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I'm pretty much speechless! I think we were all able to forgive Whittingdale his faux pas. After all most of the red blooded males on here will have at some time walked out with a lady who we later discovered to be a dominatrix or the type of prostitute who might  insert foreign bodies into well known actors. I know I have.

Fancy carrying on as Murdoch's useful idiot and continuing to attack our BBC though!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

velvet donkey posted:
Roger the Alien posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Graeme Le Saux who is a panelist on Sky News dire The Pledge?

I haven't seen it Velvet  

I avoid Sky News in case Kay Burley is on - she gives me the heeby jeebies   

She's from a council estate dontcha you    


In the comments Liz Murdochs only MP friend on FB is Whittingdale.


Cinds posted:
Roger the Alien posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Graeme Le Saux who is a panelist on Sky News dire The Pledge?

I haven't seen it Velvet  

I avoid Sky News in case Kay Burley is on - she gives me the heeby jeebies   

I feel the urge to post the pic of the 'sadness in his eyes' dog.

 ROFL Cinds I'd forgotten that. Truly the pits !


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