's finished eating, they know not to interupt her when she's eating
Brian and Victor talking about speedo swim shorts, no men should ever where them, they both wore them when they were kids though, the talk moves on too Paula Radcliffe taking for a pee during a marathon
Preston and Chantelle talking about a party they went to in Brighton
Makosi, Nadia and Michelle in the pool
(i think Nick and Ulrika have a singing task) the others are waiting for their tasks
Ulrika complaining there can only hear the music and no words to the song they have too learn
Nadia say's she isn't stimulated enough, Makosi asks her who she would like to stimulate her, Nadia screams she didn't mean that
Michelle talking to Makosi about the balance bracelt she wears
Preston think's they have one fail already in thr task
Nick in the LR with headphones on learning his lines
Ulrika sunbathing and singing her lines to the song, Preston say's she's got a good pitch but she think's she's going wrong
Ulrika tell's brian he looks really brown and what spray tan did he have, he say's are you buzzing
Preston say's Chantelle used to have a spray tan that smelt like Pickled monster munch, it was so bad
Brian say's poor Nick, he's had a dancing and singing task now
Nick pulling some strange faces while he's learning his lines
Michelle asks what Brian will think his task will be, he's not sure but he think's he may be put with Makosi and Victor, he think's Michelles will be too re created fight night
Chantelle ask's brian how old he was when he appeared on BB, he says 12
Ulrika gets the cream cheese out of the fridge and drops it all over the floor, she says that will make me even more unpoular, Victor thinks she's ok
Ulrika and Victor chatting in thr kitchen, Victor ask's if she knows Ian Wright, he say's she's alright but all footballers have ego's
Nikki back from the DR, she tell's everyone to go to the garden, she has to read something from BB, she tells them they are in trouble, then say's she's joking she just has to collect missing items
Victor ask's Ulrika about John Fashunu (sp) she say's he was always telling rude jokes
Brian tell's Michelle she has caught some sun, she say's that's good
The Hm's in the garden can hear alot of noise coming from outside, they think that they are probably putting up the stage, Chantelle things it's deliveries at Tesco's
Brian say's it still feel's age's till the final night
Chantelle hope's her song is to sing Candy Floss again, she still has the CD BB gave her
Makosi tell's Nikki it's best if she leaves the kitchen as they are cooking bacon
Brian talking to Chantelle, he doesn't think he could handle being married, if his husband said something was wrong with his dinner he would probably put his head in a blender and then ring the police to confess
Nick help's Makosi work the cooker (that seems to be the worst cooker ever)
Makosi ask's Michelle what it's like to have false boobs in your body, Michelle say's it is weird to start with but they are ok in about 6 weeks
Brian telling Chantelle and Preston about hazzards in the home, he's slipped in the shower before and woke up under the water in the bath, Chantelle tell's him to be more careful
Not alot has been happening, but heres a quick update, Ulrika and Nick have been ptactising there duet of endless love, they are going to sing it after dinner tonight
Makosi has done her task, she had to be horrible to everyone but BB had told the other Hm's what she was doing and when she said anything nasty to them they had to be nice back to her
Preston has had to eat a whole box of chocolates without being sick, he manage to do it
Ahmed from BB5 came into the garden and smashed some plates, brian jumped on the table, most of the others screamed and ran off
Preston and Ulrika are cooking stir fry for dinner, Michelle and Nadia are cleaning the house

see ya all tomorrow
In the garden Nikki Brian and Michelle are talking about relationships. Michelle sounded suitably shocked when Nikki asked her if she ever over laps her boyfriends (ie has one on the go before when she meets the new one and not some lurid sex thing) and then she told Brian she hadnt seen Stu in years.

Kandyfloss (Vic, Nadia and Chantelle) are rehearsing.

And now in the garden they are talking about Fight Night and Emma in particular and unfortunately for the us the sound dipped at the interesting part.

Michelle apparently had no idea that the fight kicked off due to the way Marco was dancing in Jasons face, after some more sound dips Michelle suggests that Emma walked, not that she was kicked out, but then the sound dips again and keeps on dipping while Michelle describes some ill fated attempt at sharing a house that she and Michelle had.

