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The HMs are finding things hard in general I think ... lack of coffee and cigs as well as the food is having a significant impact.  keeva last night was sounding at her limits that she couldn't take it any more.  This morning Nathan has said he's not having fun any more and Ife was saying she went to bed with stomach cramps - "that's why they give us the medical to check that we can cope with the starvation"

Shabby is very worried that they haven't had the shopping list yet ...and it takes ages for them to bring stuff - so they wont get stuff until the evening
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Keeva has come out of the DR - ranting about not being able to get painkillers when she needs them

Shabby points out that legally they can't just give her stuff - they have to check medical records - any way it's not painkillers she needs - it's coffee and cigs

Ben talking about Mario - he's totally out of order making presumptions about his life that he knows nothing about

mario waving banners and outing people by talking about relationships, and presents he's been given is the immoral one

Dave says ultimately mario is upset that Ben hasn't responded to his advances

Ben says he needs to deal with it - he (Ben) fancied Rachael, she didn't fancy him back, he didn't go moping around after her and causing problems
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

Ben is sitting in the small task room, dressed in Army gear (not sure what he's doing) he's screwing his eyes up alot

Shabby is worried that he is doing the shopping list on his own in there and he won't remember to get the cigs and coffee, Dave hopes he isn't doing the list as it will cause alot of arguements in the house, Shabby shouts don't forget the cigs and coffee Ben

Back to a shot of Ben he's got a towel draped over his shoulders and he's sitting with his eyes closed (i hope BB does make him do the shopping list)
Looks like he's been put into isolation, he's falling to sleep i think

Dave and Nathan discussing wether ben would be capable of doing the shopping by himself, Dave says no he would get 2 bags of potatoes and 3 tins of beans
Theres lots of banging going on in the task room which keeps waking Ben up

A man has just arrived into the task room (like a sergent major) he's questioning Ben, He's got to answer Yes sir or No sir, ben isn't looking very impressed  (it's that survival bloke that appears on BBLB)
Ben being told to stand up stand straight military drill style - very strict

 say yes or no to continuing with task - yes or no only if he says no the burden will be passed to one of his hms

think Ben has said no

the military guy says he is disgusted with his decision - he's a poor excuse for a man
Ben is told to shut up and not speak to him.  Ben doesn't shut up and asks questions

Military guy tells him to shut up he disgusts him, think he's left the room now
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
ello Aimee. .was hoping somebody would fill me in as my neighbour called to ask me to pop in some drops so I missed the first bit. . but

when I got back Ben was being shouted at by a sergeant major telling him off for not doing the exercises he was set to do as punishment. .push ups etc..

the guy [seen him on the box before, Amercian Marine?] has left Ben to think about his punishment and if he refuses to do it one of his other HM's will ahve to do it for him
the guy has just walked back in

{Ben has said before he hates authority and only joint the Cadets in Uni cos of the parties.]]

the guy tells Ben he is going to ask Ben one question and it requires one answers only

yes sir or no sir

the correct answer is yes

if he says Yes he stays

if he says no another HM will take his palce

He asks Ben if he understands, and says say yes or no

Ben tries one of his but but but moments

the guy shuts him up

He asks Ben

are you going to stay and do your punishemtn or are you goign to elt one of your HM's do it for you

Yes or No

Ben says No he isn't goign to stay..

the guy tells him to sit down have some wate

Ben says you don't like me do you

Teh guy says I look at you and see a sorry excuse of a man adn the best thing Ben can do is sit and wait

Ben asks him what part of America he is from

the guy stands to attention and ignores Ben

[at this point I want to slap Ben... he is being very petulant]

Ben stares at the man and he tells he to stop staring at him. .tells Ben he is a sorry excuse for a man 

Ben argues back  and has a face like a slapped ars

The guy tells him just for answering back Ben's buddy is going to suffer even more

[though Ben was all about Authority rule. .unless it's directed at him eh? ]

BB calls Dave to the Dr. .and Ben will get let off cos Dave won;t be angry with him

the others shout orders for shopping to Dave
Mount Olympus *Olly*

Sorry forgot to say thanks Hoochie

Ben looking well pee'd off in the task room

Dave and Steve playing ball in the garden, Dave being called to the DR, Shabby shouting out orders for the shopping list, she wants 12 pouches of tobbaco, ÂĢ50 worth of booze and 3 jars of coffee, 15 bottles of Rose
Army bloke standing in the corner of the task room, keeping guard over Ben, not speaking to each other
Army bloke struggling not to laugh, Ben's staring into space

Shabby saying they heard nothing when Keevers name was called out by Davina last night
Army bloke writing things down on his clipboard, bens sitting on a chair with Army bloke standing over him

Ben is trying to get to know the bloke..

the guy is ignoring him

ben is now going into one of his monologues... he's talking about Reagan and Nixon not following orders blindly

ben's reasoning for refusing is he's not willing to do push ups ans sit ups under blinding lights

[this is the guy who sits watching the Tv with a slendertone belt on to work his tummy muscles]

Dave walks in and takes Ben palce..

Ben tells Dave he doesn;t have to do it..

the guy tells Dave to start running on the spot..

Dave is laughing and holding his belly saying does this body look like it it fit for running. .I ahve moobs. .I can;t run anywhere 

Dave says he'll give it a go anyway..

{wishes could catch pic like hoochie but LF is on my other puter and am typing on my lappy ]

the guy is trying not to laugh 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben trying to make friends with army man ... saying he shouldn't just follow orders.  Think of any great american leader who achieved stuff by just doing as they were told.  If the guy is willing to personally train him with some dignity he'd do it ....(gotta love him nobody will beat him down) 

Dave arrives in the Task room - Ben leaves with great dignity his head held high and his towel round his shoulders - telling Dave not to do it if he doesn't want to do it
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Mario is upset over Sunshines leaving, Ify asks why mario isn't angry, he says he will be angry when he gets over Sunshine leaving (don't know what about)

Mario thinks ben has been put in isolation for the day
ben talking to the Army guy, saying he's not prepared to do press up for 6-8 hours under these lights, Dave has entered the task room and ben leaves, says he's sorry to Dave, he says he doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to
Dave starts laughing, Army bloke shouts start running now, Dave says does this body look like it does running, i've even got man boobs, the Army bloke says if you don't start running the other HMS will suffer, Dave says he will run for abit, your here because private Ben failed, Dave starts running

Army bloke asks what daves job is, Dave says it's none of your business, but it involves spending along time on my couch
Daves laying on the floor now with his legs in the air complaining he's a fat boy he don't do excersie, he says this is more than his done in 3 yrs
the task sergeant tells Dave at least his has a little thought for his HM's unlike the guy that just walked out

*agrees *

Dave attempts to do the sit ups and jogging on the spot

Ben arrives in the living area

Caoimhe asks what happened..

