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Hi Moomin, there was a thread here about it yesterday but I've no idea where it went to


Anyway, yes, it's an awful video and I feel so sorry for the little one who is sitting on the vile woman's knee.  As someone said yesterday, he seems to be more than used to the ranting of his mother (if she is his mother) and it's not fazing him at all


Yes this is an absolute disgrace.  The woman in question has now been arrested for her appalling behaviour... and quite rightly so.  If you ask me, the woman seems stoned..  The thing is; this little lad has this putrid creature for a mother, and will possibly grow up with the same views.  The EDL are very proud of her though, and think she is a good ambassador for them.  Just goes to show what kind of people support the EDL.  


The thread that was here yesterday about this video, was put on by me, and it was starting to get a little out of hand, and I regretted putting the thread on: because threads about racism are always touchy, because people have so many differing views and say that there is two sides to everything and all that, and the conversation can get very heated...  Some people even think she had a point!  (not on here, but on the internet in general,) And so I made the decision to have it taken off, because I didn't want a thread I had started to get too out of hand.   (Hopefully this one goes well.)  


Take care everyone.  I need to go now...  I have work this afternoon, and then I'm going away for a couple of days this evening:  I'm staying with my friend from France who is staying in London for a few days..  So I probably won't have chance to come back on here for a few days.  Look after yourselves.  


I watched it this morning open mouthed. I think the people around her were very tolerant and she was very lucky not to have been attacked. The child never flinches through the entire thing so he must be so used to this kind of behavior I felt so sad for him. Shes been  arrested on suspicion of a racially-aggravated public order offence.

Last edited by longcat

I watched this open mouthed too. .struck me she is very dark herself . .almost Mediterranean in appearance.. so it made me laugh to think she's banging on about being English yet I bet her roots aren't..


if I'd been on the train I'd have shoved one of my Polish Kilbasa's right in her gob..  followed by a good lashing of cabbage and bacon from my Irish side..


Wonder what set her off tho. .seems weird the video starts with her ranting .. not that anything deserves that sort of vitriol  

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by longcat:

I watched it this morning open mouthed. I think the people around her were very tolerant and she was very lucky not to have been attacked. The child never flinches through the entire thing so he must be so used to this kind of behavior I felt so sad for him. Shes been  arrested on suspicion of a racially-aggravated public order offence.

Apart from the venom flowing from her mouth, that was the thing which I found most disturbing. Poor wee soul wasn't the least bit phased by her foul-mouthed ranting.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:



And she's not a one-off




They could almost be related!

I thought they were different views of the same person, at first.

That second one that Blizzie posted where she says you're in my country now - talk my f****g language - what's the betting that if she visited another country she's STILL expect them to talk her F*****g language?


I had hope that the one I posted was a one off - it clearly wasn't.

Originally Posted by Moomin:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I thought they were different views of the same person, at first.

That second one that Blizzie posted where she says you're in my country now - talk my f****g language - what's the betting that if she visited another country she's STILL expect them to talk her F*****g language?


I had hope that the one I posted was a one off - it clearly wasn't.

Fluffy - They could all be inbred sisters!


Moomin - Spot on. Really sad!


When I saw it originally on Facebook I assumed that it was a piece of experimental street theatre. Obviously not. One thing, though but, between ourselves we've given her unsavoury views a wider audience than she could have hoped for.

Fame at last!


The gadjie sat next to me at the Peterborough game would have given her a run for her money. One can't chose one's neighbours at away games.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by longcat:

I watched it this morning open mouthed. I think the people around her were very tolerant and she was very lucky not to have been attacked. The child never flinches through the entire thing so he must be so used to this kind of behavior I felt so sad for him. Shes been  arrested on suspicion of a racially-aggravated public order offence.

My daughter shown me this video this morning and i said the same as you, i was surprised the people around her didn't do anything too her, i also, like Jen thought she looked drunk

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I watched this open mouthed too. .struck me she is very dark herself . .almost Mediterranean in appearance.. so it made me laugh to think she's banging on about being English yet I bet her roots aren't..


if I'd been on the train I'd have shoved one of my Polish Kilbasa's right in her gob..  followed by a good lashing of cabbage and bacon from my Irish side..


Wonder what set her off tho. .seems weird the video starts with her ranting .. not that anything deserves that sort of vitriol  

  Blimey!  Remind me not to sit next to you on a train if you carry bags of cabbage and bacon around with you! 


What a terrible woman!  Must admit, I agree that it's a huge shock that someone didn't deck her.  If she came out with this shit in a pub in Croydon or Tottenham on a Friday night, she would be lucky to escape with her life. And I also feel for that poor child.

