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but I hope some of you still remember me. Been rather busy recently and havent been on here for a couple of months and somehow when you don't come on for a while you seem to get out of the habit.

Then I heard (just as I had got used to living without it) that BB is returning and it reminded me of all you lovely people on here. So hello everyone and I'll try to return regularly now.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks for the welcome back guys. (Can't wave as I can no longer see half of the smilies on here)


Seeing those red crosses in a box again and I've tried the thing which cured it the last time and it doesn't work any more.


Hi Ditty - going through it all again this year with my younger son - even more nervous this time as I know how awful it was the last time, and competition seems even more fierce this year.

He's still trying to decide on firm and back up choices so that is our first Easter holiday project.

Has Ditty Daughter decided yet?

Originally Posted by Moomin:

Thanks for the welcome back guys. (Can't wave as I can no longer see half of the smilies on here)


Seeing those red crosses in a box again and I've tried the thing which cured it the last time and it doesn't work any more.


Hi Ditty - going through it all again this year with my younger son - even more nervous this time as I know how awful it was the last time, and competition seems even more fierce this year.

He's still trying to decide on firm and back up choices so that is our first Easter holiday project.

Has Ditty Daughter decided yet?


ohhh yes...  


she wants Imperial..    she has had an offer..   A*  A*  A       She's been plagued by glandular fever since September..   missed a lot of school (about a term in total I reckon)..     is back on track again now...  but still relapsing when the stress gets too much.


Prob is though she got an offer from Manchester, she doesn't like the course there...    UCL rejected her, and her other offer was from Bath.


We are in the middle of a discussion by email with Imperial at the moment...    I think she needs to defer for a year,   to get her health sorted out..    



Welcome back Moomin


Over the past few months I have been going through my late parents' books taking the ones I was interested in. It was quite a long job, as they had some 3,000 books. I left a lot behind in the house, and the people who are buying the house (who I have known for years) were happy to deal with clearing these.


When I went round the other day, they had virtually finished clearing these books (passing them on to charity shops) and I noticed they had kept one or two books for themselves.


One of these was The Exploits of Moominpappa .

El Loro

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