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Nikki goes to make Josie feel better by telling her how awful she must have felt seeing her mum and not being allowed to speak to her and being away from all her friends and her housemates.

Josie says she will be ok tomorrow, and she feels a bit better knowing that everyone else has been having a rough day.

Nikki is telling Josie that she came out the first time and finished 5th and she couldnt have coped with not winning and not seeing her friends as well.

Nikki misses all her HMs even though she doesnt keep in touch with any of them she would like at least one person from her year.
Nadia doesnt understand why they have different currency in Ireland.

Brian is called to the DR and he is worried he has said something bad.

 Nick asks him to ask BB to change their sheets for cotton and Nadia wants a new mattress.

Preston has gone into the bathroom to ask Josie how she is, she will be fine tomorrow and over the anti climax, Nikki thinks that BB will have loads of fun stuff planned for them.
In the garden Nick tells Preston that BB dont seem interested in them at all which was different from last time. He was moaning about the silk sheets being itchy and giving him a rash.

Nick thinks that Sam Pepper would get a short sharp shrift from the big characters in the house if they brought him in. Preston would like to meet him though.
Nicky is slagging Steve off now, she says she feels a bit mean. Josie says that is what a writer has to do.

Nick comes in the bathroom and says he had drinks with Ben the other day and he was 'nice'.

Nick says that he heard that Steve was allegedly invited and didnt have to audition - Josie said they knew that. Preston says Keever was hand picked off the street.
Ulrika says 'bloody John James'

Preston says she missed all her friends and family as well as him.

Brian doesnt think there was anything that anyone could have said to stop Josie leaving. Apparently Chantelle said she felt the same as Josie was feeling when she went on German BB (and this has somehow made Chantelle feel responsible for Jose walking out).
Makosi was just talking about stand bys but Nick said they were only for people who failed the medical (then a sound dip)

Makosi wonders why Josie really left and doesnt believe she had missed any of ther HMs as they were in competition with her.

Nick says the situation was probably over whelming for Josie and easier for 'them' as all 10 of the already have met and know each other.

Makosi still doesnt understand why Josie wouldnt want to stay as she could have got to know all of them (like Makosi) and she wouldnt have been bored (talking about Makosi).
Nadia and Ulrika are telling Brian that Chantelle is still in love with Preston and hopes that something will be rekindled. But they dont think Preston reciprocates.

Nadia says Preston told her he didnt want a relationship with Chantelle again, she asked if Chantelle knows that and he says she does.

Nadia admires the fact that they can still be friends.

Chantelle told Nadia that there was nothing wrong with the relationship but the circumstances were wrong and that caused them to break up.
I am surprised at how much of BB this lot watched

They are talking about who they liked out of the series the best and now they have started to speculate about an eviction on Friday, tho Nadia wonders if they will time it to coincide with the Bank Holiday as there will be more people watching and more ratings.

In the lounge Makosi has decided there is an eviction tomorrow.
She'e telling them about her secret task to get all the nominations the first week and thinks it affected how people thought of her.

She is pleased not to have been given a secret task this time.

Nikki is filing her nails on a match box (makes a horrible noise)

Nikki want to play a game, everyone just looks shaggered and like they cant be arsed.
Brian cant believe how exciting it is seeing a new person after only 2 days.

He tells Darren he looks so young.

Brian tells Darren that Nick is being really nice, Darren says he will be the judge of that.

Brian says what has he been doing and Nikki says he has been writing notes, he has a biro in his pocket.

They are all quizzing Nick about Darren, what does he do now etc etc etc etc
Preston tells Nick that Darren found a bit of paper and unfolded it and it had people's names on.

Brian is getting a bit over excited

Nikki thinks perhaps there is a secret task.

Meanwhile Darren is in the bathroom talking to the drawers in a desperate tone of voice begging them to talk to him and telling them he talks to them on Twitter.

Darren is scratting round in the bathroom trying to find the bits of paper (that I think Nick hid as part of a task but I was out all day so I dunno).
Nadia is going about in a towel and wearing a pair of pink clothes.

