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Originally posted by Bovrilking:
Originally posted by Angel of the North:
And there was me thinking I'd be in the minority Red Face

Nah not at all lass, i think they are a waste of time and some look at it like a competition.

New forum and we have all joined at the same time, everything is fresh, so lets get rid of post counts.

All for no karma or stars. At best it won't make anyone seem overly 'important' at worst it will prevent spamming to get your post count up. I'd happily have no post count too btw.
I vote for some sort of Karma system.

Me Reasons are

If it weren’t for you guy’s who post throughout the year, the forum I don’t think would have been as successful as it was. Up until recently I only went on C4 BB when it was on, as soon as the winner was announced I was off until the following year like a lot of FM’s. It was only after CBB 6, I used to poke my head in for a quick peep and the very rare odd post.

If it weren’t for you guy’s posting throughout the year the forum would have closed without any of us being aware of it. I would have just logged on at the start of BB10 and found you all gone.

That’s all I have to say.
Originally posted by tupps:
My vote is no karma titles and stars.

As much as I have loved giving birth to each and everyone of my sparklies, I remember back to my first days on C4 and how intimidating they can appear to newbies.

to be quite honest if you get intimidated by anothe rusers stars it's pathetic, when I first joined C4 forums and users had 60,000 or more posts I looked up to them and wanted to follow in ther footsteps, don't be so silly suggesting to get rid of karma title, at the end of the day why would anyone in their right mind get intimidated by just a number like please
Originally posted by old grumpy:
Originally posted by PuppyDooDoo:
I'd really like a karma system, I loved earning my stars and will miss getting them if we don't have one.

I like the star system too. Smiler

Yep it makes everything way more fun and magical, it was the biggest and greatest thing about the C4 Forums and imo is why the C4 Forums were so popular, why do you think there were so many people posting in the games forum over there.

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