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Today I lost my virginity. It wasn't what I expected, but here's my take on it...

Walked into the place where you go to do it, was greeted by 2 old women who went 'Here's a handsome young lad'

I then got told to go down a corridor, so I did...
I then came into a big room where there was a Kelly Osbourne lookalike sitting behind a deck, I handed her my card, she ticked me off, gave me 2 pieces of paper and told me which box I've got to do it in and said put it in the slot when you've finished.

So then I went to the box and that's when it got confusing, I looked at the papers and they were full of names I'd never heard of, so I thought I'll just ticked the box beside the badges of the party i wanted to vote for on both, but then I thought do I tick it or cross it, so I read an intstruction sign in the box and it didn't say, so I just guessed and put a cross beside them.

Once I was done, I came out of the box and Miss Osbourne said thankyou, and I left the room, went past the old women again who were talking to more old women and again called me a beautiful young lad (they so wanted me).

So yeah that was the story of my first time

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