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JJ said 'that is my fave JLS track' and now they ask him about his JLS friends and he says he doesnt want to talk about it and he has 6 friends and his JLS friend is one of them and it is ded weird and (I dont know what JLS is) oh they said X Factory and well he doesnt want to talk about it as he talks about it some more.

None of the fellas no who they are either Tho Andrew just said ' so they are massive'....

Mawio knows what it is like having friends in the limelight

He was at the X factor final sittng next to Max Clifford and Jerry Springer. Who is very good looking in real life. And Maria Carey does it now. And Sam gave the JLS away. And how do we defrost this?
The blokes were going on about families the morra night and then Dave called to DR and Mawio thinking of the people who he asked to come down etc etc how cool if all out friend meets wahwahwah and Mawio started picking at his arm and he might have mutilated a mole and he didnt have a TB scar there and made his own. He thinks he ought to see a doctor.
Dave thinks there is going to be a massive shock, even though they think Josie will win.  And now they are talking about last year saying Sophie was the fave but then so were Charlie and Seabass (?) Dave keeps saying that people have to vote but oh they might not...and JJ saying that Dave should win coz of the money but Dav says she will win but there could be a shock and Dave thinks JLS fans will vote for JJ and John James has gone so the girly vote is up and JJ is happy to win if he gets to go to UBB but he would rather Dave has the money to do good blahblahblah
Josie asks Mawio about how he makes money to get his stuff and he says he has all these wealthy friends who take him to art galleries and all sorts of stuff, they always pay his way. Josie asks if he sleeps with them, he says no way they just like my company as a friend. Josie says you go for rich older men then and he says no...bit of a dip...but he likes power, ambition and success and they go hand in hand. 

I have deja vu sure I heard all that before one time. Maybe a dream.
Mawio is telling Josie about some very cultured fella he likes into opera etc that he hopes will still be available after his bad break up.

He has battled all his demons now and is ready to back to his life.

Josie says 'I bet Gareths missing you?' Mario says 'Who?' Josie says 'Your flat mate'.

He hope he ll be there tomorrow (even tho he didne know who he was )

Josie asks if Mawios ex bought him the BB chair. He says yes but for both of us. Mawio says they share it. Josie asks a bit more and he changes the subject and oh BB moves to Dave talking about his wife in the shed thing.
Dave promises to keep in touch with Andrew but then he says he might not have time to stay in touch and but well he doesnt know about clubbing the wrap party and well thats different but going out in London and getting hammered and drinking hammered and well Dave doesnt like that and Andrew well a nice cocktail bar with big chairs and and
Well I dont know if anyone read it but that was the last night of BB11  

I havent watched a second of the show up until tonight. I dont know if I missed anything or not

Theyve woke up now I said I was off, they are so excited by the frosting of the shower she they ll be able to shower naked and one of them farted and Josie wonders if Andrew and Mawio are wanking each other off.
Well I dont know if anyone read it but that was the last night of BB11 I havent watched a second of the show up until tonight. I dont know if I missed anything or not
I did Angel. I don't have Live Feed so I don't know if you missed anything either, but I reckon you've done a good job considering that you haven't watched any of it up to now.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
wooooo *pompoms*  good to see you back Angel

Meant I didn't have to go look at the DS ticker feed for an overnight catch up this morning..  Yay!

you did well considering you hadn't a clue who was who

ps the 'shed' is a nest in the garden and BB frosted the shower glass yesterday in preparation for the 'celebs' going in tonight

*gets comfy chair in corner ready  for UBB Angel LUT *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I just switched on and there is a continuation of last nights conversation about what will happen with UBB and if they will be allowed out tonight if they win.

Josie doesnt want to stay in for UBB, she needs to get out and see people etc.

If Mawio wins he says he will stay in and do it but he will demand that they let him see his mates in the DR for 10 minutes.

Josie thinks she wont win so it's all academic.

Now they are talking about the furniture like they did last night.
JJ and Josie are arguing about if she will win or not and she thinks that if things have come out about her then she hasnt a hope if winning.

Dave speculates on the number of Welsh people who might support him, only those in the South East.