Nick is claiming he has been set up, Chantelle tells him not to worry about it.

Makosi demands to know the name on the paper. Brian says he cant sit here and watch this, he is going to move closer!

Ulrika doesnt understand why they are getting so worked up about it.
Chantelle tells nick that people know what he did 10 years ago and no one cares anymore.

Ulrika says there was been nastier stuff going on in the last 10 years than what he did (and says he is the reason they are all there)

Chantelle says none of them care if their names are on papers and if they were it would just be funny.

Brian says 'especially if it was Nadia' and she hears and starts shreiking in the background.

Darren says it is great that all the HMs are supporting Nick. Chantelle says that Nasty Nick is a gimmick name, it isnt real.

Brian doesnt think Nick has done it, Darren keeps saying Nick doesnt know what is going on. Coolio has invited Darren for dinner. Darren is planning to stay 'for as long as BB will have him'.

Darren asks Nick how he is, he replies 'suspicious of you'. Darren says he was suspicious of him 10 years ago.

Craig asks if he has introduced himself to John. Darren is going to go and speak to him to try get him to talk.
Darren goes and sits on the bed next to John.

He stays about 10 seconds then says to the camera 'he scares me'.

Darren goes into the bathroom and looks at the bit of paper. asks BB is he can stay to dinner, then nicks Nadias cigarettes and hides them in his pocket.

BB then tells all the HMs and Darren to go the table.
Olly when you coming to join me?
ello you

and ummmmm probably not at all. .  sowwy..

maybe I might on the last day as a final ever LUT but got a tad  fed up this year with it cos of some things.... .  but ho hum...  plus me eyes don't work that well anyway and not too keen on getting the migraines it gave me again...... . . will see how it goes

you're doing a great job tho

am off for the night. .enjoy the BB1 Nasty Nick reveal of Nommo's recreation that looks about to happen any  minute now
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Makosi still after all these years hates the idea of anyone else having a secret task.

John goes to the table. Darren says he said hello but he didnt reply, John continues to ignore him and not to talk.

I think they have just about all gathered now.
And talking about soup.

Darren is sat opposite Nick. 
BB says that Nick was told which HMs face eviction and wrote their names on pieces of paper and hid them round the house. Darren has found these names and will reveal them to the house:


Very long pause
(Coolio says it is his first time facing eviction, though he doesnt think he will be evicted - he thinks the others have been strategic, and he will be strategic when he stays)
BB tells Darren to say the next housemate

Nadia asks what is going on...Makosi and Brian try and explain.

BB confirms that Coolio and John are facing the public vote and Darren may now leave the BB house.

Darren says he was invited to be in the house but he turned it down and now he wishes he hadnt.
They all hug Darren good bye, Makosi tells him she will call him.
Ulrika asks him to send Josie her love.
Bye Darren, bye bye
Will do Angel, tho will be in the daytime as I close down the puter at night.. get too tired to stay online and watch the box and basically multi task I prefer to settle in for an evenigns TV with no distractions

, , and I know the feeling. . am sure the others do too.. .  I miss the old C4 one cos there was more people around but there's no going back..

maybe if Five take it over it could be a different ballgame again... bet you're hooked again tho. .I was

right am off now...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Brian and Chantelle discuss her and Preston - she thinks they'd have lasted longer if they didnt get married but she was swept away aged 22 and had the fairytale...she left her mums, went on BB and never went home.