Nikki is convinced she can hear cheering and isnt having the suggestion that it's Little Brother rehearsals
Nikki thinks everyone has the hump because Nikki has had Pete, Glyn and the twins come and see her.

Nikki says only Preston wanted Pete to go in, Pete says he wasnt the only one (because Pete really wanted to do the show), and NIkki says aww and she doesnt understand why they didnt want him and Pete doesnt either and then he quickly changes the subject and they do the task thing.

Pete says all people do in offices is sharpen pencils and write rubbish.
Nowt much has been happening...Ulrika was just having a bitch about Nadia ('not an isolated incident' 'always shouting people down' and they are wondering when Michelle will inflict her warbling on the world and now they are arguing about what time the show will be on tonight.

Ulrika thinks that showing Brian on Come Dine with Me this week will be amazing for votes and stuff (Brian said it is going to be on on Tuesday)

Vanessa, Nick and Preston in the garden talking about people going abroad for operations and getting their teeth done
Brian, Victor and Chantelle in the kitchen talking about Vanessa, Brian thinks she is fitting in very well but wonders if she is on a task, Victor doesn't think she is
Victors going to cook all the sausages and bacon before they go off
Brian telling Michelle about a documentry he saw on CH4 about killing dolphins
Chanetelle asking Michelle about why she doesn't eat meat, she say's she hasn't eaten it since she was 4, her mum never made her eat it
Niiki is going to cook chicken for her and Vanessa, Nikki want's to use the tray Victor is using to cook her chicken, she's just noticed the chicken should have been used by yesterday, she's still going to cook it though
Ulrika in the garden doing her washing

brian reading a laminate, there is going to be a loud party tonight, there are costumes in the store room, the Hm's have to be quiet during their part of the task anyone that fails won't be invited to the party
Ulrika says she knew the task would be nasty, Chantelle and Preston say they are looking forward to it
Hm's are talking about what they wrote down as their phobias on the form, Ulrika and Michelle don't think they will be going to the party, Michelle worries that Titan will be her's, she didn't like him
Store room open for costumes,Nikki is moaning already, she say's she's not going to the party as she isn't wearing her costume, Chantelle is pochontis (sp) Victor thinks his is a pimp, Preston has got a silk robe, Brian is a farmer, Ulrika has got a white coat and a sailor hat, Nikki is happy again now, she thought her's was electric shock costume but realises it isn't now
Nikki has got a blue lycra suit (looks like electric shock costume to me)
Nikki still whinging on, Chantelle tell's her she'll be fine
Nick's got a green lycra suit on
Nikki is now putting the suit on but still moaning about it, the camera follows her around so she stomps off, she say's she's cooking so she'll put it on properly after that
Other Hm's in the BR getting ready, Nikki want's to know why BB are being nasty to them
Michelle has got a stripped hoodie and shorts
Preston helping Chantelle with her costume, she say's she is really going to try and be quiet, Preston agree's he want's to go to the party
Vanessa is dressed as a cowboy
Nick is reading the task again, the Hm's have got to go into the task room several times during the day and face some unpleasant things but remain quiet
Chantelle think's this will be fun, Preston can't wait to see what it is
Ulrika advises everyone to eat now as they will be puking soon
Hm's speculating about whats going to happen to them, Ulrika thought they'd have a quiet day to day
Preston think's this abit like the ignore the obvious task
Michelle isn't that bothered about the task as she doesn't want a party tonight, she think's her task is going to be horrible
Ulrika let's out a big burp, Brian think's his task will be to sleep with a woman
Brian doesn't like fish, he won't even touch them, Ulrika think's she will make a nosie as soon as she walks into the room if it's something she don't like
Rex (bb9) is in the task room, Nikki has just been in (missed the task) but it was something to do with fish, she's complaining cause she washed her hair this morning and it took her 2 hrs to do it
Ulrika's turn in the task room now and she has to eat a wassarbi (sp) and lard ice cream while being quiet, Rex is trying to wind her up and make her laugh, she's spitting water at him, she manages not to speak
Vanessa is telling Victor about doing wife swap with Paul Daniels, she said it was like living in the middle of no where, Victor ask's if she had to sleep in the same bed as him, she say's of course not, she goes on to say Debbie was very rude to her boyfriend and was asking questions that where none of her business
Hm's told to gather on the sofas
Vanessa and Chantelle called to the task room, they have to throw a cactus to each other without making any noise, Rex say's that was too easy, BB say's they have passed
Vanessa tell's Rex he looks gorgeous, he thinks not looking like this (he's dressed as a devil)
Chantelle is picking needles out of her hand, Vanessa goes for some cake
Chantelle is still shaking she thought he had a spider in his hand
Vanessa talking to Ulrika about Jack Dee and Anthea Turner, she say's Anthea was in full cleaning mode while in the house and Jack did the cooking, they wouldn't let anyone else do it, talk goes onto Coolio, he did all the cooking, he just threw anything into the pot
Nikki thanks Ulrika for sorting out the snoring in the bedroom
Vanessa ask's Ulrika to tell her about verne from her year, she say's he hated her for helping him out too much, she can't help it though it's just her motherly side coming out. she say's she tried to make an effort to talk too him but he wasn't interested
Ulrika say's she didn't agree with what his and Coolio's view on women were, they were both Playboy mansion visitors
Vanessa think's they should be allowed at least 1 book in the house that they could read aloud to each other
Preston next in the task room, there's a massive bloke in there, he's got to do wrestling moves with him  (poor Preston looks shit scared)
All the Hm's are watching the plasma, they are laughing at preston, Victor shouts stay down Preston
Chantelle has got her head in her hands, she's looking very worried, the other Hm's are concerned for him too now
Chantelle isn't watching anymore, she's cuddling Brian, she's very nearly in tears now
she ask's the others if he's ok
Task over for Preston, he say's the bloke was quite nice really
Brian tell's Preston how upset Chantelle was when he was being thrown around, he say's he was scared for her as well, he thanks her for being worried about him
Preston think's he deserves some cake after what he's just been through, Victor is wondering what BB have install for him
There is alot of SD today