Dave asks Josie if she has been lying like a dog all the time in the house, she says she hasnt, he says then that means she's won.

Josie wishes they would stop saying it.

Dave is bemoaning his lack of clothes now, he hasnt got anything to wear tonight
Someone is misquoting Star Wars but I dunno which one.

Josie wonders of they will bring John James back if they are having the most influential HMs. Andrew doesnt think so, he says they asked the winners first and then asked others (and then asked who would do it for free). 

Half of them think that the UBB will start tonight because BB is cleaning the sofa but someone thinks that C4 would rather have 2 lots of big ratings.

Speculate speculate speculate.
Josie says the a hundred grand would be nice but she wants to see her friends and family.

Josie asks Dave what he would do if he wins and he is asked to stay in. He says it isnt going to happen, ie he isnt going to win, but he would stay on as he signed the contract, but he'd rather leave and have a few days out.

Dave is sure that it isnt happening tonight as they are 2 huge separate programs and it would be on the tv for hours and blah blah blah Big Mouth Press conference etc
JJ is being logical. He wonders why they have done the frosting and cleaning and stuff today if UBB isnt going to start. Andrew speculates that they are cleaning it for BBLB interview.

One of them says lets wait and see what happens. Yes, please do. You are all pissing me off now. 

But of course they dont blah blah speculate blah.
Any serial exercisers?
Dave the pretendy Monk who buys wheelchairs off ebay to con people into his 'ministry' was an exerciser..  until the last few weeks.. now he's piling the pounds back on again..

but he was exercising around the time of the constant camera watch on Josie and the Aussie under the Duvet so that's all we really saw..  I think I'd have preferred the exercising tbh
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave and Mawio are discussing packing. Mawio wants everything as tidy as possible so that he can transfer it from one suitcase to the other with ease. Dave suggests that 'they' might do that for them but Mawio would rather do it himself so that he knows where everything is. He is a fella after my own heart as he intends to iron every item of clothing as soon as he gets home.

He is started saying that BB is the best experience of his life, after being born, the logic being that if he hadnt been born he wouldnt have experienced anything.
The Hm's have been locked in the BR for 2 hrs while the ktchen and Bathroom have been cleaned, the camera has been taken down in the toilet, the BR is now being cleaned, the Hm's now realise that UBB is starting to tonight, Josie tell's JJ that she doesn't want to stay in
The hm's are being called to the DR one by one
Dave says he is glad he won't be the one staying in tonight, Josie say's she wants to go now she knows it's the last day she can't wait, she doesn't want to stay as she wants to see her friends and family
Dave tell's mario he thinks he has a good chance of winning if the lesbians and gays can be bothered to pick up the phone
mario thinks it would be funny if Andrew won it as he was marked the most forgetable on the board task
JJ thinks it's sad it's the last day, he doesn't want to leave
Mario talking about the sofa area, it's were all the arguements occured and evictions, he remembers where he sat on the first night dressed as a mole

Dave talking to Andrew he says it's such a shock (think he means the new show starting tonight) BB has told him it all starts at 8pm
Josie is in the bath, she has to get out as BB have called her to the DR
JJ and Dave pacing the LR floor
Dave and Mario talking about the good times they've had in the house, Dave say's Ben was in shock the first couple of hours in the house cause he was boo'd
Dave says Nathan became the boss from the first night
Mario says the house seemed huge on the first day, bob righter spoke to them that night as well
Dave talking about when Mario came in and fell down the stairs, he knew he was the mole staright away but he was told to back off by nathan and John cause they thought he was getting upset, they talk about the task mario had when he had the earpiece in

