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What a breath of fresh air. No swearing. No arguing. No goading. Nobody stalking around the house intent on upsetting people. Josie looks positively glowing for the first time in several weeks. Just five generally high-spirited personalities smiling and laughing together.

Call it boring if you want, but I've had enough of the fighting. I've had several weeks of it and that became boring. Roll on the happy times to see us out.

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i give up for a simple i want josie to win?.yes.i've supported her throughout....will i throw my toys out of the pram and claim it was rigged or somehow fixed say if jj2 won?........or dave?.no.....if jj2 wins or dave wins its cos the MAJORITY of the viewing public chose them to win..its a game show......i really don't understand the hysterical 'its not fair' when your favourite gets thrown out..i've defended josie.....i've criticised other h/mates..but i really won't throw a hissy fit and sulk if she doesn't win
I'm with you Spongey...    our fave got evicted tonight ...  but tonight has been fab.   It was exciting... I thought all the evictions & interviews went well...     Yeah I would choose a different set of final housemates, (though Josie would still be in there for me)...  and yeah, I have half wanted Josie to win for a while now...   (though a part of me would have loved to have seen Sam in the All Stars)

the travesty was that it was a vote to evict... we all know that...  

but tonight has still been good!

So.... up til now...  I am still loving this big brother

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