Hope there is someone out there reading this
Vanessa say's she's been asked to do the jungle a few times but she couldn't even cope with the BB house let alone the jungle
Preston always thought you couldn't do the jungle if you'd already been on a reality show, Ulrika think's you can
Brian ask's how long she's been engaged, she say's nearly 4 years
Still no sign of Michelle, don't know where she's gone
Brian talking about his last relationship, it took him 2 years to get over it, he went abit off the rails and was horrible to be around
Brian is looking for a man that makes him laugh and will look after him, he say's it's hard to find someone, his sisters are all in relationships, even his mum is always asking him if he's still single, Vanessa say's he's only 32 theres no rush
Michelle is sitting in the BR with her hood up looking very glum (think we may have another walker on our hands)
Vanessa telling Ulrika she had seen a picture in the paper of the plane going over with a message for her, Ulrika say's she has a lovely husband, Vanessa say's she hopes her boyfriend will do something like that for her
Hm's called to the sofas
Michelle say's she isn't feeling very well, she has a bad head
Nick next in, Rex ask's him what has happened to him, why his he so nice now, Nick ask's if the show has been funny rex say's well your not bloody funny, Nick tell's Rex he was the only one not to run from the clown (they still think the clown was rex)
Nick has to crawl over up turned hairbrushes while remaining quiet
Rex is chanting nasty boy nasty boy
Nick passes his task, the others said that was too easy (Rex is peeing himself laughing in the task room)
Vanessa ask's Nick if he is happy now it's over, he say's yes it was a long wait, brian think's the task's have been changed since Prestons one
Nikki wants to ask BB if Michelle can go to the party as it's not fair, Michelle has gone back to the BR
Thanks Mrs H

