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Morning all

Yep... I really have been to bed & I really am up again... (orf up norf today... gotta get the girl to Leeds Uni by 10am)...

but.. quick LUT first...

Shabby is on the bench aving a fag... and a big yawn!   At 4.14am  she has not yet left the BB house (YAY)...  dunno where the other one is... don't really care!

& thats all from me folks!!
thanks everybody for getting the madness down ..

I watched the whole thing last night it was like somebody took the plot of several films . .threw them all up in the air and the resulting mess came down in a jumble of utter madness with plot lines all over the palce

I fell asleep for a while after Shabby and Caoimhe went in the DR. . woke up to see both in the Nest. .  thought they'd be gone

was a bit pee'd off they took their fags with them. .if they were leaving they could have got some on the outside and left theirs for the others.. :

ION  Ife seemed to loose her whiney little girl voice last night and actually talked properly..

The antics in the bedroom were hilarious. .all the drama and more or less everybody else was having a great time once it had settled down..

except for Josie who'd gone off on another of her strops at JJ cos it was pointed out to her, yet again, that she only cares about herself and nobody else.. .  which is really what her 'I am not getting involved ' stuff is all about most of the time.. 

all in all cracking BB night at it very best in a totally mental way

Ife is sleeping in the nest  and JJ is up...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Thankyou LUters
JJ goes to the garden and collects some towels.
Ife has woken up.(she camera watches) She peeks through the slats in the nest. "Please tell me I`m not losing my mind and I`m not overreacting" Then says something about an engagement ring.
She leaves the nest.
Camera goes to bedroom and sleeping Hm`s.
JJ in the shower.
Shabby jumps out of bed, grabs her hat and heads to the livingroom.
She must have slept in her clothes..she`s fully dressed.
She and Corin talk about the late sleeping today.
Nathan up now.
Corin and Nathan making coffee.
Nathan " Today is a new day"
Ife arrives. (Shabby passes but they don`t talk) She joins her new best friends Nathan and Corin. She tells them she was up early and made them rolly ups. It took her ages.
Lots of praise for Ife.
They ask if she`s feeling better today. She is.
She feels silly but everything will be okay today ()
She tells Corin she handled herself with such dignity.
Ife`s smiling from ear to ear. (more like a fixed grin -opinion)
Ben can`t understand why some people are so full of energy today, when they usually aren`t. Says Corin`s always full of energy but not the rest.
Corin geeing them up in the bedroom.
Come on..get in the pool. We`re having a nice roast dinner today
Josie gets up to have a shower.
Ben eats like a sparrow in London.
Dave: Yeah I can imagine, nominations today (in the same breath)
heya hoochie and Scotty 

ben's not a morning person is he..

wakes up moaning abotu the early risers and says if you are a in a box there's no point leaving it til the trap door opens./.. 

Caoimhe is now telling Ben she is leaving this morning , in about an hour

Not sure what Shabby is doing..

Ben hugs her and says he feels privileged to have known her

tells Caoimhe to talk to Ife. .Caoimhe doesn;t want to

she is only telling Ben about this..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby`s voice in the background. She can`t take this anymore.

Keeva talking to Ben.
She wants to go. She`s not going to be potrayed as a bad person.
Ben trying to dissaude her.
She say No..she`s going.
She`s not going to tell anyone. She just wants to go.
Ben says it`s been a privilege to meet her.
He asks her to talk to someone. She doesn`t want to.
She only wanted to talk to him.

Keeva goes to make a coffee
Shabby arrives.
Keeva`s just going to have a coffee and a ciggie then...(go, I think)
Shabby says don`t go if you don`t want to babe. (said very casually. She doesn`t seem bothered - opinion)
Shabby bounces off to the bathroom where she`s having a laugh (with Dave and Ben) about sleeping noises, goings on during the night etc etc.
aww Hoochie. .shame you'll miss this..

