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Insignificant Temps Tale:-

When we were small my folks used to bring us to Mass and afterwards we would go around the church grounds collecting conkers.  I used to love it and when my sister was born I always swore when she was old enough, I'd bring her down to the Church (our family had long since given up the Mass thing by the time she came along ) and do likewise with her.  She's 20 next month and I haven't brought her once

I think when I call today, I'll dig her out of her pit, hungover and panda-eye-city and drag her down to the church

And no, I'm not pro, I always got my fingers whacked
I hope you're keeping those conkers away from kids? Government said they are dangerous.
There will be a health warning on encouraging / sanctioning the use of imaginary friends next; then where will I be?

They cut down all the horse chestnut trees in my local park. I swear it was just to stop the kids throwing sticks up at the branches to get conkers (not sure if this was driven by risk aversion or the need to pay gardeners to clean up the leaves).
subatomic partygirl
Temps 172 Forum Posts Today at 08:58 (Edited: ) Reference: There will be a health warning on encouraging / sanctioning the use of imaginary friends next; then where will I be? This isn't such a bad niece's Space Unihorn keeps robbing all the kit-kats
I feel ya  

Funny how IBF's are all so greedy and / or untidy and / or destructive, eh? When my son was four, his was into wall art. Big time. Never caught 'him' though (to the point I began to grip on reality). 
subatomic partygirl
Funny how IBF's are all so greedy and / or untidy and / or destructive, eh? When my son was four, his was into wall art. Big time. Never caught 'him' though (to the point I began to grip on reality).
  it's actually a bit disturbing when you hear them talk about them first....when my niece first mentioned Lila I didn't know what the hell she was talking about...I was driving the car and she started talking about this Unihorn with a multicoloured tail (unihorn not unicorn because she has one horn ), I asked if she was from a TV prog she said no...she's sitting beside me now
it's actually a bit disturbing when you hear them talk about them first....when my niece first mentioned Lila I didn't know what the hell she was talking about...I was driving the car and she started talking about this Unihorn with a multicoloured tail (unihorn not unicorn because she has one horn ), I asked if she was from a TV prog she said no...she's sitting beside me now

Heheheh. Your niece sounds like a total poppet and eminently wise (they *should* be called unihorns!). Betcha checked to see if it was there?
subatomic partygirl

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