Michelle is now in bed crying, she has pulled the duvet over her head
Vanessa and Victor talking in the garden about her boufriend, she say's it took them along time to actually start dating but she is very happy now, he is lots of fun and everyone loves him where ever he goes, young or old get on with him, Victor wishes she had brought him with her, she say's he would be more fun then her
On paper Vanessa say's her and her boyfriend are total opposites but it seems to work
Michelle has gone to the DR
Ulrika tell's everyone that Michelle has a middle ear infection thats why she's been feeling dizzy since wednesday, the doctor has been called to see her
A plane goes over and Vanessa jokes thats her boyfriend flying a message over for her, BB tell's them all to go inside, Vanessa shouts to BB that she was joking it was a bloody great big jet, BB tell's them they can go outside again now
Chantelle is playing hide and seek with Nick, she's gone to hide in the wardrobe, Nick say's let's leave her for abit, Victor starts chanting get chantelle out
Nick and Victor look in the toilet for Chantelle, she jumps out the wardrobe and makes them jump, she say's i found you (they were mean't to find her)
Preston has got too have some tablets as well from the doctor as he feels sick
Vic is wearing a suit and a curly black wig.

It's really sound dippy at the moment.

Nikki is sitting with her arm round Michelle and twiddling her hair (her own hair nor Nikkis)

Now they have started talking about ganster films.

They speculate that Rex is their new Housemate. Nikki says he is alright you just have to put him in his place.

Despite being told several times, Brian still thinks Rex was the clown.

Victor is called into the DR.
Victor goes to the task room where Rez is waiting beside a table with water pistols and a custard pie.

Rex laughs at his outift.

BB says that Victor will be squirted with some thing fishy, something curry - ish and a custard pie. He must remain silent when he gets squirted.

BB tells Vic to take his mike off and he takes ages doing it.

On the sofas they are talking about Rex and Nicole, Vanessa says their relationship was terrible. They watch Vic get squirted with the gook, Vanessa thinks he will have to take his clothes off and shower outside.

Victor gets the pie right in the face. Rex takes a bow. Vic has passed.

In the house they tell Victor he cant come in coz he stinks of fish so Ulrika goes and gets the towels. Vic gets in the shower outside fully clothed. Nikki feels really sorry for him.

BB asks the HMs to gather on the sofas.  

They are worried about the smell of Victor (who is still washing under the shower wearing the wig)

He's took all his clothes off now and is wrapping himself in a green towel.
thanks Angel

Nomination Roulette

At 11:07am, Big Brother announced to the House that they would be nominating today.

However, this time there is a twist. Each member of the gang must spin a special nominations roulette wheel which will then decide how they will nominate. For example: a housemate could be asked to draw their nominations on a white board, they might have to rap their nominations or they may have to do a dare before nominating.
Ulrika is talking with her mouth full.

Preston was contemplating a nap. The alarms are going off now as Michelle and someone one else (maybe Chantelle I dunno who is missing from the lounge) are in bed.

Nikki is dozing on Vanessa's arm.

 Brian was in bed as well and it was Chantelle and Michelle has amusingly bad bed hair.

Now they discuss waking up when you are falling.

Michelle has a wrist band thing on that she has lied to Chantelle about what it is for. She told the other girls but they have gone.

She is demonstrating something by trying to topple Chantelle over and she says she is well balanced and no one else has ever been well balanced.

I have no idea what they are doing but it involved putting Michelle's wrist band on their heads.
But now Vanessa is blethering on about her husband leaving her and the next day she had lines on her forehead that she could see in shop windows and she (reckons) she was only 37 and she had been botoxing ever since and the more you have the less you need and she has it twice a year and she doesnt think her face is expressionless and she doesnt feel imobolized but she is scared of collagen fillers which Chantelle has had (WHY says Vanessa WHY)
Chantelle is talking about keworn, I havent actually heard her say kerworn yet. And I cant say I missed it.

(Quorn by the way).

HMs ordered to gather in the sofa and they all think they are going to have to watch the nominations. Vic and Mich both say that if anyone nominated them it doesnt matter and Nikki asks if anyone thinks it is cold.
They have to attend and produce a day time talk show 'Feltz'.

Hosted by Vanessa nd produced by Vic.

Brian Floor Manager

Michelle Show Runner

The rest are in the audience.