Ife is explaining to Shabby that last night she went to a place she had never been before and didn't know how to deal with it which is why she felt she kicked off and went OTT

She believes that Shabby and Caoimhe weren't purposely doing what they were doing to make her mad but at the time she was so confused cos she had gone form such a high to a huge low.  and she didn't know how to deal with it..

On the outside she has never had to deal with this stuff because she always walks away from ti and never goes back...  but she has thought about it all now and realises it was a huge over reaction

shabby says what about Caoimhe

Ife tells her there is a different problem with Caoimhe

Caoimhe comes in and Shabby says I am leaving..  [think it was her that said that]

Ife starts talking to Caoimhe and tells her more or less the same as she said to Shabby

The camera keeps cutting away tho..  so we don't get to see it all..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Seems Ife's problem with Caoimhe is to do with some eyelashes she gave to Caoimhe on eviction night then was worried cos she had nowt much herself as she hadn't got her case back she then had second thoughts cos she had little of her own as it was

Seems it's down to the  fact Caoimhe thinks Ife wanted them to go on eviction night cos she asked for the lashes back..

[and the rest of the stuff Ife was banging on about last night ]

the both apologise to each other and Caoimhe tells her she is going this morning..

they are drawing a  line under it
Mount Olympus *Olly*
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Bedrooom. Ife and Shabby.

First off I`d like to say ( oh no )
She apologises and explains.. maybe overreacted etc etc.(I`ve condensed this because it`s a million words that mean the same)
She knows Shabby felt bad about what she did ()
Shabby: Mmmm
Ify wants to draw a line under it.
They agree.
Shabby: What about Keeva?
Ify will talk to her.
Shabby thinks that basically they just don`t get along.
Ify doesn`t want to talk about Keeva to Shabby because she`s not spoken to her yet but she goes on talk about Keeva. (SD`s)
Shabby leaves.
Keeva arrives.
Ify starts again about what`s happened. She talks about lending her eyelashes because she wanted her to look nice when she left.
Keeva trying to talk but Ify talking over her. (It`s so disjointed I can`t make out what she`s talking about..eyelashes - knickers  )
Ify wants to draw a line under it.
Keeva: I`m still leaving.
Ify: Oh.
Convo ends.

(I hope someone else caught more of this because I couldn`t keep up..sorry.)

Shabby asks Ify how it went with Keeva. Ify says, we `ve drawn a line under it, everything`s fine now. (she forgets to mention Keeva still wants to leave)
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out in the garden shabby talking to Mario

He says I always believe things will be better if you sleep on them..

shabby says outside she is not this bad. . but it has made her think. .
she paces as she talks.. she is saying each day is as bad as the next tho .. same thing as last night aI suppose. .calculating the damage to her 'acting'  career..

Tells Mario last night everybody cold shouldered her and Caoimhe. .they all went to speak with Ife but ignored them. .

[awww boohoo.  .. isolate yourselves from the group and expect to be left alone when things kick off ]

Shabby now saying it seemed unfair that Ben got all the blame for last night ..she has grown quite fond of him.. and he wasn't to blame for it all..  and JJ was wrong to  blame it all on Ben..

[in the bedroom last night it was all fun banter including from JJ ]

In the Bathroom Ben is trying to talk reason to Caoimhe  saying she or they? should stay..

*puts tape over Ben's gob to sssh him    *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
in the shower Ben explains to Caoimhe how  he and his buddy's in there have elarnt to get along. .

says he and JJ get each other. .and may fall out but make up and are friends.. maybe not close but still friends

Tells Caoimhe the 3 way friendship they all had was never goign to work anyway. .and ife is less easy going than she makes herself out to be..

Outside Ife is all happy and smiley in the smoking area

Bb tells the smokers to stop talking about the production team . .[the ones who talk to those asking to leave I think is who they were meaning]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
the smokers are talking about eating in front of people you are dating
Corin says it is so embarrassing she gets all flustered and the foods falls out of her mouth..

Mario is trying to talk about all the men he has had

they don't want to know

[neither do I ]

Caoimhe is getting dressed and sorting her stuff

still not sure what Shabby is doing, going or staying..  but she is not speaking to Caoimhe atm [not in a had a row sort of way]  and seems to be fine this morning. chatting away to everybody..