Mario teelling them that the TOT was giving him the answers throughout that task
Josie still in the DR
JJ and Andrew asking mario and Dave about the first night in the house, mario say's they were locked in the LR for the first couple of hours
mario stroking the parrot
Hm's put their cases in the store room and collect their lunch, they've got sandwhichs, fruit and crisps and drinks
Josie shouts from the Bathroom to get her some lunch
dave has a bad feeling about tonight, he thinks it's just cause he knows he's going out tonight
Dave ask's mario for a massage, he's a good boy
Dave, JJ and Andrew get called to the Dr together, Dave say's this is strange
Mario want's BB to hurry up and call him in
Josie eats her lunch while in the bath
Mario explains to joise why he nominated her, she says she don't care, he says it was never personal, he didn't do it for her to go
mario tell's Josie he thinks she has the best chance of winning but he thinks Andrew is the under dog, he thinks it's between them 2
mario talking about eviction percentages, it's sometimes very close between first and second place
Mario can't wait to see his friends and turn on his mobile
josie can't wait to see her firends, family on john, mario say's and johns mum, she laughs
mario says 7 more hrs and it will all start, he wonders if they will play the crowd noise
I dislike Dave with a passion....and everything he does and says just increases the loathing.
I think he is my favourite He seems like a bit of a git. The rest of them dont seem to have anything about them (but remember I have only watched this since last night and know nowt of what has gone on before).
Dave wants to know what is shown on BBLB and now they are going on about Sam and how he knew everything and JJ didnt even go on a website but Sam did. Dave says that Sam was wrong about John as he said he would be in the final.

Mawio and Josie come out the DR and they think they were talking to George Lamb as it was a BB they hadnt heard before. The other's start to interrogate them. 

Mawio says the BB told him not to get naked. Dave is not teling Mawio that BB told him that the first eviction will take place in about an hour.
Mawio is expecting to be first out but insists this is ok as the soner you are out the sooner you see your friends.

Mawio wonders why he always fancies married men,

Josie is parading round in a towel with wet hair.

And they are allowed back in the bedrooms and they have to take all the cases to the store room.

And BB have taken away all the bed covers.
Went and wrote up my Aims and Objectives while they were all discussing the prize money, Josie says she has promised so many people so much that she would be better off if one of the others wins and gives her ÂĢ1000. Dave is taken with this idea. Then the talk about Alex Reid and how cool he is and then a plane goes over and Mawio says it is a private jet and Dave thinks it must be Tom Jones coming to see him.
Crowd noise is being played into the house, Dave wonders if it's BBLB, JJ agrees that it could be an extended programme today but then changes his mind and thinks it could be a rehersal outside, Andrew can hear noises through the wall as he waits for BB to let him into the dr
Mario is worried cause everyone else has had a chat with BB he feels left out
Josie is wearing a rainbow coloured maxi dress and has just gone into the bathroom leaving the fellas to speculate about her winning and staying in another 2 weeks.

Dave is nervous about what is waiting outside

They are expecting the first eviction at ten past 8.

Dave wants to know if being in the final is a big deal. He asks Josie if she is a BB fan and she says yes but she didnt watch it last year coz she was having a bad time.

Dave tells Josie that if she doesnt win tonight he is very sorry as she deserves it and whoever wins instead would be embarrassed because it obviously meant that people thought Josie was going to win and so didnt bother voting.

Josie isnt bothered about winning, although ÂĢ100 grand would be nice though she has promised it all away. She then says she thinks the government will have done something about Steve's leg and Dave agrees that 'Channel 4 will have sorted it',
I just like to try and see the good in (most) people. 

Anyway after the adverts. It's Coolio.

I didnt watch much of the series he was in either. 

Oh dear he is rapping (is that what you call what he is doing). And he has ded weird hair going on. And a kilt. Which he just lifted up, but he isnt a true Scotsman.

There's a load of screaming coming from the living room when he comes down the stairs.

And now all the forum starts screaming coz here is Nikki.
John tells her people are mockign her accent and making fun but that her family should be very proud of her. He tells her that the nice decent people win who might be boring and dull (oh then says you are not boring or dull) and then he calls Andrew an awful creature.

Inside Nikki is twisting her face and asks Makosi if she has a boyfriend. Makosi says she is seeing someone but they havent defined their relationship.
Nikki doesnt have a BF and doesnt want one but she pulled a 21 year old at the weekend.
Coolio doenst do girlfriends because he doesnt do girls olny women.
Makosi asks Chantelle if she has a bf but I didnt hear the answer coz Coolio was scrounging a fag.