Ben says I dunno if you lot will be mad with me or not

 [please be mad don;t let him get away with everything. .he needs to learn some give and take so he becomes more rounded as a person and not so self absorbed]

Ben says he did a bit of running on the spot but that was all he did..  he wasn't going to obey orders blindly...

Ah Ben had to chose who replaced him he chose Dave cos he knew he'd only do what eh had to

Nah DAve will do it all...

shot to task room DAve is doing it as instructed and breathing heavily..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Bens back in the house and is telling Shabby all about the bloke in the task room
Shabby says he should have picked her to replace him
Dave's doing star jumps now , (he's done in)
Army bloke telling him to stop being sneaky and do it properly (i just spat my water out then)
he's got to jump side to side now, Dave tells him he's a horrible man, he wouldn't mind mental cruelty but this is physical, Dave wants a rest, if the army bloke has to tell him 3 times all the HMS will suffer, Daves lying flat on his back, he's doing scissors with his legs now
Dave si told if he doesnt; do as he is told the rest of the house will suffer

way to go Ben let them lose the shopping and let Dave take the blame

Dave persists even tho he is knackered

Dave tells him he is a horrible man. .he will pray for mercy instead of judgement for him

Dave is doing scissor leg thingy's  and tells the guy his legs will only go so fast..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
dave says he's going to pray for mercy for the bloke
JJ says can you imagine if Ben had Choose Steve, there would have been uproar
Ben's explaining he was left sitting in the dark for 20 mins
Ben says he did run for 5 mins
Ben says he called him a poor exscuse of a man   JJ thinks they won't get their shopping till someone completes the task
Dave still doing excersie  he's being quite funny
Dave is sweating alot, he's jumping from side to side
He's flat out on the floor saying he needs to sleep, he's close to quitting, he thanks Ben
He's got to do 11 press ups, he says 10's my record i've just beat it  he wants a kebab break, he likes Americians but not  this one, he's got to shout the Hms names out as he does his press ups
Dave is really struggling now..

says  I like Americans but I don't like you. .

he is doing a push up for each of the HM's

Int he bedroom Ife is going to find out what is going on

Shabby tells her to not get involved. .Ife has to tho

Shabby is mouthing off about all the tasks and getting basic rations for passing the task.

Mario says Ben must be the first HM to continuously refuse to do tasks

Shabby say I know, why is he doing this? I like Ben but..

Mario says well eh can fight his own battle this time [finally!]

Back in the task room Dave is still going.. .he asks for a tea break...

Dave is told to hold a position and think of his 'buddy' Ben as he holds it..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario and Shabby bitching about ben in the BR, Mario thinks he must be the only HM ever to refuse to obey orders, Shabby says he refuses to do everything
Dave wants a tea break, Army bloke says he should thank Ben
Dave calls him horrible while lying on the floor with his legs in the Air, he's told to think of ben, Army bloke leaves
Dave calls ben a good boy, he know dave needed some excersie
Dave is called to the DR
Ify's saying she would just do a task if she was asked, she's wanting BB to open the DR door (she's getting on my nerves lately)
JJ saying you should do the tasks for the tree
steve and JJ wanting have picked their mate to replace him, Steve would pick the one he dislikes the most, Ify joining in, saying Ben just thinks of himself
Daves back and says it was horrible, Steve says you've got Ben to thanks for it, Nathan calls Ben a coward, the HMS applaud dave
JJ respects him for doing it
Mario and Ben in the BR, Mario says his off he doesn't want to harm Ben's TV career, he asks who is leaving the room me or you
Ben trying to explain to Dave why he picked him, ben says he was in the DR listening to Dave and it was funny, daves jumped in the pool, Ben says he should have refused to do it, Dave says someone had to do it
Living Area with Ife Steve and Jj

Ife complains in her whiney nasally voice that she has seen people do stuff before or refuse and she has thought just do it. .

says suppose until she is asked she doesn't know if she would or not

then says perhaps it should be just done...

They are saying that is not fair what Ben did to Dave.. .

ife is seeing another side to Ben in that he doesn't nothing for the group only himself.

Dave comes out and tells them he did it.. 

they say well done

Dave tells them all that he had to do. .Ife says why didn't Ben pick me

Dave says the guy called Ben a coward

Nathan agrees..

Dave is laughing as he tells them how awful the guy was...

Ben and Mario arguing in the Bedroom

Mario spits out I don't want to harm your career in America..

Ben walks out..  mumbling something about it being ridiculous that Mario won;t even be in the same room as him 

meanwhile  Dave has jumped in the Jacuzzi  and Ben walks out and told him he was made to sit and listen to Dave in the Dr. .he heard him laughing. .tells Dave he should have refused to do it

Dave tells him well somebody had to

Ben says I am sure they would ahve found someone to do it eventually..

[hmmmmmmm, why get whipped when you can get somebody else to be whipped for you eh Ben ? ]

Corin asks what he [the army guy] looked like and was he good looking

she would ahve loved to do it too.. Josie says yeah me too.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Daves telling Corin she would have fancied him, Ben says he was only about $ft tall though (looks like Ben is going to get it from the HMS today)
Corin and Josie wish Dave had picked them
JJ tells ben he can't believe he picked someone else, dave says Ben is bone idle
Josie complains she's putting on too much weight
Dave says he did about 50 press ups
HMS are eating pasta for lunch
Ify still bitching about Ben
The Hms think it's about 5 o clock, they had a power cut last night and the clock isn't working
Ify doesn't know if she can stay much longer if things don't change (no food or cigs etc)
Ben trying to justify why he picked Dave
Ben tells JJ he chose DAve over JJ cos Dave has the strength of character to tell them where to get off  and bucks authority too..  and Jj would have just gone in and done it as he's a team player

He says he would have chosen Steve too cos he said he'd have said the same thing and told the guy where to go..

 I know who I'd rather be stranded with on a desert Island and t definitely ain't non team players
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Caoimhe has the shopping list and takes it to the kitchen where Natahn Steve and Mario sit down to sort it

cue madness as they all shout over each other.when they see it..

*hates shopping lists so retires while they sort it out.. *

hope they get double for Ife who hoovers everything up and STILL moans she is 'starving' 

Mario is whinning on still about being close to lsoing it . .and he can;t be assed to get the alcohol. .

seems for now the 3 lads are being left alone to do it..

they sort the baccy first...