Brian is asking her lots of questions, about how difficult it is being round Preston, they havent spent a lot of time together since the split. Chantelle says he heart aches for him and she thinks he is avoiding her quite a bit.
Some of the Hm's are having lunch, Chantelle would like a glass of wine with hers. Brian calls her an alkie, Nikkie says wine would make her go to sleep
Coolio talking about how Amercians wish they were British, any rich Americans always want to come over to England, Chantelle say's she likes the American accent, Coolio trys to cuddle up to her
Ulrika is telling Makosi and Brian about the sex addicts programme she went on, she's talking about how it helped her find herself, Makosi is crying and saying she would like to talk to someone about why she did some of the things she did in the past
Ulrika goes on to discuss Sven and how she wrote about it in her book
Chantelle asks Preston to wash her an apple, he tells her not to be so fussy
Nikki asks preston if maggot was in his year, she saw him at a festival and he was good, Preston say's maggots band have a new album out
Chanteller still wants a glass of wine, she can't believe that BB haven't gave them nothing to do, Nick say's theres an eviction tonight
Nikki is going to try the bath out
Nikki wishes her mum was watching but she don't get home from holiday till tomorrow
Nikki and Chantelle in the kitchen talking about all the things you can buy for your dogs now adays, wardrobes and sofas etc
Nikki saying she still hasn't got her photos back from BB yet
Preston says he keeps looking for his wallet and he thought he just heard his phone go off
Chantelle now has a bottle of wine and pretends to swig it from the bottle, she's decided to have a black coffee instead
Ulrika still talking about the sex addict programme she went on, it's called the 12 step programme, it's the same as the drink one, preston thinks he needs to go on it for his pizza addiction
Preston, Nick, Ulrika and Makosi talking about living in a studio and how it looks better on TV
John alone in the nest, doing alot of sighing and tutting
Chantelle winding up Brian saying are you sure your mean't to be in here, this is ultimate BB you know
Brain thinks people in the press will probably be saying the same things, Makosi thinks the same about herself

Brain thinks maybe BB wanted Helen BB2 but she couldn't make it so they got him instead
Nikki would like Chicken Stu to come in, she thinks he's fit
Chantelle says she's dated Dale from BB9, she went for a meal with him and snogged him, Ulrika says you lot like to keep it in the family don't you, Chantelle says he's the only one from BB she's been out with, Nikki pipes up that she's snogged Dane Bowers as well, Ulrika asks if theres anyone she hasn't snogged
Chantelle asks Brian why helen wouldn't come in, he says she's over it and has moved on with her life
Nikki still sitting around in her dressing gown
Nikki mouthing off about someone (lots of sound dips) he hasn't rang her to wish her good luck for when she goes travelling (it's her Ex i think)
Makosi asks Nikki if she would go out with a footballer, she says no, Makosi has been out with one but she isn't saying who he is, She whispers to Chantelle and she says she knows who he is
Nikki and Brain are shouting out names, Makosi isn't answering
As soon as Makosi leaves brain asks who did she say chantelle, she says no i can't say, brain say's lets not ask her but continues to stare at chantelle

Brian and Chantelle continue to to talk to Nikki, and Brian is doing her hair. He tells her not to let him upset her and that loads of people love her and care about her. She sends him off to get her bottled water.

She wishes she could hold it together and act like she wasnt bothered but she thinks he sense that she is weak and that is why he targets her.

Now she is eating a biscuit.

She will go out there and act like nothing happened. Brian says never let anyone upset you and ruin your time.
Nicky asks Brian for advice on what to say to Coolio if he is nasty to her again. She decides to call him Cisco coz Brian did earlier by mistake and he didnt like it.

Brian and Nadia are discussing Nadia's chafing problem.

Nikki has a very cool make up compact thing with loads of compartments tho it is very small (I want one I wonder who made it)
I had gone to bed but I had to switch back on when I saw the clown and trigging lap top took forever to come on and now all the drama is over.

In the bedsit Michelle is talking about her boyfriend. She tells Vic she knew it was going to him she was in the bedsit with. She worries her bf will be jealous about the double bed.

He is ripping her for her accent.

In the main house they are all a bit subdued. So maybe I will go back to bed.
[Angel of the North] Angel of the North offline 371 Forum Posts Today at 19:55 Last Edited:
Brian and Nadia are discussing Nadia's chafing problem.