Michelle has to do everything, she is the only one allowed to prepare food and drinks etc.

If they pass they get an after show party with nibbles and cocktails.
Nick has named the livign room cameras.

He and Vic are speculating about why the parrot hasnt spoken.

Vic says everyone thinks someone is on a secret task - Nick thinks they should follow Cross Check (Brian) tomorrow and pretend it's a task.

But then they discuss cigarettes and how many Nick took in.

Nick asks where Michelle came in their series, Victor doesnt reply under the table he answers 6th.

Nick wonders why she is an ultimate HM. Vic says she was getting her kit off and in the bedsit.

Nick cant see anything entertaining about her (has to agree with that!)

Vic says she is nice and homley and very different now, he likes her but he can see Nick's point of you.

Nick then wonders why Brian was allowed to sleep this afternoon without the alarm going off.

Nick then goes for a smoke with Preston and enquires after Chantelle.
Preston has lost his hat. 

It's the most interesting thing he has done in 2 series

They are wondering who will serve the cocktails. Vic suggests Jason in his thong and bowtie.

Mich says it wont be him.

Brian asks if he will like him and if Jason will like him.

They are thinking of 'hunks' who might serve the cocktails.

So there is a sound dip.
Ulrika and Preston are in the kitchen and Preston is seeking advice about the Chantelle situation as he says everything was going well till the Feltz show yesterday which opened everything up again.

Then he congratulates Ulrika on 'noms' (ie not being up) but she was surprised as she was expected to be.

Then they discuss the nominations yesterday and what they had to do.
Now they are discussing Brian and how he will definitely be in the final and Preston (with a decidedly sulky face) says he will definitely win.

Ulrika says Preston will be in the final as he is nice and an unoffensive (and paint dryingly dull spit it out Ulrika ) and all the girls will fancy him and he will be like this lots JohnJames. Preston doesnt like being likened to JohnJames and she asks him who he is like and he says Andrew, maybe.
Ulrika struggles to remember what happened during her Feltz segment last night but Preston cant remember either as he was dealing with his own stuff.

Chantelle is up now and Preston helpfully tells her that is the last week and he cant remember real life anymore.

Ulrika admits that as she got this far she would like to go right through to the end as it would be more annoying to go on Wednesday.
Chantelle tells Preston there is strawberry jam and he loves it, he says he doesnt actually like it very much actually.

Now they are discussing the sugar content of various cereals and the dreams that they had, Chantelles was horrible and Ulrikas was nice and Chantelle doesnt want to say it out loud and it was about family but Ulrika thinks she is just thinking about her family and Chantelle says it is her dads and grandads birthday today and Ulrika dreamed she bought a big house and now we get the watch Vanessa in the shower.
The kitchen conversation has switched to Organ Donation and Ulrika said she didnt want to give her eyes but now she thinks that is quite selfish. Preston wouldnt want to be given to a student to practice on. Ulrika says that is the only way that they learn new procedures and tells him about her daughter who was very ill and needed 3 operations and she starts to tell a story about a little French girl who needed a transplant but now we are watching Nick sitting on the end of his bed.
Victor is wandering about the garden in his dressing gown 'good morning brave world' he says.

The he goes into the kitchen where Ulrika is talking about being anaemic and they are pressing their feet to see if they are anaemic and Preston asks if he needs fish and Chantelle says iron and then her and Ulrika start discussing IRON TABLETS I HAVE TRIED AND LIKED THAT DONT UNSETTLE YOUR STOMACH.
Ulrika tells the group that you can buy antibiotics in markets in India and people there dont finish the course and thats why we have so many strong resistant viruses.

Preston tries to tell of a similar thing in Mexico but Chantelle starts talking about the 14 separate courses of antibiotics  she took last year and she worked out on her own that she is allergic to yeast.
BB calls Ulrika to the Diary Room and she worries she has said something bad.

Preston says they will ask how she feels about not being nominated.

Chantelle asks Victor if he wondered what she was doing with a box in the middle of the night. Ulrika saw it to, but Chantelle was just moving the box to avoid a trip hazard (so I wish I never bothered starting to lut it).

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