[they should get it from Asda. .only ÂĢ7 for a 50g pack of their own brand baccy ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben says he asked the army guy for gum
Ify still complaining that BB haven't let her in the DR
Ify still asking ben why he didn't pick the fittiest HM
Shopping list time (here comes the rows)
Ben wants victoria sponge
ify doesn't like not having control over her life
Nathans in charge of the food list
Tabacco is first on the list, they are having 4 each
coffee and 15 milk
Butter, cheese and cheese spread
sugar and Tea bags next
15 white bread
15 brown
it's all the men doing the list, i'm surprised Ify, Keever and Shabby aren't involved
rasperberry and blackcurrant jam
Shabby and Ify are talking about Nathan doing all the cooking, Shabby says she never agreed to him doing all the chicken
Ify is going to ask Nathan to put some spicy sauces on the list, looks like the rows will be starting soon, Josie and Shabby saying they want some spicy food instead of what nathan Cooks
They've only got ÂĢ380 instead of the ÂĢ500 they thought
Shabby and Josie think the others should get something as they've had money for tabacco
Ify says at least we don't have to buy Vegan food anymore, Shabby says one of the thinks she disliked most about Sunshine

Shabby thinks they should buy cheap food and then they could have some chocolate, Ify says she could live on egg and toast everyday, Ify thinks they should be more irresponsible and buy loads of junk food etc, they aren't at home now, theres to many rules

Potatoes and carrots
Celery for soups

Ify has worked out that the budget is ÂĢ40 each and thinks they should have 5 mins each to write out what they want, she would buy bread, eggs, booze red bull and chocolate
Ify has worked out that the budget is ÂĢ40 each and thinks they should have 5 mins each to write out what they want, she would buy bread, eggs, booze red bull and chocolate
oh gawd I remember nightmares when some tried that in previous years... apart from the time factor it meant some people had only bread and others had loads and it was all gone in a day and a half.. .

Ife is moaning on to Nathan about him doing the cooking all the time.. .she says they could try it one week doing it different..

Natahn is staying out of it he's gone for a ciggie.. and Ife followed him for her bitch session..

 I am not sure what is going on... think they are pee'd off that Steve and or Dave are controlling the food and making sure they have enough food for measl and for the others that usually scoff their faces late at night forgetting it is only there cos people shopped for it for them ...  but am sure that isn;t being thought of by the moaners..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie has told the non smokers to get treats for themselves

Mario says there is no point cos the smokers will be in and nicking all the treats we get anyway..

probably true but  gawd he has a HUGE negative head on the past few days..  no he has been pretty negative since the beginning come to think of it..

Nathan and Josie having a row now.. Josie tells him not to stress which has the exact oppostie effect as it will do with peopel that are stressed...

Nathan says he is stressed

Steve says we need you here cos you do the cooking

I think Nathan is swearing a lot cos we have a sound dip..

he goes back outside..

meanwhile Ben and Caoimhe ahve been bitching about everybody in the bathroom...  ife is dodgy and has boring convo's . .Corin is ok and can hold her own [from earlier]  Nathan is sound dipped so I didn't hear it..

Shabby was in the wardrobe having a paddy which scared Ife..

ife says they thought she was in the DR as they needed chalk and BB wouldn't let anybody in..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ify and josie bitching about wanting to do what they want and eat what they want
ben and Keever talking in the BR, Keever talking about Sunshine
The smokers have had ÂĢ60 for tobacco, so the others have got to have some treats, so they are wiping off the booze, Corin is looking for Shabby to tell her

Keever thinks Corin will crack eventually, talk moves to Mario and Sunshines friendship, Mario liked that Sunshine was devoted to him, they thing Corin isn't close to anyone, they worry they are bitching to much

Mince and pasta now, Ify wants Chicken
ÂĢ22 on mince, Garlic and Corriander
Ify trying to get Nathan to do the shop for yourself idea, he's not impressed and says he's not getting involved with that, Ify thinks they should for 1 week

Baked Beans and Cheese now
Mario thinks the smokers will nick their treats
Bananas and Apples
Nathan says he's not involved with the shopping list anymore, he's stressed
Nathan is back and over his tantrum

he checks the list and says mainly is ok just need some extra veg for Sunday dinner

they have mince and curry stuff and chicken and fish fingers and oven chips and wraps and loads of stuff

Josie says should I get loads of salad stuff. .Nathan says do whatever you want then adds get some coriander and spices and gets stuck in with sorting it out..

Corin is giving Shabby a pepe talk and tells her to think of a nice day she had before she came in here and to use that to chill out

Caoimhe  comes along and her and Shabby go in the wardrobe

Shabby is hacked off with everybody again..

Caoimhe tells shabby about her nice chat with her next best friend Ben..

they are now talking tot he cameraman people

[misses the old camera run guy that also joined in the LUT on C4  ]

5 mins left for the shopping list..

ben ahs wandered in and Nathan is looking harassed again. .

Ben would like some Madeira cake...  don't think there is enough for that tho.. oops

Well eh should go without for being such a lazy wimp

meanwhile Shabby and Caoimhe moan they can;t get what they want to eat...  there was no listening they moan just a standard we're doing it..

Shabby needs a ciggie...  they moan how long it will take fort he shopping to be done cos they have the HM's vs the Public task too and anything THEY want gets put on hold for the TV stuff..

ÂĢ15 left. .someone shouts out Jaffa Cakes [ewwwwww  ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
It would never work Olly, if they put their food in the fridge someone else would eat it, Ify has could a huge chip on her shoulders at the mo

Shabby has been in the wardrobe for some time out, She's just scared Ify who thought it was a new HM
Nathan wants more veg for his sunday dinner
Frozen chips and fish fingers ordered
Salad and spinach

Corin telling Shabby to chill in the wardrobe, Keever gets in as well, Shabby says she hates everyone including Keever, Keever says she's had a great chat with Ben

5 mins left on the list, goodies being ordered, Ben wants cakes, biscuits go on the list

and i'm off for a cup of tea
It would never work Olly, if they put their food in the fridge someone else would eat it, Ify has could a huge chip on her shoulders at the mo
it has never worked before. .as annoying as it is the only thing that does work is the regular cook doing the list and planning meals.. harsh but true .

and thanks for your hard work. .laters

Ife  is just being a huge ..dunno how to describe her... she is just bluddy weird and  moaning all the time just for the sake of it. .or maybe for airtime? 