[I think she will stay. .I may be wrong tho. .hope not..  ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
ok maybe Shabby is going..

she tells Caoimhe [who has popped out for a ciggie] that she thought if she woke up this morning and felt differently then maybe.. .not go?. .

but One month. .that's enough?

Shabby says am glad we cleared the air a little with Ife..

Caoimhe asks her what Ife said

Shabby says it was a collection fo things with you but. .tails off

loads of SD's..

and again I am confused as to whether Shabby is going..

In the Bathroom Ben tells Mario he's not good in the mornings nor the afternoon. .but he's good in the evenings  :fnar
Mount Olympus *Olly*
she was pretty definite about it last night, olls.
she's was not so sure this morning tho..

and there's always the firs exit.. I waited up for that bit 

but looks like she is going now anyway

Caoimhe is sorting her hair and make up stuff in the Bedroom and having to listen to Ben bitching on about one of his friends.  JJ I think..  [edit] no twas Mario

ben is oblivious to the 'drama' unfolding around him

Somebody has made him feel uncomfortable at pointing out his flaws..

Bb calls Shabby to the DR..

[please don't persuade her to stay ]

Caoimhe goes to join her but BB says Shabby only..

Ben says good luck

Caoimhe waits outside
Mount Olympus *Olly*
in the Bathroom

seems Mario is who Ben was bitching about cos Mario is telling Josie he only said something trivial and Ben went off at him..

ah Mario told Ben he had a hairy back. .Ben was non tooo pleased...  *spits coffee* 

Josie tells him to chill and just go with the flow...

in the smoking area Ife tells Corin that her and Shabby have sorted it  but she thinks her and Caoimhe altho they talked won;t be cool cos they cant; see eye to eye.. and Caoimhe is too childish or summat..

[pots and kettles. .]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
In the bedroom Ben is banging on to anybody who will lsten that he doesn't want to be touched by anybody after he's just had a shower..

and even more so he doesn't like people pointing out personal defects

tells Natahn  I never mention your monobrow..  do I?

Nathan guffaws at this..  [so do I ]

ben it's just I snapped at him and well ..

Mario now apologies for making a comment abut his hairy back

Ben tells him non of his RL friends would make a comment like that

Mario snaps well all your friends are whiney bitches aren;t they     [pots and kettles again]

ben rambles on and Mario says sorry . .look I just managed to get my temper in check

Ben whines look Mario come on I want to talk to you about proper things like art, music  and UFO's..............   hahahaha

Mario walks off

Ben whines and huffs and puffs .... now he's  going to be funny with me all day today now. .what is wrong with all these people he asks and near empty bedroom..

Josie tells Ben to stop it now. .they had enough rows yesterday..

Ben promises he will mention it no more once he leaves the bedroom [really? methinks Dave may get an ear bashing soon  ]

 Ben says but he has no right to interfere in things that don't concern him. .like his hairy back..  and he feels Mario is taking liberty's and should afford him some privacy in the shower..

Ben says these BB addicts are doing my head in

he's now alone in the Bedroom so has stopped banging on about it  as he has no audience.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben is now talking to Mario in the ebdroom

He says I am sorry for snapping but I ahve a lot going on in my head atm

Mario says so what are you saying ti is all about you..

Ife is trying to act as mediator..

Mario says I emant nothing by it it was just an observation

ben yes but you shouldn't point these things out. .just as I wouldn't have pointed out Caoimhe's birthmark to her

Mario says well I did..

ben says well quite. .I don;t think that is the right thing to do..

Mario says so we are sensitive moaning bitches or summat..

Ben says Sorry, look lets shake on it..

