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Anyone ever been?

Just wondering what people think of it as I'm meant to be going there in the new year. We were gonna do Amsterdam for obvious reasons, but been there, done that, done them, got the t-shirt (i really have), so fancied somewhere different and older and we thought of Germany and then thought of Köln as it's known locally.

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No, not been. It's pretty much the only main european country I haven't been. My mates have been before but never to Koln, we just want something a bit different to the usual Amsterdam, Prague places of this world, y'know.
Crunchy  Nuts
Last edited by Crunchy Nuts
The cathedral alone is worth a visit. How it ever managed to withstand the 1000 bomber blitz on Cologne is a mystery. Cologne has a really old part which is close to the river and is chock a block with restaurants and pubs. I'm sure you will enjoy it.
cologne 1
Been stacks of times, in fact I'll be there on Thursday. The Dom is well worth a visit. Have a walk across the Hohenzollern bridge. Visit the beer factory. Avoid anyone selling the local beer since 0.2 is never enough.
Garage Joe

I went to Cologne in 1984, we took a cruiser down from Dusseldorf on a beautifully warm Easters day


Lovely city with a wonderful Cathedral that was absolutely freezing inside if memory serves me right  .




Ensign Muf

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