Bb tells them the bedroom and wardrobe are closed for maintenance and Shabby shouts that BB needs to let her in the DR or are they wanting her to have her tantrum in the house... 

[well maybe the smokers should ahve done as Nathan did and bring a large enough supply to last so they could then get treats on the list as well as the 2 bags of baccy they are getting each . .and Nathan should get extra cos he gave them all his as well. .I am a smoker and would make sure I filled my case tot he brim   well I would never go in that mad house in the first place..   ]

Ife trying to get Mario to add some red bull for her to the end of the list..

he and Steve say tis hardly fair that the non smokers only get ÂĢ15 between them for their treats adn stillt he smokers want treats as well..

anyway tis immaterial now as Mario has gone into the DR

and I am off too. .am sure Shabby is waiting for her Tantrum airtime to come up soon  adn is working up to kicking off a lot..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
seems there is some confusion over the baccy ..

the number of packets was 24 but somebody, Ife [she who seems to be everywhere lately]  I think told them that was wrong, but it was right cos the packets were the smallest size and they are shouting to him in the DR

gawd shopping lists. are soooooooooooo much fun

Josie thanks the non smokers for not complaining..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
just seen Noseyrosie popped in. .thanks for the thanks 

the HM have their packed lunches now.

not a lot going on now but whichever room the camera switches to Ife seems to be there with her whiney voice going on and on. .it reminds me of Luke who was bluddy everywhere..  except her moaning/bitching is not her own it mirrors the moan of whomever she is moaning with...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben is talking about soem politician he admires who he admits was a rogue but he lived life how he wanted not how others dictated it should be lived

Ben wants to live his life the same way and every else too...

[chaos reigns?  ]

Mario and Josie are washing clothes in the bathroom

Mario is saying Shabby nearly made him lose it today cos of her all about me attitude tot he show.. .telling him she wants to be on the west end stage

and last night he nearly lost it too when she was moaning about cigs, food and her hat then when some snacks arrived she was moaning about people moaning...

In the garden Ben is being ribbed about his failure to do his punishment task..

BB telsl him to sort his mic out

He says it is on I promise you Sir it has been on all the time.

the others fall about laughing at him calling BB Sir..

back to the bathroom and Josie says the whole house is better when everybody is in a good mood. .

Mario says maybe it's the calm before the storm [ever so positive as usual ]

she reckons JJ is a changed man..

Mario is creating a twin tub effect in the bath with all the washing

they are doing the whites or all I think...

Jj ahs joined them and Caoimhe ahs popped some stuff in too..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh dear Josie spoke too soon

Jj overheard Ben say he wouldn't care if the whole house was punished for him not doing his task..

he says they can put me up on Monday if they wanted to

Jj asks him in disbelief if he is serious...

Ben says look yesterday I had to do all this stand up in front of baying crowds stuff

Ben bangs on about his loyalty. .but is told that attitude was not loyal..  and says JJ is judging him

Jj is not judging him he says he is just curious

Ben says he will take his punishment  like go without water etc..

Dave says well you didn't did you I did it for you

They question how he can say he is loyal on the one hand yet screw his mates on the other..

ben raising his voice pretesting how right he is and getting annoyed that others don;t agree

Nathan tells him they see it from different angles. .they see it as 10 people suffering and Ben sees it as one man standing up fro his principles and sod the rest.   tells him we aren't ahvign a go at him we are just discussing the whole thing

ben says he admits we all have our good and bad points but he just wants them to see it from his point

He says he told his friends and family he wouldn't do anything he felt that was belwo his dignity..  and today's thing was just that

Jj says we are just asking

ben says he would ahve done ti if JJ was get electrified or sumamt but not for food or entertainment

Nathan asks what if it was for the smokers

bens expects them to throw him down the river as he would them

he says he would fight them on the beaches so long as every man does what he is good at

{sitting in a deckchair with binoculars watching the others getting killed eh benny? ]

he is annoyed they think ill of them

Steve says we don;t think ill of you just reminds him there is no I in team

Ben he wants them to respect his position  says if anybody there wants to refuse to do something that means he'd go without food he would support their position

Says they all have the right to refuse

Steve tells him go check the rule book, and the documents you signed..

Ben denies that is the case but then submits so says well I still think we should respect the right of others to choose

Jj says thing is most of us wouldn't want our friends to suffer for our personal beliefs

ben says then we'll ahve to agree to disagree

Meanwhile Mario is bitching about Shabby and her tantrums with Ife in the bedroom [she'll be gutted she is missing what si goign on outside]

meanwhile outside the discussion continues.. Ben disagrees and thinks they think he is horrible

it is actually not raging into a row they just cannot understand Bens selfish viewpoints and inability to work or wish to work as a team..

Ben tells them we are not in control at all Bb is

Nathan says yes but we can try and make it easier..

Ben jokes whatever you say Steve at least I don't; take food into the bedroom

everybody laughs at this 'in' joke

Basically Ben only believes in what suits Ben.. 

Natahn says his way of thinking means chaos would reign

Ben says that si what the Police and Army are for and the others laugh at the  irony..

Ben says he was chosen cos he wasn't a team player. .tells the others what they were chosen for.. the negative sides.

Josie says you could have said I was chosen for something nice..

Steve tells him he sounds like a politician.. and is beginning to bore him

have to say this is all being done with a good bit of laughing too so for now all is chilled..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
it's all gone quiet.. .

they are sunbathing and Jj and Dave are paddling in the pool

blimey that makes a change!!! 

Dave laughs that Ben said Corin is here to make herself up and look good and Josie is there to squeeze peoples spots.

ben laughs well I was talking about the negatives sides just wanted to make them amusing 

In the bathroom Shabby is having a moan. .again...

think Caoimhe is getting told off for liking Ben event ho he didn't finish the task ..

she says his attitude stinks today and she KNOWS exactly WHY

he has 'oh the public love me' going on in his head now after yesterday..

Caoimhe says is that why you were annoyed earlier.

Shabby says yeah ..and then he said that Stand up won the food for them  and that has got up her nose...

[lack of camera time more like is what has got up her nose ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben Dave and Steve on sofas discussing and counting out what day it is.

Keeva reading task rules - if contestant falls due to dizziness that attempt will not be counted

Shabby says they'll make her something to help her practice whilst lying on the bed looking sleepy

Corin says hope she wins her suitcase

Ife asks Keeva for her swimming suit to wear - but keeva says it's filthy
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Dave on the sofa reminding them no treat has come from Sunshine ...probably would be Mario that got it he says - then goes on to thank Ben for the treat he got today.