Mario refuses to   [realsies Bens apologies mean nowt maybe?  ]

Living area

Caoimhe is shouting to Shabby thru the door to the DR

she puts her coat on.. and goes to the kitchen
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Waves to working Hoochie

Caoimhe just said to Josie that Sahbby has left

Josie says nooo you're joking

Caoimhe says well she's nto come out

she tells Josie she is goign too

Josie who walks around oblivious to anything except herself tries to dissuade her

Meantime in the Bedroom Ben and Mario go on about the row about the ahiry back

Shabby comes out of the DR..

Caoimhe asks what they said

Shabby says that I shoudl come back after. .SD... shouting she wasn't angry at me she was angry at you adn why SD

adn I woudl nevr have doen that to her so why should I.. SD

and that is her issue with you.. points to Caoimhe

Jsoie asks them to please do it another day..

Sahbby says no definitely not ..she is annoyed that they wont; let them do it together.

[shabby Dave will be out there and Caoimhe will bolt as a fast as she can and leave you standing. .as per the script]

Shabby is lusting over the DR woman and ranting about Ife and then at BB  and that they asked what type of girl she'd want sent in and rant rant rant ..

[wonders if Ben is still going on about his hairy back in the other house drama going on... ]

Shabby does drama arms and says she is clever but she is not any more. .she has talks abotu Philosophy and Literature and doesn;t want to talk abotu crisps and mattresses..

[seriously ladee bog off now you are getting on me norks ]

She thinks BB called her in alone cos they think she is the mastermind and could persuade her to make them both  stay..

*goes for a coffee {_}> *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Caoimhe can;t s6tand to be around Nathan another minute. .she just wants to go

Shabby rants on again abotu BB thinking she is the mastermind and if they can persuade her to stay she can persuade Caoimhe to stay as well

she shouts we are separate people with our own minds

she tells Caoimhe if anything I think you want to go more than I do..

[about turn coming up?  ]

Caoimhe asks BB to call her in

Shabby talks into her mic and tells BB to call Caoimhe in 

she doesn't understand why Bb are concerned about her staying..

Caoimhe thinks shabby is honestly not perceived the way she thinks she is out there.

Caoimhe has diarrhoea

Shabby is pacing the stage in an overly dramatic way

[opens door and chucks the pair of them out ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario and Ben have now made up with a limp handshake.
Ify there (shoving her oar in..of course -opinion)

Keeva outside DR shouting Shabby!
She`s at the kitchen table drinking juice..looking pensive.
Enter Josie.
Keeva: Shabby`s left.
Josie: What?
Keeva: She hasn`t come out of the DR.
Keeva says she wants to leave but can`t get out yet.
Josie: Aww don`t go babe.
Keeva can`t stay, she doesn`t like the way she`s being potrayed. She`s also worried about how her and Shabby`s relationship is going to look on the outside.
Shabby appears.

She`s ranting about what was said in the DR. (didn`t catch it all)
She says the DR lady has a lush voice ()
They (BB) ask her what would make her stay.
A hot girl would do it.
Keeva says they try to use humour.
Shabby say she`s clever! She likes to talk about literature. not mattresses!
She enjoyed the wheelchair basket ball which she never thought she would.

She`s not the grand schemer they think she is (hm`s?)
Keeva doesn`t think Shabby wants to leave really.
Shabby says she does but thinks Keeva wants to leave more than her. ()
Shabby talks into her mic to BB. This is Shabby, I`m not the grand schemer..please let Keeva into the DR. She has something to say.
Shabby wonders why BB want to keep her in (Shabby) Why are they so concerned? Why not leave? Why?

(All done in dramatic Shabby style..she`s going nowhere )
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outside at the smoking area Shabby tells Josie she can't believe JJ called her and Caoimhe bullies

Josie said no he didn;t say that eh just said there are 2 of them and only one of her

Josie is fed up of JJ

Shabby says he's one to talk after the way he treated Racheal

Shabby is worried she is going to be made out to be a bully..

Says Ife's issue was with Caoimhe but it was made to look like ti was with her as well

Josie tries to talk her down

Shabby says but there si always going to be something esle

the thing that gets her is   being  made out to be the   thing  she most  despises. .ie Bully's..

