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What's notable is that this is in a non-Desmond rag. If the other tabloids are starting to take an interest again, that in itself might improve matters.


Part of the problem with the main show since C5 took over is that there's no money out there. BB contestants are contractually obliged to do interviews etc with Desmond papers and magazines, and they don't get paid for it (I'm not sure if they get expenses though), Other papers then won't interview them because they can't get in first and it's seen as advertising a Desmond show. Aaron said that - at the time - he saw the BB12 prize fund split as a sign that HMs weren't making any money on the outside. Perhaps we'll see more publicity for the show this year, which will in turn encourage the HMs...


I'm still debating whether I'll watch this year without live feed, though...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

What's notable is that this is in a non-Desmond rag. If the other tabloids are starting to take an interest again, that in itself might improve matters.


Part of the problem with the main show since C5 took over is that there's no money out there. BB contestants are contractually obliged to do interviews etc with Desmond papers and magazines, and they don't get paid for it (I'm not sure if they get expenses though), Other papers then won't interview them because they can't get in first and it's seen as advertising a Desmond show. Aaron said that - at the time - he saw the BB12 prize fund split as a sign that HMs weren't making any money on the outside. Perhaps we'll see more publicity for the show this year, which will in turn encourage the HMs...


I'm still debating whether I'll watch this year without live feed, though...

See you in the highlight show thread!

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

See you in the highlight show thread!


I have to admit that this forum was the only thing that made the first couple of weeks of BB13 bearable for me (and it really was bloody hard going at times - possibly my most unremittingly miserable BB viewing experience over all 13 years   )


I've pretty much decided that I'll watch the launch show, weigh up the changes and then decide whether I'll watch the rest of the series. However my biggest concern of the show on C5 remains the (IMO) excessive viewer manipulation, and without Live Feed I stil doubt that's surmountable...

Eugene's Lair

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