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I'm interested in how the election campaigns have been run in your area.

It's a bit boring around our way as it's a safe seat. I wanted people round my door to argue with!

The only party that has been clearly visable, mostly through posters and signs errected in the odd field, have been the Conservatives. As they're guaranteed a win here tomorrow I find that a bit odd. Where's everyone else? Has everyone else given up?

But after weeks of seeing blue posters I finally saw my first red one this morning on the way to work ...... cue stereo cheering from my car.

My son made me giggle by noting that the conservative billboards were in the farmers fields and the labour one was on a bit of inner-town wasteland

My only other encounter with the election locally has been the two leaflets through my Lib Dem (with a veeery nice pic of Mr Clegg on the front ).....and one UKIP (which went in the litter tray).

I'm moving to somewhere more exciting before the next election

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I think that they are all on holiday in Spain.
Pretending they're still stranded because of the ash?

We did have a BNP leaflet through the door about a month ago..... it came while I was at work. If I'd been in, I'd have chased them down the street and shoved it back at them! I felt abused just seeing it on my mat.
Ours is a forest of orange Captain After 95 years of being a Tory safe seat , we managed to kick them out last election, so don't give up hope Ducky
Awww.... I would like to see a forest of orange! So much prettier than red or blue.

Wow... that's quite impressive Muf. I don't think it could happen around here just yet. The conservative candidate has a lot of respect, and to be fair to him he does a good job for the community. He lives locally and most of the other candidates live elsewhere, which I don't think helps.
It's the same here ducky - a Tory safe seat and funnily enough it's the same here - all Conservative signs everywhere and I think one liberal and one Labour were spotted here today!!!!  We have only received a UKIP leaflet (no others) and there was a loudspeaker going the other day, but didn't come down our lane and although I strained to hear it, couldn't - so it could have been Tesco for all I know.  It was about a mile away I should imagine.
We have only received a UKIP leaflet (no others) and there was a loudspeaker going the other day, but didn't come down our lane and although I strained to hear it, couldn't - so it could have been Tesco for all I know.
I did see a UKIP member giving our leaflets at Tesco the other day, now you mention those two in the same sentence He was a right scruffy git though..... I like to see them make a bit of an effort.
1 Labour leaflet, 1 BNP leaflet.  Nothing else. AT ALL.

No canvassers, no posters in windows. Nothing. You wouldn't even know there was an election.

They usually put more effort into the council elections (and that's half hearted) than this...yet they'll have each others eyes out to get on bloody allotment/parks and gardens committees.
We've had at least 10 leaflets from the Lib Dems and Conservatives, three from Labour, and one each from the Green Party and UKIP.  We've had two of our local Conservative councillors canvassing, and a Labour Party representative.  Our current MP is the loathsome Tessa Jowell; she had a big majority last time, but it's not looking as though her seat is quite as safe as she would liketo think.  Everywhere round here is awash with LibDem posters,with quite a few Conservative as well.  But so far, I've only seen three Labour Party posters in this constituency.
The only party that has been clearly visable, mostly through posters and signs errected in the odd field, have been the Conservatives. As they're guaranteed a win here tomorrow I find that a bit odd.
Same here. I've had two pamphlets from the Green party, (which doesn't strike me as very green!) one from Labour and one from Mr. Hague.
Wonder if it's the same in most safe seats then Ducky, they probably think they'll be wasting their resources.
I was wondering the same Leccy....and judging by some of the replies in here I think that must be the case.

I think then need to think more long term (especially in the event of a hung parliament)...nothing will ever change in a safe seat if they don't even try! Slowly slowly catchy monkey and all that.
Driving round I have seen about twenty "Liberal Democrats winning here" placards...  saw my first "Bernard Jenkins, Conservative" poster today (that was actually in my village... which I think he pretty much has stitched up).... and I haven't seen any labour... but I haven't seen any UKIP or BNP either.

Had two flyers through the door.... One for Bernard (I just think of Nursey out of Black Adder) & one for our LIb Dem Candidate....

they were both crap!

Bernards had three bullet points.. two dissing labour and the final one said "Lets make britain great"

the lib dem one looked alot like the village newletter!
Of the 2 leaflets we've had the Labour one was ok actually (the other one was, well not even worth the paper it was written on)

It was "introducing" him for want of a better word, highlighted a few Labour achievements then said things he wanted to do for the area.  Nice things, about pensioners etc but I still can't see what was local about was just "Under Labour's bla bla bla".  I'd have liked to see a bit more constituency specific stuff. 

There wasn't any "OH TORIES are EVILLLLLLLLLL" messages on it.

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