A few people on various message boards have been saying that people should be allowed views and opinions, and arresting people for giving views and 'gagging' people is a slippery slope, but there is a difference between 'having an opinion' and being plain rude and offensive.  This woman, like many bigoted folk, seems to be forgetting that a lot of Brits work overseas too, and whilst I think that many people would agree that the country can't take any more immigrants, it's very unfair to attack them in this way.

Moreover, I bet that many of the people on that tram were British, and were born here!  Also agree with what a few people have said, that she looked 'foreign' herself...  She actually looked Turkish to me!

Originally Posted by sparkles:

What a terrible woman!  Must admit, I agree that it's a huge shock that someone didn't deck her.  If she came out with this shit in a pub in Croydon or Tottenham on a Friday night, she would be lucky to escape with her life. And I also feel for that poor child.

A few people on various message boards have been saying that people should be allowed views and opinions, and arresting people for giving views and 'gagging' people is a slippery slope, but there is a difference between 'having an opinion' and being plain rude and offensive.  This woman, like many bigoted folk, seems to be forgetting that a lot of Brits work overseas too, and whilst I think that many people would agree that the country can't take any more immigrants, it's very unfair to attack them in this way.

Moreover, I bet that many of the people on that tram were British, and were born here!  Also agree with what a few people have said, that she looked 'foreign' herself...  She actually looked Turkish to me!

I`m sure she would be thrilled to hear that...

hope someone tells her 


TRAM bigot suspect Emma West wept uncontrollably yesterday after being charged with racially abusing passengers.


The mum of two, 34, was remanded in custody for her own protection until December 6 after it emerged she had received death threats.


Some 2.5million people have viewed the YouTube clip of a woman swearing on a South London tram with a child on her lap.


West, of New Addington, South London, did not enter a plea at Croydon Magistrates' Court.

Originally Posted by longcat:

TRAM bigot suspect Emma West wept uncontrollably yesterday after being charged with racially abusing passengers.


The mum of two, 34, was remanded in custody for her own protection until December 6 after it emerged she had received death threats.


Some 2.5million people have viewed the YouTube clip of a woman swearing on a South London tram with a child on her lap.


West, of New Addington, South London, did not enter a plea at Croydon Magistrates' Court.

GOOD. (to the bit bolded above!)


This age of being able to film people with your phone and suchlike is handy when it exposes vile racists like this.  What did the stupid bint expect to happen?!   Does she think she can get away with this kind of torrent of abuse aimed at innocent people?  (Although she probably WOULD have if nobody had filmed her.)  Thank goodness for modern technology: it's catching a LOT of people out of late: rioters, racism, and abuse of all kinds.


Death threats though?  I think people get a bit over zealous: like 'the cat in the wheelie bin' woman.  This woman off the tram deserves a rap on the knuckles and some kind of public abatement order, (or something similar,) but death?  No!!!  She is just a silly ignorant bint, but she doesn't deserve to die FFS.  Although I fear her life will never be the same again now.

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by longcat:

TRAM bigot suspect Emma West wept uncontrollably yesterday after being charged with racially abusing passengers.


The mum of two, 34, was remanded in custody for her own protection until December 6 after it emerged she had received death threats.


Some 2.5million people have viewed the YouTube clip of a woman swearing on a South London tram with a child on her lap.


West, of New Addington, South London, did not enter a plea at Croydon Magistrates' Court.

GOOD. (to the bit bolded above!)


This age of being able to film people with your phone and suchlike is handy when it exposes vile racists like this.  What did the stupid bint expect to happen?!   Does she think she can get away with this kind of torrent of abuse aimed at innocent people?  (Although she probably WOULD have if nobody had filmed her.)  Thank goodness for modern technology: it's catching a LOT of people out of late: rioters, racism, and abuse of all kinds.


Death threats though?  I think people get a bit over zealous: like 'the cat in the wheelie bin' woman.  This woman off the tram deserves a rap on the knuckles and some kind of public abatement order, (or something similar,) but death?  No!!!  She is just a silly ignorant bint, but she doesn't deserve to die FFS.  Although I fear her life will never be the same again now.

I don't know if you saw the case of the man who filmed his neighbour thumping his pet dog.Well the man got charged but now he is taking the neighbour to court for filming him without his knowledge. You can bet some lawyer will probably tell this loud mouthed bigot that she's got a case to sue as well.


I think the only reason someone didnt actually whack her one was they too felt sorry for the little boy. Shame she couldnt show the same respect for the other children on that tram.


Hats off to everyone on that tram who kept their cool must have been tough.


I agree that death treats are a bit much though, bet shes learnt her lesson now though!

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I think the only reason someone didnt actually whack her one was they too felt sorry for the little boy. Shame she couldnt show the same respect for the other children on that tram.


Hats off to everyone on that tram who kept their cool must have been tough.


I agree that death treats are a bit much though, bet shes learnt her lesson now though!


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