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Reading on DS, JJ had a go at Ben for not caring about Keely, although he had been with her and they asked him when he was going to start on tea. He got up and later put cucumber on his eyes and JJ said he should be with his friend,  I think Ben had said Josie isn't with Keely or something like that and JJ started sticking up for Josie not sitting with Keely Then Dave and Andrew stuck their oar in saying Ben was nasty to JJ, that's about all I managed to pick up 

Just 2 minutes ago on live feed, Josie told him he needs help Baz He said he's got to be proven right at all times and keeps them so he can prove people wrong if they can't remember what they have said...I think he's just weird !
Who in their right mind would date a man like him? I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole He is positively barking.

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