Back outside John is still expounding the last series to Josie, Coolie has joined them outside, Preston is there as well.
Makosi and Nadia are talking at the table but it's gone very bird tweet. Nadia is asking where she buys clothes to fit her boobs. Makosi asks Nadia what size she was and I think she said 6

Outside they are discussing how they cant smoke in the house and John doesnt smoke in his car coz of the smell.

Coolio asks John if he is married. John says yes to the booby and I am sick of her he is old and her body is saggy and I am sick of her clinging on to me.

Josie is telling him off.
She says the Booby is lovley and John says she is lucky to have what she has got.
Nikki is eating crisps.

She tells Preston she heard a rumour he waa going in but she didnt think it would be true. Preston said he couldnt turn it down.

BB says the bedroom is open and they all rush for the beds. Chantelle asks Preston to go next to her because she knows he doesnt snore.

Nikki suggests that Johhn share with Nadia which leads to much shreiking.

John says that it is wonderful to see the young love birds back together (Preston and Chantelle). Chantelle adamant it is coz he doesnt snore.

Nadia is shouting very loudly and now they want to know whose bed was whose
Nikki is talking in that moany whiny voice about the towels as they are all the same colour and she wont know which is hers.

Brian comments that the house is very clean. Nikki tells him it is because it was cleaned professionally this morning.

Chantelle really doesnt look very comfortable.

Brian is asking why JJ shaved all the time and Nikki says it is LOONASSSEEE to have your own name tatooed on you.

Nikki asks Josie if she was excited about seeing her friends and family again.
Lost my connection for a bit.

Ulrika is telling Josie that Coolio hasnt brought in any cigarettes and was the same last time.
Interupted by BB asking Josie to go the the Diary Room.

Preston has chemical free cigarettes with him, Nadia describes them as 'healthy cigarettes.'

Makosi feels stressed by all the colours and how busy the house. Preston thinks it looks like a tv studio. Nadia is flattered to have been asked, as is Preston and Makosi. Makosi thinks all the ex housemates deserve  to be involved, Preston says not the crap ones but doesnt name a crap one.

In the kitchen Brian is telling Ulrika who Makosi is and what she is like. She thinks Makosi and Coolio know each other.

In the living area Coolio is asking Chantelle about starting a family. And now she wants to eat some more food due to being on a diet for 2 weeks.
Night I will be off soon back to work in the morning.

Preston thinks that the housemates are a good bunch and he was worried about John but he seems fine and less of a misogynist.

In the garden Nikki and John are talking about gambling addictions.

And back in the bedroom Preston is saying he enjoyed this years BB and thinks that BB can throw all sorts of things at them. Makosi asks what happened to Corin.
Josie asks Nick if she can borrow a cigarette.

He tells her not to listen to anything that the other say about John James.

 She says she wont let anyone slag off her HMs.

Nick tells her he has been writing about BB since the start of the series and tipped her for the final.

They go outside , John gets up and gives 'Bristols' his seat. He says that all the people he was in the house with were terrible. Preston says he had Maggot and John describes him as a character.

Josie is dying to see John James. Preston makes a comment about him having a new girlfriend by then. Then they are talking about the other day when they got their hair done and all the stuff that happened that day.
Nadia is sitting with her legs crossed. Her skirt is very short.

John asks Nick who was in his year. Preston didnt watch it till the year after. His dad is 76 and he is a huge BB fan.

John says he has been asked to go in the jungle but has always turned it down. He thinks the tasks shouldnt be awful and once someone walks BB have won, then he starts slagging John James off for being a cry baby.

John again said Josie was nicest person in the house, Josie is embarrassed and Nadia tells her if someone compliments you just say thank you and dont make excuses.

John runs John James down a bit more.
Thanks Soozy Only for 17 days

I just got in from work and Nadia Preston and Chantelle are in the (not sure where it is actually is it the bathroom or some sort of dressing area?) talking about hair, hair products, the fact that Nadia's hair 'is really fick innit', Chantelle loving Nadia's big Playboy sunglasses (Chantelle didnt bring any sunglasses in 'didnt even fink to be honest'.)

Nikki is eating and telling Makosi she can only drive and automatic and Makosi also can only drive an automatic.