Ben justifies himself ...says Dave really wants him to be punished

Dave says he deserved to be punished - he's got out of everything

Nathan says the only person that was punished was Dave

Ben says no one mentioned the HMs being punished ... he passed the task on to Dave who had the choice of refusing to do it if he wanted to
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Corin, Josie and JJ in the bathroom while Josie does washing.  Josie has a new trick she is rinsing the clothes in the shower.  They chat about the shopping - the lady who serves in the shop must know it's for them

Ife practicing for the task finds it a lot harder than she expected - she's not allowed to look up ... she goes to check something with BB
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Ben holding court in the BR, he thinks politicians should be paid the money they are getting and they should have a second home, it's all becasue of women that the politicians hours have changed that they need a second home, Dave, Steve and Nathan not agreeing, Ben thinks politicians should have the best clothes cars etc so we look good among other politicans, nathan asks whats wrong with a suit from next

Garden, Corin talking about the money they will get for doing night club appearences, Shabby saying she wants the money to make her film, she also wants to get her band back together cause she thinks they will get better gigs now
Steve says he is the wrong person for ben to preach to, Josie could see Steve was getting wound up
Nathan taking his inhaler (maybe thats why he coughs so much)
Steve thinks Ben is very brave for standing up and say what he thinks
Mario says Ben nicks his socks but only ever takes 1
Ify would like a beer now
Shabby hasn't got any rage now, Josie likes her better this way
Shabby thinks she will come across as bipolar
Shabby and dave wants to know where their food and booze is, they tell nathan to go in the DR to beg
Steve and Corin discuss what ben was talking about, Corin thinks that nurses should get more money than politicians as they say lifes and if you had a fire in your house you'd need them
Steve says they send soldiers out to war on the same wages as people get in McDonalds
Beer, wine and lemonade has arrived, Dave complains theres no food, mario thinks everyone should decide what they want, cause Ify got no wine last night
Dave and Steve are still after the food, Keever points out they have lots of food
Ify says theres still no energy drinks
Mario tells Ben he enjoyed his soap box speech
Ify wants the music to be played
Talk of playing spin the bottle
Corin is buzzing cause she's got jelly babies
Ben is asking to borrow JJ's clothes, Dave rubbing it in that he won the cases back, he tells Ben he should hang out with Dick Turpin and Ronnie Biggs
HMS told to keep the noise down in the garden
Nathan tells them to keep the singing down or the garden will be out of bounds
Corin is bigging up Dave saying he's ok, Shabby and Keever agree, Shabby has thought about and realised she did the same to Dave last week by putting Mario up, Ify says Dave said he was glad Keever stayed cause he would have felt bad

Shabby says, she feels guilty about saying she was gutted she stayed last night
Talk about Shabby throwing the save and replace last week
Shabby knew she would win the scooter task as she had an advantage over the other two
Ify thinks they will be so grateful for things on the outside after this
pizzas being cooked, Dave and Steve there first as usual
The girls aren't hungry now theres food
 Hiya! I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. Things have been pretty busy this end as I've had family from Ghana visiting the past couple of weeks. They'll be off early next week and then I'll be back to help out with the LUTting   Right now I can't even get my LF to work - I've got an hour or so to kill and all I'm getting is the little reload button going round and round.. Grrr.. bloody typical 
Catch you all later! 
empula ...good to know you're still around will look forward to seeing you soon

I'm not properly here - but I have LS on while I'm doing my chores - I just heard a snatch of convo between Ben and Dave.  The HMs seem to have been talking about making a decision to give Steve some of the money if he doesn't win.  Ben didn't seem happy about the suggestion.  Not sure what has gone before ... hopefully someone else can clarify
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Hms are competing in a game of wheel chair basketball, Nathan is one team captain and Shabby is the other
Ben, Josie, keever and Ify are the cheer leaders, Ben is wearing one of JJ's t shirts and he isn't happy that it will get sweaty and wants Ben to take it off and offers to give him another one, ben says he hasn't time to change as the game is about to begin, JJ not happy with this
Steve thinks this is a great thing BB have done, they've even been to his house and got his own wheel chair
JJ and Ben still arguing, Ben says JJ isn't being very nice to him (think the hms have been ribbing Ben about not doing tasks)
Cheer leaders are practising, Ify shouting out commands, bens not looking very interested, Dave shouts smile Ben, put some effort in
Josie wants them to do a line each cause she won't remember it all
Cheer leaders do their routine for the teams, ben is gyrating in front of Nathan, Shabby says they are all rubbish
Ben falls over, the others start booing
Dave tells ben to at least do something
Corin wonders what their prize will be
The game begins
Mario shoots and misses
Shabby shoots and misses
Corin scores
Reference: hoochie
(Olly to answer your question - I just take a screenshot and edit it in
I thought as much. .my arms aren;t long enough to grab a shot and post it as I am about 6 feet away form the puter showing the feed and typing on another one and twould be forever before I was able to post it.. 

Had book club today so no chance to help out. .

thanks to all for LUtting
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Hoochie
I'm not properly here - but I have LS on while I'm doing my chores - I just heard a snatch of convo between Ben and Dave. The HMs seem to have been talking about making a decision to give Steve some of the money if he doesn't win. Ben didn't seem happy about the suggestion. Not sure what has gone before ... hopefully someone else can clarify
Steve is campaigning for , or I think he is,   the bad deal people get from the NHS and the rubbish legs they are given.  [none of the heather mills fancy legs] .they want to buy him a leg... .Well they all do except Ben who was not too happy at all...

 [zips lips on that subject but brick nearly went thru screen at that point]

 he I think is giving his winnings . .if he won.... .to the charity he works for or something to help amputees..  and highlight the problems and lack of help they get. .

summat like that.. .but tis why he is in there. as well as showing you can still ahve a life without out all your limbs... .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby talking and saying she will apologise.....(for what, I've missed)  there's been an argument!