She thinks Ife has made her out to be one

[Ife called them the mean girls last night .. not to their face3s mind. .but she wasn't wrong ]

Meanwhile JJ is saying to someone, you cant; just say there are worst things out there to get upset about so leave your trouble be. .it's like you're saying something like eg... Steve can never get upset about anything cos he'd have to compare them to the worst thing that happened to him ie losing his legs. .that isn't possible he's entitled to get upset about other stuff.. as are others

think this must be to Joise who, in her words..  always thinks things could be worse like  the women who had her faced pulled off by a chimpanzee  or the starving people out there  

I think Ben is still  discussing Hairy Backgate on the sofa with somebody..

Corin has finally  taken her real hair down from the permanent Essex Facelift ponytail . .she is washing it and is going to leave it down I think ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
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Ben has worked out that the moods depend on what part of the house you are in as the temperature changes  in them affects the moods..

He says you never know what you are going to encounter as you move from room to room..

Damn me eyes are going blurry now.. 

Josie is cuddling Mario..

seems Hairy back Gate is over now..

Shabby and Caoimhe still going on about Ife whose int he shower...  think they want to talk to her again..

I am getting a Deja Vu feeling. .it took Channelle 3 whole days of tantrums to fully leave  . .. .it was is she gone. .no here she comes back again. .tantrum. .ok she's off again here she is back again.. it was a nightmare. .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
you too Scotty. .

I have a bluetooth earpiece so can catch the chat wherever I am in my house.. but I don't always get the screen stuff if I am out of the room.. 

I still haven't caught up with the Forum overnight stuff.. am pretty sure there's a lot more to catch up on now

Shabby is talking to Ife and tells her she is not going to be made out to be somebody who picks on people as she doesn't have a malicious bone in her body..

seems BB has made Shabby think that is what she is doing..  or it could be the others. .tbh these convos are going nowhere fast..  ah now she is telling Ife that what everyone was saying last night was amking her and Caoimhe look so bad..

ife is trying to get her to change her mind

Shabby says her reasons for leaving are a multi layer onion.. and it won;t change.. she's been up 3 times she is an easy target.. she stands out..

oh gawd I am bored of all this now. .

Sahbby says peopel are saying I want you out because of a certain tait I have. .

ife says it's a popularity contest

Shabby says but I am not unpopular..

then they go on about Sunshine then shabby stomps inside shouting there are people around that don't want me here.


Josie is still not talking to JJ...

Sahbby is abck otu int he garden and now eating a sarnie

Caoimhe is sat waiting for the DR..

methinks BB will let her go first then talk shabby down

Caoimhe goes in..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie asks Shabby to reconsider

Shabby has not modified her[BB must ahve asked her this as this is BB speak]  so she is bound to be up every week..

ife says look if you stay you have lots to learn about yourself

shabby says I don't think I want to know any more about myself..tbh

ife tells her she is silly cos she can learn  about her faults to modify them  in her early life thru being in the  melting pot of the BB house and get one step ahead of those outside who don't have that luxury  [that was a paraphrase of Ife's roundabout way of saying it ]

meanwhile Nathan  is going on to Josie about what eh meant abotu saying the smashed the place up. .Nathan explains I didn't mean smashed as in stamping on it just as in moving stuff with not a lot of regard for things

Josie says I just wanted to asked you abotu what you said cos I wouldn't destroy peoples things on purpose.

Ben is chatting to his Corrie friend in the bathroom..

tis Nom day so he;'s still doing his  pre nom rounds despite the other  drama going on  .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ify and Shabby talking about last night`s fight night.
Ify says it was more about personal stuff being touched ( well it turned out to more about your gringegate drama Ify -opinion)
Shabby saying her and keeva were made out to be the baddies.
Shabby going off that she`ll be up for eviction again because of this.
Ife disagrees.
Shabby says how can you disagree, I`ve been up every week?
Ify launches into her counselling know it all mode. (which I can`t LUT or I`l tear my hair out )
In between her deep and meaningful speech she shouts.. who moved the lighter from the swing?? If we move it we`ll lose it!
Josie did and she`s sorry.
Keeva and Shabby have faces like somebody`s slapped them.(or possibly faces like they want to slap Ifes`? )
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Shabby is mouthing off  at Ife and trying to get in the Dr