It is interrupted  by Makosi telling Nadia her dress is too short and that she should wear tights with it. (It looks like a long t shirt)

The Nikki expressing surprise that Anthony isnt in the house. Makosi tells her that her 'who is she' was legendary and Nikki says she should have copyrighted it. 

Nikki is twiddling with her hair and my dinner is ready. Probably be back later on depending on if I get a bit of work done.
BB called the HMs to the sofa, and McCrirrick started going on and on and on about Chantelle and Preston gerring back together and recreating their honeymoon in Morocca. Makosi pointed out that Preston has a GF, and then Chantelle stated to cry - Josie took her out of the way, then Preston went to see what was wrong and Chantelle said she just got upset. John has gone and apologised for making her cry, she is adamant it wasnt anything he said.

Back the the sofas Makosi wonders if it was her mentioning the girlfriend that made her cry.
The cupboard asks John how he is finding being nice. John says he has been humiliated. The drawers say he hasnt smoothed things over and cant help sticking his gnarly oar in.
John says no more messing with the nominations etc.

The drawers say he has to go complimental now. John is arguing with the drawers, he says he has done the deal, deal done.

The drawers say 'Listen Womble I make the rules'.

John tells the drawers to shut up and walks off. The drawers say John will experience the ful wrath if he doesnt do what he wants, he says John got his paper so he has to go complimental.
John says he has fulfilled his part if the deal and the drawers said no interference with nominations or votes if he complied. John says he humiliated himself and he wont do it anymore. The there is a sound dip, John storms off and the drawers shout 'filthy mouth' after him.
Back in the living room Brian, Makosi and Nadia are talking about how their perceptions of people have changed - ie Nasty Nick is really nice. The John comes in tells Makosi how intelligent she is then goes on to tell her why she didnt win and Anthony did.

Then it shifts to a discussion about how the lay the table.
Josie goes outside and asks Preston if Chantelle is ok. He says he thinks so but that people seem to think it is ok to talk about 'it'. Josie says Chantelle is a sweet little thing, and that she didnt want to fuss over her too much and make her more upset.

She says she feels the same as Chantelle the way that people keep rubbishing her and John James, Preston and Nick tell her to take no notice and Preston thinks it's gone on too far now.
Josie worries that John James might start dressing like John Mc and calling her the Booby.
The she tells a story about John James and JJ dressing as Batman and Robin or something.

John goes out now and is complaining about it being wet, and then he starts apologising to Preston for his behaviour earlier and upsetting Chantelle (apparently it is their wedding anniversay or something).

Preston says that he and Chantelle dont feel arkward and John thinks this is tremendous and not many other couples could do that.
Nikki and Ulrika are in the bedroom talking about hair extentions. Nikki would never get them they ruin your hair, Nikki's hair is all her own work.

The discuss various bad hair habits (ripping hair out, hair twiddling etc)

Ulrika told her son he would go bald if he didnt stop twiddling his hair. He has very think hair because 'his dad is Mick Jagger'

And now all of a sudden Nikki is crying about over whelmed and it is so hard not to be upset as everyone expects it of her and Ulrika goes to give her a hug and sob sob overwhelmed and everyone is lovely and I feel alone and over whelmed.....
Ulrika says it is when it goes quiet you feel a bit flat (and then my bloody internet dipped again)
Chantelle is telling Makosi about her sun bed habit and they head into the lounge and Makosi says to Josie that 'somebody looks tired'. Josie says she is always tired after eating.

In the bedroom Ulrika is still comforting Nikki and they are talking about Josie and Nikki whispers 'it must be must harder for her' and Nikki says she thinks each day will get easier. Ulrika says she gets panicky about how she will cope with everyday and she hopes it will get easier. Ulrika hated staying ay other peoples houses as a child, her father farmed her out a lot. 
Nikki has mascara all down her face.
Brian is sacred of Bob Righter. ANd now they are talking about the robot, Josie says she was scared of the robot.

