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Neither of us have backed up sufficient numbers of our 'phone photos to download this exciting new product, however it now resides on our iPads.

Yesterday Mrs Jer started moaning on about not being able to access various sites which I was able to join. After demonstrating they worked I suddenly realised that she saves passwords on her machines. I was gobsmacked!
Mine are all in a little book and then they aren't written down but alluded too using code and abbreviations. Things that Mrs Jer, a keen code breaker, could guess if anything happened to me.
I can't decide if I'm being over cautious or she is being irresponsible.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don't have an iphone or ipad but do save passwords on my desktop puter.. have an android phone and created a specific gmail account just to get to the play store for some free apps and save the password on the phone but never use it for anything other than the fact you need a gmail account for an android phone. . wouldn't do any buying/banking or anything involving paying for stuff on a phone or tablet. . if it's something you take out and about with you and could get lost or stolen then no way I'd save a password on it. .


My desktop is a bit heavy to carry around so am not so worried about saving passwords on that


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I don't have an iphone or ipad but do save passwords on my desktop puter.. have an android phone and created a specific gmail account just to get to the play store for some free apps and save the password on the phone but never use it for anything other than the fact you need a gmail account for an android phone. . wouldn't do any buying/banking or anything involving paying for stuff on a phone or tablet. . if it's something you take out and about with you and could get lost or stolen then no way I'd save a password on it. .


My desktop is a bit heavy to carry around so am not so worried about saving passwords on that


There are some strong tea leafs about today Olly  


I'm not strong enough to pop my desktop in my handbag Moonie..


Only leave the house a few hours a month in total and that is in the daytime when my neighbours are about so pretty sure they'd spot someone coming out with my desktop... do have a lappy as well but don't take that anywhere either


[crossing fingers and touching wood so as not to tempt fate tho ]


I'm also very naughty and use the same password for loads of things, with slight variations at the end where they want 8 characters with numbers. . but, even then I forget what the end bits are on some places hence saving them on PC/lappy. .no point keeping a separate list, I'd have no idea where I'd have put it as memory is so bad nowadays..



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

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