Great job you're doing, AOTN

I've just watched Victor tell Michelle he has no problem sleeping in the tiny double bed with her, and if she has a problem she knows where the couch is
Night Angel

I'll only be here for a bit, I'm really tired and can't focus on the screen too good!

Michelle has just said that she saw John James did a photoshoot for a magazine this week and 'you could blatantly see where they'd drawn his six-pack in with eyeshadow or something'.

Brian is making them all laugh on the sofas about the clown. Nick says 'candyman' three times and Ulrika goes 'oh my god'
Brian says 'Johnny depp Johnny Depp Johnny Depp'
Thanks Kat and Vid

Before I switched it off there was an interesting chat in the bedsit about who had been chosen to go in and who hadnt. Victor doesnt get why Preston is there, they were both surprised by Ulrika and were both expecting Belo. Michelle has been looking on the net before going in the house and she had a good idea that she'd be sharing the bedsit with Victor. And I cant remember anything else.  Going out for the day so will see you this evening
michelle and victor sitting the bedsit watching the TV
Makosi and Brain talking in the garden
Michelle and Victor have had a meal delivered to them through the latch, victor thinks it may be chicken but he isn't sure
Victor hopes they will be let out soon cause his back is going stiff
Nick thinks someone has gone  Nadia thinks if they haven't gone then she will (thinks its coolio they are talking about)
Makosi thinks it's just his gangster image, Nick thinks he is being very rude to people, Makosi says he even dreams about fighting
Makosi thinks he should have a chat with nadia and apologise
Makosi thinks because of his image as a rapper he doesn't want to be seen as backing down
Nick thinks BB will announce they've got to pack coolios case, Nadia doesn't want to touch his things

Back to the bedsit and they are eating their dinner and watching the TV
They are both laughing loudly at the TV
coolio still not back from the DR
Makosi, Brain, Nadia and Chantelle talking about designer clothes, they talk of people that have died this year, they mention Alexender Mcqueen, Jade and Micheal Jackson, Makosi pipes up Lyndsey Lohan, Brian says no she was just in prison not dead
Michelle thinks they should ask to be allowed some fresh air soon, Victor says he would even leave his dinner for some air
Michelle complains her dinner smells too cheesy
Nikki and Chantelle in the kitchen, Chantelle asks nikki not to tell Preston she was upset
Preston enters the kitchen to cook, Ulrika wants to cook chicken for dinner tonight
Ulrika asks Nikki if she is upset, she says a little bit

Nikki moans that her sunglasses have broken
Most of the Hms are in the kitchen
Ulrika complains theres no tea towels they will burn themselves when using the cooker
(ulrika is looking very thin)
Ulrika is talking about what food she likes, she wishes there was more of a variety of restuarants where she lives
Still no sign of Coolio
Michelle and victor talking about pimms, neither of them like it
Brain talking about coolio farting all night, Nikki says he his disgusting
Brain says BB told him to remind coolio to take his inhaler, Brain asked what would happen if he didn't take it, everyone laughs
Nikki asks if coolio is still in the DR, Brain says yes or the local travel lodge
Brain thinks there may be a twist and coolio may now be BB
Mr Tumnus (BB9 Stuart) has just entered the house dressed as...erm what is he? A Roman I think, in a pair of sandals.

Brian is ripping the piss out of him for 'Hunks on Tour' that he did last year.

I've been out in Barnard Castle all day and I dunno what is going on but I think he is Nadia's slave.

They ask him if he saw the clown and he hasnt but her heard and he confirms it wasnt Rex.
Brian says he put Stuart down as his BB crush, but he knows Stuart is straight and he has a girlfriend in Hollyoaks - Stuart says he hasnt got a gf in Hollyoaks.

In the bedsit Victor is pissed off with Brian and he will get the next bad thing as he wont get a bad edit (only caught the end of it but think Nadia got this treat due her looking less than great at the moment?)

Have to start cooking back shortly.
In the bedsit Victor is making toast and jam.

Michelle is eating some nuts or dried fruit or something.

She says she hasnt stopped eating since she got there.