Chantelle wants to know fi she imagined BB saying that they would get a drink tonight.
Bedroom - Nikki is now inconsolable and someone has spoken to her in a way she doesnt like and Ulrika says she should tell him. Ulrika says loads of people love adore her outside and she is very special to be back in and remember all your good times and mad moments (Nikki whispers a tearful 'who is she').

Garden - John, Coolio and Preston talk about music in New Orleans.
Brian is rummaging through Nikkis bag and examining the stacks and stacks of waxing strips she has brought into the house. Nikki is doing that tired pathetic little whisper voice.

He started to suggest waxing John but the sound dipped.

It's pissing it down where they are again.

Nick is explaining to the others about the Back to Reality show he did with an indoor house.
Brian tells Nikki that the first day is over. She says the first day was the worst day last times.

She wonders if there will be an eviction on Friday, Brian isnt sure as they havent nominated yet, unless they are all up. Nikki doesnt think that will happen so soon.

He comments that she doesnt wear much make up and asks if she likes getting her make up done. She likes the end result but hates people touching her face.

In the lounge they are discussing if it is too early to go to 8 pm. They are all complaining about the sheets.
Nikki would like the see Brian in panto but she will be in Austrailia. Brian is dressing Nikki up in her necklace using it as a belt and then a Jodie Marsh style bra. He is now admiring her dresses. Asks if she has an eviction dress, but I think she said she didnt.

Preston comes in to the dressing room and the tell him how blind he is.
Preston thinks that John felt really bad after what he said to set Chantelle off. Brian thinks he may have learned his lesson last time. Preston thinks that they havent made friends based on age groups, in his one it was old and young. Craig thinks they had a lot of group in his one.

Now Nikki is telling them about her coat hanger issue.

Chantelle and Nadia are talking and Maderia, Nadia would feel like she was going backwards if she went back there and has been in the UK for 14 years.
Chantelle tells Nadia if she was at home she would fine on this day. 2 years ago she was in Spain on this day and felt weird...

jumps to bedroom..where Preston has told the others that Pete Burns got up at 5 am every morning to put his slap on and BB werent allowed to show it and that Pete and Barrymore lasted on 2 hours a day.

Some one is being sick or has the runs or something and Nikki is blaming herself for the chicken.

Now they are talking about Barrymore - Preston says he was 'on' constantly in the house.
I am not sure what the problem with the chicken is but Nikki was talking about washing it

Nikki has just told Makosi that she 'washes an awful lot'. Makosi says she showers twice a day - Nikki says that is so good. 

Nadia is considering a shower and thinks the water pressure will help her cabin fever. She thanks Makosi for inspiring her.
It's not like I have anything else to do

Josie comes out the DR and says that BB have get her make up case for her. Nick wants to know how BB sound, do they sound bored with them all yet?

Now they discuss with Ulrika how weird it is talking to BB with all the long pauses.

Nick and Ulrika are now giving Josie 'lessons in media' to teach her how to answer difficult questions.

Nick asks Ulrika 'Is it appropriate to leave your kids to go in the house?'

Ulrika says 'I am being paid to do a job and would you ask me that if I was a man'.

 They are telling her that she doesnt have to answer all the questions and dont give too much away at press conferences when you can hold stuff back and sell it to the highest bidder.
At the sofas Ulrika is having a bit of a go about Coolio...Nick is not sure about that 'casting'.

Josie says that Nadia and John upset her today talking about John James (stream keeps sticking).

Nick tells Josie it doesnt matter what people think it is what they do. Ulrika says this is a good lesson for Josie to learn that people will comment on her relationship but she has the right to keep it private and the only people who can comment are her girlfriends.

Ulrika says it must be awful not to know what is going on outside.
Josie thinks they will bring Sam Pepper back in, so does Preston.

Josie wants to see him bring Coolio down. Ncik doesnt think that that would happen, says those boys are quite vocal.

They think something will happen to shake things up, Nick says 'but this is meant to be a celebration' and Preston says 'yes but what is it a celebration of'.

John seems to have gone missing. They dont seem to be saving him any drink on the grounds that he 'probably only drinks sherry or port' (neither of which Nikki or Brian knows  what it is).

Josie seems to have collapsed on the bathroom floor and is making a loud clicky noise that hurts my ears.

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