Sounds like something has happened between the groups that won and didn't win the task tonight

Corin is heavily involved in this - something has happened to her stuff in the bedroom with them messing around ....and she's mightily pissed off

Shabby and Ben shouting apologiesto her and she says "wouldn't be so pissed off if i didn't have this rash"
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
The winning team of the wheel chair task have had a party the losers have been locked in the bedroom, apparently the losers have trashed the bedroom uo turning the beds etc, the winners are not happy about this (i haven't seen it just reporting what i've seen on the board)
i've got my LF back now
Shabby saying Ify isn't really a friend, Josie disagrees
Josie says she can get her finger right up her nose, she thinks her best bits will be her picking her nose and sucking her thumb
They are trying to work out whose pillow is whose
They are worried about the other HMS being let back in, the shutters are down while BB clears up the party
Keever says Nathan was giving her RELLY bad looks
Dave and Shabby are saying give them the red suits now for the save and replace task
Mario saying lets hide under the hammock
More bitching about Ify
Shutters up
Shabby and Keever say someone has taken their baccy
Aplogises all round, Corin says she was well pee'd off
Keever says they had to do something to pass the time
Steve says it's ok, i was pissed off at the time but it's ok now
Ify says she's not letting anyone walk all over her, she goes to the DR
Corin was made that her things where being drag over the dirty floor
The winning team has saved them some burgers and pizzas
Shabby is so F off with Ify, she has took her baccy
Shabby is furious
nathan having a go at Ben
JJ mad about his matteress on the floor, JJ thought they was eating his crisps, he's already given her his chocolate, he's going to have Ben about it
Josie telling JJ not to just blame Ben, JJ not happy that the pillows are all mixed up as some people have rashes, he hid under the table so the locked in HMS couldn't see him eating and then he finds out all his stuff was on the floor, he heard them all saying get JJ's things
Steve not happy they touched his things at the side of his bed, they were personal things, Ben apologies
Corin says she probably over reacted, but she's got a rash and she's pee'd off
Steve says thanks for re making his bed but they knocked over his charges for his legs
Nathan tells Dave and Ben that Syeve is well annoyed
Nathan saying everyones calmed down but Steve, you need to sort it with him (even though Steve has already said he's ok)
Shabby and Keever not happy with Ify and are not prepared to grovel, Keever see's her as attention seeker and has used them for her own needs
Dave says JJ is kicking off in the BR at Josie, Dave says he's a lovely guy but he's got issues
JJ says he was already mad at Ben over the T shirt he wouldn't change
JJ feels a right dick as he was asking BB to let them join the party, while they was trashing his things
Shabby is annoyed cause Nathan made out they had trashed a war veterans things
keever, Ben and Shabby bitching about nathan
Steve asks Josie for a kiss
Ben says it was just a light hearted joke
Steve wants to go into the DR and apologise for kicking off
Corin has dropped her mic down the loo
Steve saying it didn't feel right having a party without everyone there
Mario says he hopes Ify isn't asking to leave, je wants BB to call him to the DR to talk to her
Shabby tells JJ that she is well pissed off with Nathan and Ify
Nathan tells Mario to be a good friend to Ify when she gets out the DR, she really needs some support right now
Shabby saying she feels used by Ify
Apologies to all I nicked these updates from somewhere else.

23:29 Nathan advises Ben to go and make peace with Steve, as he's "still seething" about what's happened.


23:30 "Where's Ife now?" asks Dave. "Who knows?" replies Shabby. "Should we go and talk to her?" Caoimhe says: "I'm not really prepared to stand there and take s*** from someone."


23:32 Caoimhe says she now sees Ife as someone "immature who used us for her own emotional support". She can't understand why the rest of the housemates see her as a "sweet, innocent little girl.


23:33 "John James is kicking off big time in the bathroom, at Josie," Dave tells the girls. "About bed clothes and whatever. Dude, he needs his head read big time. I love him but he's got some major problems. Any excuse for an argument."


23:34 "I don't understand why he's kicking off at Josie," protests Shabby.


23:36 "Nathan sat out here saying we smashed Steve's medical stuff to bits. He's trying to make out that we tried to f*** over a war veteran!" fumes Shabby, sitting in the garden with Ben and Caoimhe.


23:39 "We put mattresses on the floor to make a f***** nest!" says Caoimhe, still unable to understand why the argument was sparked in the first place.


23:39 "I will not have it. I will not f****** have it," says Shabby, as Ben argues that "anyone can see it was all meant lightheartedly".


23:41 John James is explaining why he was upset, saying he ate his burgers under the table out of consideration for the housemates who were stuck in the bedroom and then went to the diary room to ask if they could join the party, only to come out and see they'd taken his mattress. He's now laughing about the situation and Shabby says: "As far as I'm concerned, everything is resolved... apart from Nathan".


23:42 "If we're going to have a party we should party as a group," Steve tells Mario, saying it "didn't feel right" with half of them locked in the bedroom.


23:45 Shabby tells John James she and Caoimhe are still angry with Nathan and Ife. Corin is in the bedroom apologising for overreacting. "Ife's f****** mega upset," says Nathan, as Mario agrees, saying he wants to go into the diary room to check she's ok.


23:49 John James is outside laughing about the night's arguments, saying: "You'd have to have a black heart not to feel bad" about eating cheeseburgers infront of your friends who aren't allowed them. Dave congratulates Josie for "doing a great job on John James", who's calmed down considerably.

23:50 "Oh my God I think this series has had more drama than any other series ever!" says Josie. "No wonder they haven't put any new people in. We're tearing each other to pieces in here," blasts Shabby.


23:53 Despite saying she's calmed down, Corin is ranting about the situation to Nathan in the bedroom. "Don't back chat when you've done something wrong," she fumes, saying had it been her she would have held her hands up and admitted she'd done something wrong.


23:54 Steve says Ife is threatening to leave the house.


23:57 "I'm starting to rage, dude," Shabby tells Caoimhe as she joins her outside for a cigarette.


23:59 "It was the night of cringe gate," announces Dave, playing swing ball. "Cringe gate has kicked off," he adds, as Shabby asks whether or not Ife is still in the diary room.

Smarting Buttocks

00:01 Steve is waiting to go in the diary room. "It's like waiting for a bus, I've been here half an hour," he jokes.


00:02 Steve says he likes Shabby. "It's just the way she storms about..." he muses. John James says that the only person in the house that's disappointed him is Ben.


00:03 Steve says he likes Shabby. "It's just the way she storms about..." he muses. John James says that the only person in the house that's disappointed him is Ben. Shabby goes over and apologises again to Steve. "I heard you were raging," she worries, as he reassures her it's ok and that he's waiting to go into the diary room to apologise for over-reacting.


00:05 Ife emerges from the diary room. "I'm alright now," she tells Mario. "When I switch I switch, and I can't even control myself." Shabby and Caoimhe try to approach her in the bathroom but she storms off. "That is not fair," storms Caoimhe. "Ridiculous," says Shabby.