In the main house Stuart is making tea and Ulrika says he doesnt seem very excited about being in the house, says he said he hasnt watched the show and that there is no big fuss about it.

Makosi isnt having that, she thinks the fact that he remarked that when he was in the house the bedrooms were 'over there' means he is very excited about being involved and the show is a big hit.
Nadia cant think of anything to order Stu to do.

Nick suggests she tell him to put the dishes away but she says it's for her not the others. Chantelle suggests that they tell Nadia she has to put the dishes away and then get him to do it.

Nadia is thinking of dismissing him.

In the bedsit Victor says Makosi will get the next nasty thing coz she is getting on his nerves.
Brian tells Stuart that they have had a very trying day, what with the eviction and the departure and blah blah.

They are 'discussing' what will be on last nights show - Ulrika adamant that the clown thing hasnt been shown yet.

Brian keeps forgetting it is a Bank Holiday and that it's Notting Hill.

Makosi wants to know if Stu went into hiding or just got picked.

BEDSIT - Michelle is still eating.
Brian asks Stu why he is dresses an a gladiator. Stu says that is what they all wear in Manchester.

He says there is nothing they can talk to him about.

Stu thinks they all look tired. He asks if it has been exciting, Nick says there's nothing to do and they dont give them enough tasks.

Preston thinks they will get a party tonight be he doesnt know why.

BEDSIT - they are laughing cos whenever Stu is on shot it is his arse or another body part not his face.

HOUSE - Preston is showing Stu the nest.

Brian is embarrassed coz they are all sitting round and no one knows what to say.

Chantelle says they are all deflated and need a party.

BEDSIT - they are trying to decide who gets the next Nasty thing - Michelle says Nick but Victor says he feels sorry for Nick. Victor wants to give it to Preston, Michelle suggests Makosi - they agree it will be one or the other of them two.

They both agree that Nick doesnt 'really seem there, says 2 words a day and no one listens'.
Back in house Stuart is back from the Nest and he is saying you can tell why certain people are put in the house for certain reasons (still believes Jen when she said BB put him in 'for her').

Stuart doesnt think that the people in UBB have been chosen for massive row potential and that the person who was there to antagonise has gone.

Victor is adamant that BB5 was the best. He says BB7 won but it was someones opinion and if you go on the forums they all see BB5 was best. (Nah BB3 was def the best).

Victor says if it wasnt for 'them' none of the muppets like Nikki would have got in the hosue coz before that it was always normal people.

In the HOUSE Stuart has left.

They are discussing who they said were their BB crushes and I think Nick just said he got it off with Penny from BB2

Stuart had told the others he was asked yesterday to go in. Brian says Stuart has made him think about why he isnt  'running around'

Nick wonders if they had tasks everyday on BB11, they dont know why they arent being given anything to do.

Brian says maybe they just want us to sit around and talk.

Now they are all moaning about not having any drink.

Brian wonders how dull it will be now without Coolio if he was in there to stir stuff up.
Preston just told Chantelle that Nikki smells or made a big smell in the loo.

Now they are talking about Coolio, Chantelle didnt think he was a bad person and he didnt mean anything he said. She is really gutted he is gone, she really liked him but she says she didnt see 'the other side'.

They hope BB will send someone else in to replace Coolio. Chantelle wants her mum, Preston wants his dog, Chantelle really misses her mum. 

Preston to Chantelle re her mum 'coz she was on BB2', as a joke...and in the BEDSIT they ve took this literally and dunno who she is.

In the bedsit they are talking about when they might get a shower (soon I hope Michelle is wearing same clothes as last night).

Then Victor tells Michelle Nadia will get a lift when Mich goes in, and she can tell Nadia that he isnt the axe murdered she thinks he is.

BB has called Nick and Brian to the DR.
Back in the house Nikki is eating once again, this time something out of a bowl.

