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I hate him!  He's a sociopath and establishment lackey.

Staunch Labour from a teenager in the 80s.

Remember, he was the one who chucked previously offence-free teenagers in jail for months (as the establishment's example) for stealing bottles of mineral water during riots, for his Tory masters as DPP.

I won't vote Labour with that red Tory liar and backstabber in charge.  If the Tories win the next election, so be it.

Last edited by Carnelian
@Carnelian posted:

I hate him!  He's a sociopath and establishment lackey.

Staunch Labour from a teenager in the 80s.

Remember, he was the one who chucked previously offence-free teenagers in jail for months (as the establishment's example) for stealing bottles of mineral water during riots, for his Tory masters as DPP.

I won't vote Labour with that red Tory liar and backstabber in charge.  If the Tories win the next election, so be it.

I'm the same. I'm not voting any mainstream party.

@Carnelian posted:

I hate him!  He's a sociopath and establishment lackey.

Staunch Labour from a teenager in the 80s.

Remember, he was the one who chucked previously offence-free teenagers in jail for months (as the establishment's example) for stealing bottles of mineral water during riots, for his Tory masters as DPP.

I won't vote Labour with that red Tory liar and backstabber in charge.  If the Tories win the next election, so be it.

That's stretching it. No more Tory misrule. None.


That's stretching it. No more Tory misrule. None.

Can't stand him Velvet.  I don't want him to be PM.  Him being PM will endorse his factional hatred of the left and reward him for ostracising and vilifying the left.  He and his New New Labour cronies are the same as the Tories.  They will start off less corrupt but since they share the same rotten politics and self-service as the Tories will end up being just as corrupt as the Tories.

Tory misrule, incompetence and corruption have been next level but all they've done is set the rotten standard that Starmer, Reeves, Nandy, Streeting and Kendle, will happily follow.

I'd rather there be a government of neoliberal self-serving crooks that I didn't vote for than one I did vote for.


I've come to the conclusion I don't like him either Carnelian. Can't answer a straight question. He's gloriously gonna "reform". The new mantra - get onboard or you're out. Hope that North of Tyne Mayor wins the rejuggle as an indie.

He's banking on winning by default because the tories are that bad. Not a good look. Neither are your "associates" Keir - deffo not to be trusted. Can you not think for youself? Eh, no. You can't. Payback the knighthood.


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