00:06 "I don't know why you're upset," Josie tells Ife. She says she only wants to talk to Mario about it because she doesn't want to bitch. "They suggested that I speak to somebody," she begins, saying she's not leaving the house because she'd be "letting everyone down".


00:09 "I would have gone but then I realised I had nowhere to go. I wouldn't go home, I'd be too embarrassed," Ife tells Nathan and Corin as she sits down in the smoking area for a cigarette. "I thought, do you know, if I had my passport I'd go straight to Barcelona to see my brother."


00:10 Ife says she doesn't want to talk to Shabby and Caoimhe. "I never quit nothing and I hate people that threaten it and then don't go," she tells Corin.

00:12 Caoimhe and Shabby are ranting at Steve in the living room, slamming Ife for not wanting to talk to them.


00:14 "Of course we didn't mean to make her feel bad," Shabby tells Ben, who's retreated to the bedroom to go to bed. The duo ask him what's going outside, as Caoimhe says she wants to be there if everyone is bitching about them. He explains that Ife is just telling them that she's decided not to leave the house. Caoimhe questions whether they have been brought into it. "Your names were not brought up," says Ben, though adds that it's "highly likely" that the conversation will go in that direction at some point.


00:15 "I think she'll probably give you the silent treatment," Ben muses. "She was playing the diva."


00:16 Steve is still waiting to go into the diary room. "Ah ha, at last! The wanderer returns," he says as the door finally opens.


00:18 Ben tells the girls "there's nothing for you guys to worry about. No one's going to think ill of you because of that... if they do, then they already think ill of you". He continues: "There's not a lot you can do now." Coaimhe says they could go over to the smoking area and offer their side of the story. Shabby and Ben think that that is a terrible idea. "We'll look like we have to defend ourselves," says Shabby.


00:19 He advises them to "give it a couple of days" before talking to Ife.


00:21 "I just find it all very, very convenient timing," muses Shabby, speculating that it's no coincidence that the situation arose on the eve of nominations.


00:23 "It's a little plot to make me and Caoimhe look bad. She's been working on this for a while," Shabby tells Ben. He replies that nobody will hold it against them unless they already disliked them anyway.


00:23 "He's p****** off that he's got to be involved in all the dramas and I'm cool as a cucumber. He's trying to rile me up," says Josie, telling the housemates that she's been arguing with John James.


00:27 Shabby and Caoimhe have moved into the bedroom where they continue to discuss their anger at Ife, insisting she's trying to turn the whole house against them.


00:29 Shabby says the trouble with the nature of the house is that every day somebody different does something that offends "the entire house". Caoimhe says: "I don't feel any guilt for taking the mattresses off the bed. And there's no way I'm going to be spoken to as if I'm to blame. I didn't like at all how Corin talked to me."


00:30 "Well it's been political tonight, boys and girls," says Ben. "If you didn't know who to nominate you know now!" exclaims Dave, adding that he's worried about nominations.


00:30 "There's no way she can take her bad skin problems out on me, or on you," she tells Ben, saying that Corin's white heads have nothing to do with her pillow being on the floor for "two seconds".


00:34 Josie and Steve are talking about fort gate. She says she thought that the outdoors housemates were all pretending to be angry at first. "I had to apologise, I said some horrible things," says Steve. "I don't speak like that at home and I certainly don't want to be portrayed like that in this place... that's not me, I'm not like that. I'd rather talk to people and calm things down." Josie says: "I'm exactly the same, that's why I can't understand why John James is trying to rile me up all the time."


00:35 Ife is explaining her version of events to Mario in the nest.


00:41 "They are so wrapped up in themselves," blasts Ife. "They're not my friends. They're the mean girls at school! They have no social awareness."


00:43 Ife explains that she doesn't think that Caoimhe sharing a bed with Shabby when she knows she fancies her is fair when she has a boyfriend on the outside, and says that she realised today that they're not her real friends. She says that they're so wrapped up in themselves that they only want to spend time with each other, when there are so many other people to get to know in the house.


00:44 Caoimhe tells Shabby she's upset that she's been made out to be a "total f****** bitch". She adds: "I'm not a bad person," as the pair retreat into the kitchen. "Well this is a right old pile of b*******," says Shabby.


00:46 "I'm not going to appreciate the situation as a rage and kick off," reasons Caoimhe, as Shabby tells her she has no need to try and justify her actions. Talk turns to Nathan. "What's Nathan's problem with us?" Shabby says he's had a problem with her for ages. "So just because he has a problem with you means he has to have a problem with me?" she fumes.


00:47 Ben, Steve, Corin and Dave are in the bedroom, and Ben tells them he's desperate to turn off the light and go to bed. "I'm never coming to a pyjama party at your house," laughs Corin. "We'd all be in bed at 8!"


00:54 Caoimhe and Shabby approach Ife in the garden. "I don't want to talk to either of you right now," she says. "What have we actually done, Ife?" asks Shabby. "I don't want to talk right now. Can you give me that respect?" she replies.


00:57 "We have done nothing wrong," defends Caoimhe. "I don't want to tlak to you, we're not going to have a conversation so let's just leave it," replies Ife.


00:58 Ife shouts: "Caoimhe! I do not want to talk to you!" She replies: "Don't you dare raise your voice at me. Don't you dare!" before storming off to the bathroom alone.


00:59 Shabby tries to reason with Ife."I will talk to you, but when I'm ready. I can't talk to either of you right now," says Ife. "Give me time. I'm just too angry. Just let me have time for myself. This is the first time I've had to ask in my life, but give me this moment and then I'll talk to you. But right now I can't because I know I will lose it."


00:59 Shabby tries to reason with Ife."I will talk to you, but when I'm ready. I can't talk to either of you right now," says Ife. "Give me time. I'm just too angry. Just let me have time for myself. This is the first time I've had to ask in my life, but give me this moment and then I'll talk to you. But right now I can't because I know I will lose it."


Smarting Buttocks

01:01 "I don't want to resolve our friendship because I don't want to get back into a situation where I can get hurt again," she tells Mario and Corin, who both recommend that she get a good night's sleep. "I know what I'm going to be like... tomorrow when I get up, I honestly know that if everything's fine and one of them makes the littlest comment... I know I will just turn into a monster. And nobody needs to see that."

01:03 Mario offers to shield Ife from "all the negative s***" like he did with Ben last week. "You stick with me, we'll do our own thing, just like I did with Ben. Listen to me... Ife. I kept him out of all the bulls***, I'll do it with you until you feel ready to be with any individuals in this house."