Ife is telling Shabby the goss on her mediating with Jj and Joise.. and how they are too stubborn to make up

{not what Shabby is wanting to heat atm ]

the sound is down but you don't need it to see what is going on.. :

think Shabby is laying the blame for all of this at Ife's door.. making them look like bullies..

nowt to do with the pair isolating themselves from everybody and thinking they are better than everybody else .. oh no..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin is making coffee.s

they'll eb buizzing soon and all better..

Ife wanders thru the lvign area saying this is hell man...

think tis cos Natahn and Caoimhe are kicking off now..

Joise lays ont eh sofa says why does he even care. .she don't

 Josie is annoyed that JJ made out she didn't care about Ife

She says why does he care [what I think of him] .  when I don't care about any of it ..she says Jj is angry cos she is not upset that they fell out

Josie only cares about herself

Shabby trying to get in the DR...  yay in she goes.


 [for the second time   ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Wait for me..I`m coming with you.

Ben and Dave talking to Caoimhe at the smoking area adn trying to convince ehr to stay..

She tells them BB told her she had nothing to worry about what is being portrayed about her outside. .

Ben tells her not to worry. .likens their situation to his and Mario's ..says see how it goes..

Caoimhe says he hasn't felt like this in years. .having panic attacks etc.

Steve or Dave say if you feel you need to get out and go back to your BF then do that if tis best for you

Caoimhe says it's not about going back to him it's about staying and having fun if that isn't going to happen then...

[sod it more about turns? ]

Meanwhile sofa area  Ife the Iffy psychiatrist is talking to Josie and JJ again explaiing to each what the other meant..

ben has goen to ask Corin I think to have a word with Caoimhe... .says she is considering going..

[it's only just dawned on him now that he's over Hairy Back gate that other dramas were happening all around him  ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Smoking area.
Dave advising Keeva not to worry too much about her boyfriend..he`ll understand.
Steve saying if she`s worried about her BF then maybe she should go ( I think)

Ify there mediating between Josie and JJ. She knows that JJ misunderstood what Josie was saying didn`t you JJ? JJ: What?
John knows that he was wrong so can`t you forgive him Josie?
(that woman )
Ify now in the garden with Nathan and Corin. (how did she get there?)
How come every single argument has to do with me? I`m leaving!
Ok maybe Keeva but why all the rest?
She`s shouting. Her and Nathan are off on one. Corin`s trying to calm her down.
All I try to do is help people.
There are people without jobs in this world...  
Corin suggests she should make some daisy chains or maybe have a nice coffee.
She wishes she hadn`t got herself involved in the Josie JJ thing now.
Ify: He`s gone from really bad to worse. ( JJ?)
Nathan: No..he`s got better.
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Ife appears to ahve sent JJ of on one of his rants...

go Ife.. walk out that door ..don't turn around now're not welcome anymore

oooh she heard me cos she's in the garden saying she is going cos every single argument seems to be about her..  she lsist all the ones that ahve occurred and involved her. .hahahahah is she cottoning on that she may be making things worse.

she and Nathan are going at it now..

this is crazy

Ife asks Corin says if they are all arguing and it was down to little things to do with you would you leave

Corin tells her no I would never but if you feel  like that ask in the Dr. .go have a talk..

I shoudl point out Ife was not involved in Hairy Back gate but has had her nose in everything else.. 

JJ and Josie continue to shout at each other..

