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All the traits he has shown in the series like over reacting, hypervigilance, anger, obsessiveness, unforgiving, neediness, volatile emotions, inability to see his own responsibility, even getting on a plane from Ozzie to be on the show - these are all symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder.

If it is that, his father`s sudden violent death would have exacerbated any underlying symptoms. 

Most people with BPD are difficult to treat, but it is a recognised mental illness and I doubt whether the BB psychological scanning would have picked it up. Lots of us have it to some degree but in some it totally overwhelms their lives.

If it is BPD, he is really suffering constantly.

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Hand on heart, I haven't a clue as to whether the guy is mentally ill or just a nasty, rotten to the core spoiled brat. Whilst I loathe him, in all honestly I'm not qualified to state what condition his brain is at medically, and geninley couldn't  with any accuracy, speculate.
What I do know is that he is one of the most, deeply unpleasant young men I have ever had the misfortune to see on my tv and after tonight, I hope never to see him again.

Hand on heart, I haven't a clue as to whether the guy is mentally ill or just a nasty, rotten to the core spoiled brat. Whilst I loathe him, in all honestly I'm not qualified to state what condition his brain is at medically, and geninley couldn't with any accuracy, speculate. What I do know is that he is one of the most, deeply unpleasant young men I have ever had the misfortune to see on my tv and after tonight, I hope never to see him again.
Senora Reyes
Reference: Fairfax
Hand on heart, I haven't a clue as to whether the guy is mentally ill or just a nasty, rotten to the core spoiled brat. Whilst I loathe him, in all honestly I'm not qualified to state what condition his brain is at medically, and geninley couldn't with any accuracy, speculate. What I do know is that he is one of the most, deeply unpleasant young men I have ever had the misfortune to see on my tv and after tonight, I hope never to see him again
 He's a hateful horror of a human being, whatever his problem is. BPD doesn't automatically turn the sufferer into an arse.
He's a control freak who always has to be right and have the last word, and if things aren't going according to his script, he runs away to somewhere that he feels safe and in control.

That is all that's wrong with him.

I found it funny when he was arguing with Sam on Crab costume day, and when JJ2 challenged him as well, he got up from his laying down position and stood at the highest point of the poolside and raised his voice to carry on the argument.
He was making himself look bigger, like a cat does when it feels threatened.
Skylark - BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder - I didn`t mean to confuse it with Bi-Polar.

There was even more evidence for it tonight when he said he doesn`t deserve to be in BB - this is another common trait of BPDs - they honestly don`t feel they deserve anything, particularly money.

Another thing they do is sabotage everything that goes right for them, which he has done.

Before I worked in mental health, I just thought Borderlines were horrible people - they are so difficult to deal with and their families and relationships suffer.  But it is an illness. 

I think Josie (and others) have seen his vulnerability.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
I think you may be right to an extent. I believe I have a mild form of BPD and went through phases of being a nightmare myself.

As I've got older it seems to have pretty much gone but i can still revert in difficult situations.

If he does suffer with BPD I may have a tiny weeny bit of sympathy for him as it is horrible and it is barely recognised by doctors in this country who will just palm you off with anti-depressants but it does not excuse all of his behaviour.
Reference: Ah well - I`m obviously wasting my knowledge on people who have absolutely no understanding of mental illnesses. are you referring to me because  you post was under my post, if you were you are sadly mistaken
Not particularly you Dame Anne - but I thought you said he`s suffering from nowt but being a tosspot which would lead me to believe you wouldn`t entertain the possibility he had a mental illness.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Keen Viewer you said "LOL! Most people with mental illness are not selectively abusive and threatening..." People with Borderline Personality Disorder most definitely are and that`s why they are the most difficult patients to treat.
It's an interesting discussion Jeggo. I have real difficulty colluding with BB's refusal to challenge this loathsome man on his behaviour, and I also think it's important to keep a balance. Perhaps your diagnosis is correct, on the other hand he might just be a nasty piece of work.
Not particularly you Dame Anne - but I thought you said he`s suffering from nowt but being a tosspot which would lead me to believe you wouldn`t entertain the possibility he had a mental illness.

I don't think he is to be honest, I just think he's a mummy's lad who has got through life being patted on the head. To me it;' that simple, maybe I'm wrong, but mental illness is something I've had to deal with in different forms and they have all my empathy, I have none for John James.

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