01:04 "Chill, come on. Sit down," says Corin. Ife says that tomorrow she wants to keep herself isolated and just get her bikini on and sit in the pool. "I don't really know how far I can go now," she admits. "I've never ever been in this situation because I always just cut people off... I never, ever, ever go back. So I don't know what to do."

01:05 "I think we should call it a night tonight. Your whole body's shaking. Get in bed with Mario, cuddle up," recommends Corin.

01:06 "How did I end up in this situation? Why would I choose the mean girls?" wonders Ife.

01:10 Josie, who has joined Corin, Mario and Ife outside, calls John James a "trouble making little s***" for trying to drag her into the trouble between Caoimhe, Shabby and Ife. "He tries to bring me down to his level and I'm not on it," she says.

01:15 "I think everyone just needs a good night's sleep now," says Mario.

01:17 "I know everything seems s*** right now but it'll all be fixed with the light of a new day," he tells Caoimhe as he kisses her good night. "I don't even know what's going on to be honest with you," she says, before ignoring Ife, saying night night to Corin, and heading back into the house.

01:18 "Is nobody talking to us now?" asks Shabby as Caoimhe joins her in the kitchen. "Oh, Mario saying 'everybody needs a good night's sleep'. F*** off, will you," she moans.

01:20 Shabby warns Caoimhe not to be surprised if she's not there when she wakes up in the morning because "I can't do this. I can't do this," she says. John James says goodnight to them and asks if they're ok. "We feel like social pariahs but yeah, we're great," complains Ife.

01:22 Corin gets a chocolate biscuit and then goes to bed. Shabby sits on the kitchen counter with her head in her hands. "I'm not going to be treated like this," she says. "Has anybody come to us to ask if we're alright? No they f****** haven't."

01:23 "I just don't know if I can stay here and allow people to nominate me for reasons that aren't valid. They can't make a fool out of me. I've done nothing to that girl. Nothing," she adds.

01:29 "Do you think that there's any way we can go tonight?" asks Shabby, as Caoimhe goes to the bedroom to get a hoody.

01:29 Shabby and Caoimhe decide they want to leave the house. "I don't want to be in here anymore," says Caoimhe. "Well then let's go in there now and just go!" says Shabby, before asking Caoimhe if she can tell her something without their microphones on. They go to the garden and have an inaudible discussion.

01:30 Shabby is pacing around the kitchen.

01:32 "I'm not prepared to put anything on the line for this," says Caoimhe, as the duo head outside for a cigarette. "Do you know what I mean? I'm not going to stay here."


01:34 It's like, the stronger a person you are the less sensitive people are towards you. So what am I supposed to be? An innocent, narrow minded little girl to get respect in here?" says Caoimhe.


01:35 "Well they think [Ife's] cute, they think she's funny. They think I have a temper which I think now you understand isn't how it seems... but when we leave here I'll tell you why," says Shabby. "I gave myself a month. We've done a month," reasons Caoimhe. "And as much as I get a good thing from this – and I do – I'm not prepared to deal with the mind games they play with us or people that I have absolutely no interest in."


01:36 The housemates in the bedroom are talking about 80s cartoons He-Man and She-Ra, oblivious of Shabby and Caoimhe's plan to walk out tonight.


01:37 "I don't want to go tomorrow. I want to go now. I will sit in the camera runs all night if needs be," vows Shabby.


01:40 "I think we should all go to sleep," says Ben, still desperate to get the housemates in the bedroom to settle down for the night.


01:44 Josie asks Shabby if she's coming to bed. "No," she replies, putting on her coat and walking out to the garden. She can't find Caoimhe and looks in the nest, shouting out her name. She tracks her down in the outside bathroom. Relieved, she sits on a chair and puts her shoes on.


01:45 The pair go to the bedroom and appear to be gathering up their belongings.


01:47 Shabby puts eyeliner on in the bathroom, where Josie is in the bath. She remarks that her "ears are massive" but Shabby appears unimpressed, putting toothpaste on her toothbrush and stepping out of the room to brush her teeth.


01:49 Caoimhe is putting her shoes on as the pair wait to get in the diary room. "Are you sure you want to do this?" asks Shabby. "Yes," says Caoimhe. "I don't want to be here. They'd better let us go now." She heads outside to pick up the remainder of their tobacco.


01:51 "Are you sure you're not going to regret this?" Shabby asks Caoimhe. "I think I'll regret it more if I don't stand up for my beliefs. It doesn't make me any less of a person." Shabby tells her she doesn't have to come. "But what's the point in staying?" she replies.


01:53 "I'm f****** panicking. I'm panicking about what this place has done to me," says Shabby. Caoimhe agrees saying: "I think I'd rather just escape while I can."


01:54 "I'm nervous about having to do this, because they're not going to make it easy," says Caoimhe.


01:56 Shabby says: "I've done a month man. I'm proud. This wasn't exactly how I expected it would go, but..." They are still waiting to enter the diary room.


01:57 The diary room door opens and the pair go in. Shabby look back at the house, raises two fingers and says "f*** you" before walking through the door.

Smarting Buttocks

02:03 "I don’t understand it, I don’t know why he’s doing it," says Josie, talking of a situation


02:04 Dave says he is "shattered" and he will goto bed.


02:08 Josie tells Corin she is going to bed. Corin says she will have one more biscuit, a smoke and join the rest of the housemates in the bedroom.


02:11 Corin is now having a cigarette outside in the smoking area. She is startled by a moth. "Oh sh*t," she cries.


02:17 Corin has now joined the rest of the group in the bedroom. She breifly chats to Josie before getting into her own bed.


02:23 Steve's snoring has started as all the housemates attempt to get some sleep.


02:24 Dave and Josie have started whispering to each other.


02:32 John James is now sitting up in bed with his hands on his head.


02:36 Shabby and Caoimhe have come out of the Diary Room and have gone to the smkoing area.


02:39 Caoimhe and Shabby both appear to be leaving the house. They are talking about how they feel bad for the producers but they feel "relieved" to be going.


02:43 "I am glad I did this," says Shabby.


02:55 "It’s the people that are here I can’t deal with," claims Caoimhe.


03:04 "One more cig then get some kip," says Caoimhe.


03:04 John James is still sitting up in bed while Caoimhe and Shabby talk outside in the garden.


03:05 Caoimhe and Shabby say they will wake before all the other housemates and leave without the others knowing.


03:11 Shabby has brought her duvet out into the living room. Caoimhe says she is going to make a cup of tea.


03:16 John James is biting his nails in bed.

Smarting Buttocks

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