Ben may be off somewhere  else now campaigning  on his  no noms for me  today Monday routine.. . ..  I may be wrong tho  he may still be trying to persuade Caoimhe to stay 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin giving Ife a pep talk

says we're all bound to blow in here.. look at me over such a daft thing as pillows

she suggest Ife go pick some flowers to make a daisy chain to chill out

I can hear kids shouting outside the walls.... gawd Bb may make em all go inside.. it's a melting pot in the place as it is without shoving them all inside
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I just peeked out at the forum and realised I didn;t need to type frantically as loads of poeple have LF and have it covered in threads out there..

my poor fingers #

there was a shout of the loo door but I missed who went in and there was a sound of crying I think..

oh bugger Shabby comes  back out of the DR now..

she asks where Caoimhe is. .

Jj thinks the bathroom so must be her in the loo then..

Shabby goes in to chat to her..

Ben and Dave are doing their washing

Well Dave is washing Ben is poking the water a bit..

Shabby is not sure she is gonna leave now cos she is too emotional?  or maybe she is. .oh gawd I dunno

she asks Caoimhe what her plan is ..she don't know either. .


Caoimhe is saying she could hear Shabby san Nathan and she felt if she went out she'd kick off at him..

I can't make out what they  are going on about now..  it's not making sense..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
they are both goign on about how they are being eprceived ont eh outside

Shabby thinks for her it's not too bad...

Caoimhe says Bb said she need nopt worry

Shabby tells her to take comfort from that

Caoimhen feels  beter now..

she  told BB she is proud fo being Irish and representing her country

this is all about the talks they had with BB in the DR..

Shabby gets the woman BB . .Caoimhe gets the man BB ..  i just get a headache..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Tell your boss you`ve got to rush the DR with me and Olly.

Sahbby thinks BB does care about them

BB told Shabby that it would be best if she didn't get involved in the wider discussions with the group for now

she doesn't understand why they don;t want her to leave..  [so arrogant she doesn't know tis the same convo all walkers get ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
natahn and Mario are chatting int he snuig

I am pleased to say Ife appears to not have her nose in this discussion..

they are talking about the pressure cooker environment in there, think this is Mario's hairy back thing still going on..

Mario feels eh is spinning so many plates to try and keep people happy and is the same as he does on the outside and he'd tried to escape from that

Shabby and Caoimhe go to the kitchen...

Shabby asks if Caoimhe thinks if she has ever intimidated anybody in there.. 

I get the feeling they aint going anywhere..  *tuts*

Jj and Josie are talking again I think..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby just asked if she appears calmer looking now and says do you think they will take me seriously now..

she also keeps going on about her phone. .talking abotu getting a lift back to London..

she isn't going to go into any more stuff. .it will all become obvious..   dunno what thp

Shabby thinks that BB is probably liek this with everybody. .[she had a lightbulb moment] tells Caoimhe they went to all the trouble to get the HM's in the first place so will obviously try hard to stop them walking...

now Caoimhe is asking about the noms.. are they going

Shabby says if I leave there may not be an eviction this week

Shabby now says she doesn't see the point in her being there..

Caoimhe says the stuff BB said to her makes her feels and look at some of the other stuff differently now

and we are back to the beginning again..  and they are slowly backtracking...

and I am going to take a break. .I hope.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
*sends into gel's hubby's office and legs it *

ps I don't think they are going anywhere.. mores the pity. .unless they are doing the Chanelle 3 day leaving thing.. been there before..  seen ti all...  got the T-shirt

Damn I am not really here am i?

confirmed Ben just asked Caoimhe if they are going or not and she said they were really nice to me in the DR so..... SD  she is going to stay for the rest of the day so and she thinks she'll be up so..

Ben says good.. you survived one already.. so..

Caoimhe explains there are people in there that make her sick and she's not sure it worth staying

Ben well it is just how much they make you feel bad..

Ben says yeah tis a bit like me and Mario. .but you ahve to take it on a case by case basis..

natahn makes Caoimhe sick

Ben says me too . [he just bee chatting to him for ages on his own, doing his pre nom campaign the sneaky iccle bugger] .but the past week they've got on better. .and he's amusing up to a point

Caoimhe says he is intimidating  .. eh??? pots and kettles.. again..

am gorn gorn gorn. .need some food.. and things seem to be slowing down now..
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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