Makosi can hear the music, she doesnt miss music but she misses her phone. Nikki misses music but not her phone coz it is being held together by masking tape. It is a Nokia something, Makosi says it is really old. Makosi says dont you work on your phone but Nikki says she doesnt do technology and can just about work an iPod.
Makosi and Chantelle ate talking about Coolio (and sunglasses).

Ulrika is giving Preston cooking instructions.

Brian and Nick come out the DR screaming DID YOU SEE I, he thought they were watching on the screen.

They explain what happenned (had to dance to fave songs) and say they had to finish off dancing to Lady in Red.

Nikki is so excited, she thinks it is going to be her turn next.
Brian says that he has had a great day, and its been his day not Nikkis like yesterday - Stu half naked, the dancing, a roast dinner to come and a kiss from Nick in the DR.

Ulrika says no one will see it coz no one is watching this series.

Brian teases Nikki saying they had a song live from Reading by the Libertines.
Ulrika wouldnt know any of the top 10 songs if they played them to her (nor would I)

Brian was prancing round in his underpants with a big white dress pretending to get married and Chantelle apparently hasnt seen the funny side, but Nadia says 'it doesnt matter'.

Ulrika says that Makosi has predicted that they got back together.

BEDSIT Victor is asking BB for food, alcohol and to be allowed outside.
Nick is moaning that when he did BB when they pressed the DB they were let in within 10 seconds.

In the bathroom Nikki is putting on mascara, she started putting it on in the living room about 15 minutes ago.

(I suppose it's a better effect for when she turns the waterworks on),

Brian comes into the bathroom with underpants on.

Nikki starts whinging that she hates her friends for going to Reading without her.

Then starts whining about what they will do tonight  if they dont get a party.

Then Nikki remembers another HM to poke fun at Becki (the BB5 replacement), but she says they cant say anything coz she is good friends with Nadia.
I did wonder if Chantelle was still a vegetarian, she must be she is making tofu salad.

Ulrika says you dont eat anything, and Chan says she wil have some butter beans with it and Ulrika calls her a greedy bitch.

Then they wonder whatever happened to 'that woman who looked at people's shot'.

Nick is asking Preston if it would be 'difficult technically' if Chantelle really liked someone else in the house.

Preston says it would be...difficult....and that being in the house has made him remember how great she is. 

Nick thinks she has a big heart. Preston says she was upset that Coolio left but that she never saw the other side to him.
They've gone in the garden and took their drinks, no coats hoping to get cold as its hot in the bedsit.

They discuss how funny it is that they dont know they are there.

Victor doesnt want them to have a party tonight coz it might mean they dont get one tomorrow and they agree that isnt right,

Mich thinks BB has got really lazy and will just send them out 'off you go'.
Nadia is in a mood coz she didnt have a sofa in her dressing  room before the show began,

Doors open, BB says GATHER on sofa...there's balloons, wine and cake,

Nadia moans that they took so long to do just this.

And then moans loads more (especially  about the lack of sofa in her dressing room - she is going to tell them off and this is why she has no respect for SOUND DIP)
Nicks turn and all the HMs have to close eyes while Nick shows to camera
I didnt see it.

Nick says

After Carole someone guessed Ulrika which is correct (not happy)

BB now explains what an adjective is and gives an example.
Nickys turn (some moaning)
GRUMPYSTUBBORN then coughs and they all shout JOHN
Chantelle's go.

Makosi says 'I will kill you with these 2 fingers'
Its Anthony....Chanelle thinks he is gorgeous.
Makosi thinks that the ppl in the pics have been done recently so that they are on there way in.
(no adjectives again)

Makosis go, she knows nowt about BB.
It's Preston!
Ulrikas go. She has got Chantelle.
She pretends she doesnt know who it is when asked
They didnt guess it.

Gone to bedsit now.
Back Makosi says she said Chantelle but Ulrika says she didnt here

Prestons go (good I need a wee) 
Preston has Michelle
Makosi says whatsername Pia Jesus Michelle Bass

Next game coming up but I cant be arsed...its the stick on the head game they think

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